367. Spirit Art: Your Soul on Canvas - Joanna Vogel
Exploring the Spiritual Artistry of Joanna Vogel
I found episode 367 of Meditation Conversation truly fascinating, where I got to speak with a remarkable guest, Joanna Vogel. This Chicago-based artist has a story that dives deep into spirituality and art, making this episode a must-listen for anyone interested in transcending the ordinary.
An Artistic Journey Rooted in Spirituality
For Joanna, artistry is far more than a mere talent—it's a profound spiritual journey. Original…
335. How Painting in Turbulent Weather Awakened The Divine Within - Alexander Inchbald
Unveiling Spiritual Masterpieces with Alexander Inchbald
Episode 335 of the Meditation Conversation podcast is a special one, exploring where spirituality, creativity, and the human experience intersect. I thoroughly enjoyed the profound dialogue with Alexander Inchbald, a climate artist whose work and philosophy are reshaping our understanding of creativity and connection with nature. As a climate activist and the visionary behind the #MasterpieceMovement, Alexander has embark…
219. Writing as a Path to Awakening - Albert Flynn DeSilver
How can we use writing to start a spiritual awakening, and what are spiritual occurrences?
Can we be aware of more than just our own thoughts and feelings?
Words have the power to transform lives, and Albert Flynn DeSilver has been embodying that truth for decades. We discuss this thoroughly in episode 219.
Albert is an internationally published, award winning writer and Ted speaker. His latest book is Writing as a Path to Awakening. He has served as Marin County, California's ve…
203. Shamanic Family Living - The Sacred Family film
Carmen and Sergio are shamans in Peru, guiding seekers through a spiritual journey through ayahuasca ceremonies. They are also parents to three teenage children. The new documentary, The Sacred Family, follows Carmen, Sergio, and their children on a thousand mile road trip into the Amazon to find balance in their lives. Against the backdrop of honoring the sacredness to be found in life, the family also experiences the all-too-familiar encroachment of the addictions of modern life i…
202. Full Sight to Blind and Back Again - Vanessa Potter
Imagine living your life exactly as you are today, and suddenly over the course of three days your sight continually deteriorates until you are completely blind. As you and the doctors try to figure out what is happening, you realize you also cannot stand up; paralysis is now setting in.
This is what Vanessa Potter went through ten years ago. She went from a busy television producer to full-time healing from blindness and paralysis. She was able to overcome her health issues by imm…
188. Phenomenal Transformation - Timothy Stuetz
Decades ago Timothy Stuetz felt God was telling him he was on the wrong path, as two weeks into coming back into accounting work he found himself with a gun to his chest.
He spent his life following the breadcrumbs which were laid out for him from a benevolent force, leading him away from the hamster wheel of corporate life into meditation, hands-on healing, yoga, qi gong, tai chi, Reiki, and Quantum Energetics. Some of the topics we explore in this episode:
- How the 80+ childre…
182. Drawing Unknown Discarnate Spirits - Sunlight Oracle
Is your departed loved one connecting with you through art?
Does consciousness live on after death?
How can sobriety ignite a spiritual awakening?
Is mediumship a gift that can develop over time or are you simply born with it?
We discuss these questions and more in episode 182. Sunlight Oracle is a spirit artist and psychic medium based in Los Angeles. She reconnected with her mediumistic gifts after committing to a sober lifestyle. She now connects her clients to their loved on…
175. Awakening to Higher Consciousness - Adam Apollo
How can you experience your human energy body?
Are the chakras more than just spheres of energy along the spine, as is so often explained?
What does quantum entanglement have to do with spiritual awakening?
What role does DNA play apart from containing your ancestral lineage?
In this FASCINATING episode, Adam Apollo dives deeply into these questions and more. Adam has presented at the White House, the United Nations, and at international conferences and festivals. He is a wealt…
125. Crystals, Gemstones, and Spiritual Artisans - Pam Urbas and Andy Duchovnay
Tips for connecting with the right gemstones and crystals for you. Beautiful stories of finding amazing gemstones on hikes (with the help of cat friends!). Nurturing the art of spiritual craftsmanship across the world. All of this and more is explored on this episode with Pam Urbas and Andy Duchovnay.
Pam and Andy are spiritual partners, artisan healers, and owners of The Indigo Sanctuary. They are passionate about supporting and empowering others through their individual spiritual…
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