Meditation Immersion - Learn to Meditate

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Add two free months of Healing Hearth

As a bonus for joining the Meditation Immersion course, you are eligible to receive two free months full access to the Healing Hearth community. This provides you with regular live, online guided meditations and interactions with Kara to augment what you are learning in the Meditation Immersion course. There is also an on demand video library and community forum with regular written posts of inspiration from Kara.

This program is a perfect way to support your budding meditation practice! As the end of two months, if you wish to keep going it is just $27/month, and you can very easily unsubscribe at any time.

2 months free trial
then $27 (+ 7% Sales Tax) per month

Order summary

Meditation Immersion - Learn to Meditate

Learn to meditate in 21 days! This powerful program gives you the tools and techniques you need to create a lasting meditation practice, allowing you to have your meditation teacher right in the palm of your hand. The process is delivered in simple, digestible steps to allow maximum integration. You are supported throughout the course with daily videos explaining each new concept and/or technique and several guided meditations.

Sales Tax (7%) $6.93
Total due $105.93

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