Elevate Your Consciousness

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Connecting with consciousness

I want to go even deeper!

I also want to explore the Connecting to Consciousness workshop! 

This workshop is very focused on personal development. We give very practical guidance on the keys to mind mastery, sacred symbols, and personal power. We talk about what shapes how we experience reality and how to change the story of our experience.

This $55 workshop is just $22 when you order now.

$22 (+ 7% Sales Tax)

Order summary

Elevate Your Consciousness

We dive into different aspects of consciousness including sacred geometry, platonic solids, Metatron's cube, merkaba, Ho'oponono, traversing dimensions, and multidimensional ways to cope with depression and hopelessness.

Recorded 1/23/21 (evergreen content)

Sales Tax (7%) $1.54
Total due $23.54

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