

219. Writing as a Path to Awakening - Albert Flynn DeSilver

Albert Flynn DeSilver

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How can we use writing to start a spiritual awakening, and what are spiritual occurrences?

Can we be aware of more than just our own thoughts and feelings?

Words have the power to transform lives, and Albert Flynn DeSilver has been embodying that truth for decades. We discuss this thoroughly in episode 219.

Albert is an internationally published, award winning writer and Ted speaker. His latest book is Writing as a Path to Awakening. He has served as Marin County, California's ve…

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182. Drawing Unknown Discarnate Spirits - Sunlight Oracle

Sunlight Oracle

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Is your departed loved one connecting with you through art?

Does consciousness live on after death?

How can sobriety ignite a spiritual awakening?

Is mediumship a gift that can develop over time or are you simply born with it?

We discuss these questions and more in episode 182. Sunlight Oracle is a spirit artist and psychic medium based in Los Angeles. She reconnected with her mediumistic gifts after committing to a sober lifestyle. She now connects her clients to their loved on…

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