Free Livestream Events

Connect to these amazing guests through my free livestream events!

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Ken Lloyd

Light Language & Soul Walk-Ins

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 12:00 pm Eastern

Unlock the Mysteries of Ascension in this livestream with guest Ken Lloyd.

Prepare for a journey into the extraordinary with Ken Lloyd, transformational healer and spiritual guide. 

Discover the transformative frequencies and codes of light language, a multidimensional tool for healing, activation, and spiritual growth.

Unveil the profound mystery of soul walk-ins as Ken shares his personal journey of integrating 22 soul aspects, including his Higher Self and Oversoul, to embody his highest potential.

Learn how these extraordinary phenomena can help unlock your spiritual gifts and align you with higher frequencies of consciousness.

YT- Ken Lloyd livestream

Past Livestreams

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Jessie Herman + Vagrein

Channeling from Higher Dimensions

Be part of the high frequency energies and hear the spiritual wisdom that comes through Jessie as she channels Vagrein. Lift out of everyday reality and kindle the flame of spirit within you as Vagrein unlocks higher truths in this special livestream.

Jessie will channel the collective who call themselves Vagrein. Come prepared to ask your own questions if you wish, or simply be with us in the high vibrations.

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Viviane Chauvet

Arcturian Healing Wisdom

Viviane Chauvet is a galactic being who is gifted at helping people to heal in their body/mind/spirit complexes. Born human, Viviane has always been able to access memories of life in other planetary and star systems, and uses her knowledge and abilities to help move people into a more balanced and enlightened state.

In 2007, Viviane experienced a profound awakening and energetic transformation, during which she received her holographic and quantum healing training from the Arcturian Council. She serves as an emissary and multidimensional conduit for various Star Delegations, including the Lyrans, Sirians, Andromedans, and other interstellar group consciousness.

Viviane is dedicated to helping humanity return to a state of Divine wholeness. She encourages everyone to embrace the certainty of their Light and to re-ascend to their original Universal Time Matrix.

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YT - Alan Steinfeld livestream

Alan Steinfeld

Exploring Remote Viewing

Imagine being able to see events, objects, or places without being physically present, much like having a mental telescope that transcends the limitations of space and time. Remote viewing is a fascinating practice that allows individuals to perceive distant or unseen targets using the power of their mind alone.

Rooted in both ancient mysticism and modern scientific exploration, remote viewing harnesses the intuitive capabilities of the human mind. It's as if you're unlocking a hidden potential within, accessing a realm where the boundaries of the physical world no longer apply. Practitioners often describe the experience as tapping into a universal consciousness, where information flows freely and effortlessly.

Alan Steinfeld will join in this livestream to share his experiences with this fascinating tool. 


Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer

The Mysteries of King Tut's Tomb

Mark Anthony, aka the Psychic Lawyer, Psychic Attorney and Psychic Adventurer, is a world-renowned fourth generation science based evidential psychic medium who communicates with spirits.   

He is an expert in various mysterious phenomena throughout the world, such as ancient Egypt, UFOs, Loch Ness monster, and the Bermuda Triangle. 

In this special livestream, Mark will explore the mysteries of King Tut's tomb in Egypt and the tragedies which befell those involved in its discovery last century.

Join us for this free livestream and learn more about this fascinating topic.

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YT - Mark Anthony livestream
Maureen livestream 2

Maureen St. Germain

Spiritual Growth & Your Higher Self

Maureen St. Germain specializes in helping people to develop a deeper connection to their Higher Self and to consciously choose 5D, where love is the governing force. She is an expert in activating the MerKaBa, opening the heart, and consciously creating reality. Accessing the Higher Self in this way paves the way to health, happiness, and success. 

In this livestream, we will explore spiritual growth and how to overcome challenges on the path.

Maureen is a renowned and well-loved guide of the mystical and sacred traditions.

Sarah Evans & Lori Williams

Working in the Akashic Records

The Pleiadian Group of 9 is a collective group of light beings residing in the Pleiades star system.

Lori Williams and Sarah Evans work together to co-channel messages from this group to assist humanity in its ascension at this important time.

In this livestream, Lori and Sarah will do what they do best - go into the Akashic records to connect with the information and guidance that wants to come through for you.

When Lori and Sarah come together, they access any number of high frequency beings on your behalf. They may channel the Pleiadian Group of 9 and/or connect with the angels, elves, and other ET races they have been known to bring through.

YT - Lori Sarah 2 livestream
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Christine Lang

Messages from the Body

Your spirit can help you heal your body and life. 

Christine Lang helps people receive messages from their spirit through physical symptoms, patterns in their life and difficult relationships. She helps them heal physical symptoms by looking at them differently.

By understanding the messages that are contained within your symptoms, you can resolve issues and release stored tension, allowing the body's natural healing abilities to take over.

Discover the powerful communication path between your spirit and your body.  


Sarah Evans & Lori Williams

Channeling the Pleiadians

The Pleiadian Group of 9 is a collective group of light beings residing in the Pleiades star system.

Lori Williams and Sarah Evans work together to co-channel messages from this group to assist humanity in its ascension at this important time.

In this livestream, we will learn about Lori and Sarah's mission and then open up to your questions for the Pleiadian Group of 9. 

When Lori and Sarah come together, other beings beyond the Pleiadian Group of 9 are known to make an appearance as well! Perhaps they will also connect with the angels, elves, and other ET races they have been known to bring through.

YT - Lori Sarah livestream
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Rob A Gentile

Near Death & Quarks of Light

Rob Gentile suffered a massive heart attack and experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE). A while later, his heart struggling and his body atrophying, he went into the Ethereal (where he went during his NDE) again. Each experience in the Ethereal lead him to have a deeper understanding of the cosmically unified nature of God and reality.

Rob was able to receive a heart transplant which saved his life, and his connection with the heart and the unknown donor is a beautiful, cosmic tapestry in and of itself.


Viviane Chauvet

Infinite Healing from the Stars

Intergalactic intelligence perceives Earth human beings as the Essence of Light expressed in sentient physical life forms. Humanity’s consciousness is awakening to a grander reality as galactic royalties with ascension codes in the Quantum DNA Field.

In 2007, Viviane underwent a significant awakening and energetic reset and received her holographic and quantum healing training with the Arcturian Council. She is an emissary and multidimensional conduit for various Star Delegations, including the Lyrans, Sirians, Andromedans, and other interstellar group consciousness.

Viviane assists humanity in returning to a state of enlightenment and Divine wholeness. She invites everyone to walk in the certainty of their Light, and re-ascend to their original Universal Time Matrix.

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Jamie Butler & Maitland

Answers from a Higher Dimension

What questions would you ask a higher dimensional being, who has a deeper understanding of reality (realities?) and is not bound by the same Newtonian physics as we here in 3/4Da are?

Well, get your thinking cap on because you are going to get the chance to do just that! Jamie Butler will be channeling Maitland in this special livestream, and you can join in and get your questions answered.

Maitland is a fun, jubilant higher dimensional being. She presents herself as a child, which makes the highly evolved and deep insights she brings through a little surprising! You may not expect the profound wisdom and intelligence that is packed into her youthful spirit.

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Marie Manuchehri

Energy Medicine Healing

Marie Manuchehri is an internationally known healer, psychic medium, author, teacher, and speaker. 

Marie uses her knowledge of conventional medicine gained through her career as an oncology nurse in conjunction with her intuitive capabilities and holistic understanding to create powerful healing and transformation for her clients.

She has inspired others to create healthier bodies and relationships and achieve financial desires.

Marie works with spirit and departed loved ones on the other side. She’s devoted to connecting people to their own psychic abilities for transforming their lives and their psychology.

She teaches many courses focused on intuition, excels in direct intuitive communication, and can accurately read any area of a person’s life. In her private practice, Marie provides clients around the world with insights into their health issues. 

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Marie Manuchehri
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Reuben Langdon

Learning from Extra Dimensionals

Reuben Langdon has made a career out of researching extra-dimensional phenomena. From those who channel E.T.s, angels, and elementals, to researching crystal skulls and exposing hidden truths, there are few topics that haven't piqued his interest. 

Join us in this livestream where you can get Reuben's take on your supernatural questions!
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Philip Smith

Walking Through Walls

Philip Smith is the author of the phenomenal book, Walking Through Walls: A Memoir, about his master healer father, Lew Smith. The extraordinary stories found in the book illustrate the potentiality within us for miraculous experiences. From psychic "MRI" abilities to locating missing people to influencing the weather to raising people's vibrations long before that was "a known thing," Lew Smith's abilities were simply a wonder. 

I have heard from many listeners of my first episode with Philip who were very moved by what they heard and went on to be floored by what they read in the book. This is a unique opportunity to connect with Philip live and go deeper into the topics that are most intriguing to you.

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Mina the Andromedan

Your Galactic Heritage

Many people have been awakening to the possibility that their past lives are not limited to the Earth plane.

There are many on the planet who have come from other star systems. They are here as volunteers to help the incredible shift in consciousness which is occurring at this time. They are called starseeds.

Are you one?

Mina the Andromedan works with starseeds to uncover their galactic history and help them realize the gifts they have brought into their lives from these otherworldly experiences. 

Join us for this high-vibe content and expand your understanding of lived experience.


Isabella Greene

Leaving the Trap, Encore Q&A

Isabella's book Leaving the Trap explores what may really be going on with the karmic cycles in the Earth plane. She gives examples in her experiences of near death and quantum journeying to back up her claim, as well as practical advice for how to break out of the reincarnation cycle.

We had a wonderful livestream on Jan 16 to explore Isabella's experiences, but we had so many great questions coming in and not enough time to really dive into them with the attention they deserved. So we are looking forward to this encore livestream which is focused on Q&A. Come with your questions about karma, reincarnation, quantum and astral travel, etc.

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Encore Leaving the trap webinar

Maureen St. Germain

Activate Your 5D Self

The fabric of our reality is made up of geometry, and sacred geometry is a divine tool that can be used to connect you to your Higher Self and the 5th dimension.

Maureen St. Germain specializes in helping people to develop a deeper connection to their Higher Self and to consciously choose 5D, where love is the governing force. She is an expert in activating the MerKaBa and opening the heart. Accessing the Higher Self in this way paves the way to health, happiness, and success. 

Maureen is a renowned and well-loved guide of the mystical and sacred traditions. She is the author of many mystical books about ascension.
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Isabella Greene

Leaving the Trap

Are humans stuck in a karmic cycle that is keeping them unwittingly trapped to unending incarnations on Earth? What if you are ready to come out of that cycle?

Isabella's book Leaving the Trapexplores this very question. She gives examples in her experiences of near death and quantum journeying to back up her claim, as well as practical advice for how to break out of the reincarnation cycle.

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Leaving the trap webinar
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Michael Jaco

The Intuitive Warrior

With decades of experience in the US military special forces and security operatives for the CIA, Michael Jaco has honed extraordinary intuitive gifts that have literally saved his life and the lives of others in combat situations.

Michael is an adept at remote viewing and helps others to tap into this innate but buried skill within them. He is the author of the spellbinding book, The Intuitive Warrior.
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Jason Padgett

The Accidental Genius

Jason D. Padgett is a number theorist with Acquired Savant Syndrome. He was a struggling futon salesman for decades until a tramatic event changed the path of his life forever and started his art and math career.

His autobiography "Struck by Genius" is in talks to be adapted as a major motion picture.

His art has been displayed in People Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Popular Science, Wired, CBS This Morning with Gale King, The London Times NBC, CBS, FOX news, the hit show Perception, at Oxford University, and in books, music albums and tv programs in over 60 countries.
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Jason Padgett
Miracles of consciousness webinar

Sally Knopp

Miracles of Consciousness

Sally helps people heal by working on their energy systems, identifying hidden root causes, removing blockages, getting energy flowing, and even activating DNA strands. 

Her work has given her direct experience to many miraculous resolutions in body, mind, and soul.

Michael Massey

Embrace Your Shadow

There are parts of us we keep protected, never daring to look at, acknowledge, or accept them.

Trauma, shame, guilt, regrets - these are difficult parts of the human experience.

Michael joins to talk about the importance of casting light unto our shadows, and what it has to do with ascension.
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Embrace your shadow webinar
Charles Matthew - CAN banner

Experience Subtle Energy for Yourself!

Everyone is connected to the invisible energy around them and can tap into it for their own healing. Charles Matthew is an expert in helping people connect to this energy so they can be relieved from pain.

Charles also has a strong connection to crystals, and he will share his expertise on the extraordinary potential of crystals during this event.

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Sharon Coleman & Miraculous Healing with Interdimensional Assistance

Learn about the physical healing Sharon Coleman received by interdimensional beings that cured physical issues she has dealt with since a child.

In her experience, she arrived to this healing by wheelchair and left not only by walking unassisted, but without the limp she has had for decades. 
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Neale Donald Walsch - CAN banner

Neale Donald Walsh & The God Solution

Connect with legendary author of the Conversations with God series, Neale Donald Walsch.

With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before experiencing his now famous conversation with God.
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Lynne McTaggart & The Power of Intention

Learn the staggering truth about the power of human intention, as Lynne shares the results from her years of research on healing, peace, and manifestation.
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Suzanne Spooner and QHHT

The keys to healing and past life (or off-planet life!) recall, using the groundbreaking technique of QHHT.

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Tom Paladino & Revolutionary Scalar Technology

Learn about the enormous potential of quantum technology for healing, including Tom's Scalar Light quantum system.

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Angelic Guidance and Messages of Peace

You are loved and supported by spirit guides and angels.

Seph Dietlin shares guidance from the angelic realm to assist you in your ascension. 
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The Next Stage of Evolution

For the past several years, the energies of the planet have amplified at a previously unknown rate. As these energies intensify, polarity increases.

Join us for this webinar where we will explore the impact of our ego-driven present times. We will discuss what the ego actually is, how to recognize it in ourselves and others, and steps to transcend its limitations.
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