186. There is No Death, Only Life - Maria Verdeschi

How can you differentiate “regular” thoughts from guidance from the other side?
How can you strengthen your own personal gifts of connecting with loved ones?
Maria Verdeschi is an acclaimed Psychic Medium and author of the best-seller There is No Death, Only Life. We have a great chat about the eternal nature of consciousness, and how our lives continue on after our bodies die. She shares affirming stories from her work of how family members have verified their life after death.
Hello and welcome to the meditation conversation I'm your host Kara Goodwin and today I'm so excited to have Maria Verdeshi on the program Maria is an acclaimed psychic medium and she's the author of the. Best seller. There is no death only life. So welcome Maria I'm so happy you're here. Thank you.
Maria Verdeschi
So thank you carra so much for having me here I'm excited to be here today. Thank you.
So let's talk about or let's start anyway with how your ability to communicate with spirit began.
Maria Verdeschi
And um, so that's going to go back to like when I was 3 or 4 I can remember um, always just kind of getting that anxious feeling especially at bedtime and going in my room. It was their feeling of not being alone. And I remember at that young age going into my mom and dad's room saying there's there's people in there I hear people talking and so they can't get like one time they humored me and came in and no one's here and then when I.
Um, really wow.
Maria Verdeschi
Ask them again I'm like they're they're still in there. They're in there I got yelled at and I learned oh I shouldn't speak of this and I didn't for many many many many years decades.
And it was frightening for you.
Maria Verdeschi
As a child yes because I always could feel that my room was filled with something I didn't have an understanding of what but I knew I was not alone in that room and.
And it.
Wow So that was as a little one and then you said you stopped speaking about it for decades did did it go away because sometimes we kind of turn these things off when they're not reinforced.
Maria Verdeschi
So when we lived on long island it did not go away and then we moved to Michigan so like when I was 8 or 9 we moved to Michigan and it was a really tough move for the whole family because none of us wanted to move. And that's when pretty much I shut it off cause it was just too much to deal with and being in this new place and the family all just being so sad so I was able to turn it off then every now and then it would kind of come through. But. I was able to shut it down like no nope not dealing with that right now. Um, until I was older and I said all right I guess I'm going to open that door now.
So that was just a decision that you made or did you feel like it was knocking again like okay Maria wake back up and.
Maria Verdeschi
And I definitely felt like it was knocking again I felt like it was knocking again and that's when I knew it was just kind of that knowing of of all right now I need to do something about this.
Um, okay, and so.
Maria Verdeschi
And need to learn more about this I need to figure out what this is and.
And so then did you was it not so scary because you were older or how did things go when she started like willingly opening up.
Maria Verdeschi
And well it was funny because when I started willingly open up. My mom was gonna be coming into town to visit and I said let's go get a reading you know, let's go to a psychic medium and get a reading and my mom loved that stuff so she was all for it and.
Um, um.
Maria Verdeschi
Yes, I do believe that my mother was very intuitive but she never talked about it but she loved getting her astrology chart done. She went to Mediums but she and I'm sad we never had that conversation in life because I I know she was so when we went to.
Maria Verdeschi
Reading and we each had separate ones I sat down and the medium looked at me and she goes you're like me like it was the first things out of her mouth. You know you're medium right? and I kind of looked at her and I was like no no and.
Oh wow.
Maria Verdeschi
I had shortly after that one I went to another one thinking. Let's just see if that was a bunch of bull again, it was the first thing out of the person's mouth. You know your medium right? where I was like okay all right.
Really one.
Maria Verdeschi
I Am definitely now it's like I kept getting those validations of come on. Let's go. Let's go. Yeah.
Wow, That's fascinating and so then did you do some like proper training or did it just start showing up or how how did that develop to get you to where you are now.
Maria Verdeschi
I started taking like classes and doing things like where we would do exercises and um, we'd kind of like ah I'll say like a mediumship type of class where you would pair up with someone. And it was the things out of my mouth and the the person doing the class would even say Maria do you know I was just telling her that last week so it was just all of these validations.
Maria Verdeschi
Just kept happening where I was like all right, There's something to this, you need to keep moving forward on it and.
Wow, That's fascinating. So what is it like for you as a medium do the messages come through as thoughts or ideas or do you see a person or how do you experience it.
Maria Verdeschi
And so how I experience it is I'm not seeing the person like right in front of me I always say it's not like on ghost whisper with Melinda. Um, where they're right there and I'm hearing their voice coming from this area. What it is is. It's all from in here. So it's kind of like if you're having that thought of remembering something oh that day on the beach was beautiful and the ocean was so blue and then. That starts coming in here where you start picturing it. That's what happens within a reading for me where I'll start possibly seeing the spirit how they looked or they'll start sending me pictures of.
Maria Verdeschi
Maybe it's going to be a Tv show that's going to be along the lines of what they're trying to get the message to be to this person or it could be a song and I'll hear things where I call it a broken record.
Maria Verdeschi
So sometimes before reading I'll start hearing a song and it will go off like a broken record and then I I'll go through how I do a reading and then I say and I like to talk about what happened before the reading because I know what happens before reading is all part of the reading and.
Um, how interesting.
Maria Verdeschi
I'll tell them about the song but I'll also tell them how spirit was making me feel with that song that they kept playing over and over because a lot of times. There's a feeling that goes with it also and.
Um, um, that's fascinating So is it is it pretty easy to differentiate between your own thoughts and the and images you know because we all have. You know daydreams or you know songs that come into our head or things that flash into our minds that um and you know not everybody is a medium so is it easy for you to differentiate like that's mine and that's a message from the other side kind of thing.
Maria Verdeschi
So It has because I've really am with doing this for so Long. Um I have really grown into that confidence of knowing when it's spirit giving a message and when it's my thoughts. So when it's going off like that broken record I know that spirit and even if I'm getting a know from the client I'll tell them all right? It's the way I'm spitting it out because I know the message is correct because spirit is smart. They are.
Maria Verdeschi
It's me and I laugh with spirit going I'm so sorry you have to go through me and I will get this right for you. So I don't push anything under the rug, especially the broken record because I know it's something.
Maria Verdeschi
Um, and so between with someone with their thoughts thoughts come and go. You know you might have your grocery list and then it goes like oh yeah I got to get that I got to get that and it goes when it's a message from Spirit. It's gonna be oh okay. And then later that day. Huh Why am I still thinking about that and then it's going to carry to later I'm still thinking about that. It's because it's spirit nudging you to do something? Um I've got a funny story too with the when it's spirit.
Maria Verdeschi
And when it's just our thoughts so I went up north and this was a couple years ago and I go up there a lot for group readings and readings and I went up there and the house I usually stay at she was getting her floors done. So another client said Maria you can go stay at my house. And I was like oh my gosh. Thank you, you can have the whole thing for the weekend. So I got there and I'm unloading my stuff and I got kind of sidetracked and before I know it. It's dark. It's like eleven thirty at night and I'm like oh shoot I got to get the rest of the stuff out of the car I want to be ready for tomorrow. And my mom passed in 2009 and she's one of my biggest guides and I'm like okay I'm gonna go empty you out the car and all of a sudden I hear her say oh what are you gonna do about that bear and I stopped and I said ha that just must be my thoughts.
Ah, what.
Maria Verdeschi
I mean inside I knew it wasn't but I'm a little stubborn and I really wanted to empty out the car I'm gonna go empty out the car. It's gonna be fine and I'm going for the door and all of a sudden I hear that's all fine, but what are you gonna do about that bear. So I stopped and I said thank you mom. I will empty out the car tomorrow I love you thank you the next day the second client in says did Juliette warn you about the bear. It's right on her property it it does come at at night if you do not have to go out at night. Don't. But if you do you better make a lot of noise I said I don't know Juliet forgot but my mom warmed warned me about it so that is going to be the difference between spirit message.
Um, origin Line. Oh.
Yeah, that's a beautiful example powerful. Wow Yeah, thanks Mom Yeah so I'm really curious about you know you've written a book called there is no death.
Maria Verdeschi
And thoughts.
Maria Verdeschi
Exactly exactly.
Only life which is amazing I mean that's so beautiful and I'm curious about I want to talk about your book and I want to talk about the evolution of your own understanding about what happens after death because I think you know a lot of people who have been on some kind of spiritual journey. You know they may have had an idea when they were little about what does or doesn't happen after you die um, and then you kind of get more exposure to like near-death experiences or. Some of the work where you know they've done is it Dr. Brian oh gosh yeah yes yes, where he does those hypnosis sessions and has kind of been able to get people to remember the time in between lives and um.
Maria Verdeschi
So Weiss.
And then you know people may have their own experiences where you know they're different multidimensional types of experiences and things. So Um I can imagine that there's been an evolution through all of the encounters that you've had you know where you're kind of this intermediary for people. Um, So how have things kind of evolved and change over time as far as how you view life after death.
Maria Verdeschi
Um, so I always believed and I was brought up catholic I always believed that there was like this wasn't not going to be my first time here I always believed that. Um. And I also was the 4 year old in church going when the priest was saying stuff. Yeah that's not true. That's not wrong. Yeah yeah.
Really so you believed in reincarnation even as a even being brought up Catholic Okay, that's interesting.
Maria Verdeschi
Yes, yeah I Just didn't believe that we die and that's it like I never believed that that just didn't ring true to me and um through doing this.
Maria Verdeschi
And really um I mean and I live it too. So I try to really um, with everything that I do I try to do it at the highest level possible that I can now we're all human. So.
Maria Verdeschi
Do We have our little fumbles of course because we're human, um and it's that trying to stay with the connection to with spirit because I definitely hear things more clearly now. Um, and that is due to and I still take classes I Still do stuff because I feel like it's part of what I'm supposed to do to always brush up on things and mediumship. Anyone who's a medium knows.
Maria Verdeschi
Your mediumship is always changing. It's always evolving so you better try to keep up with it. Um, so I think I do a pretty good job at that at least I try to um and with.
Um, yeah.
Maria Verdeschi
I think that this was part of your question too with kind of like what do I experience from spirit kind of a thing on the other side is I experience more of these levels too that happens. So. They might be at 1 level but they're evolving over there also to these different levels and I've always seen that where with these different levels. There is no hell there is no hell.
Maria Verdeschi
And I've always seen that too even in church when the priest would talk about how I'd be sitting there going and that's a why? No hell and then as I got older and started really experiencing it with spirit. It's like oh yeah I was right as a four year old they're sure there is no hell there's just these.
Maria Verdeschi
Different levels that they're that they're going to um and when they come through, they'll give me characteristics of them when they were here. But. They're also at a sole level so they're not still thinking in those petty ways that they did here. Um, what else do I Want to add to that.
Maria Verdeschi
Um, and I love it too because when they're giving me like the characteristics of them. They'll also throw in I want to say current events. So like yesterday I had a reading. It was the last reading of the day and I kind of stopped and I go. Your mom coming over. She busted out laughing and goes oh my god she's on her way over now and it was her dad in spirit that I was talking to and I'm like because and I said your dad's the 1 telling me because he keeps saying. Tell mom I send her my love. There's no way I would know that her mother was on her way over. So I love when spirit throws those things in too to validate for their loved ones that are living that I'm here.
Maria Verdeschi
I'm here I love you I want to help I know what's going on I'm right here I had one I had one last week too and I always forget readings and this is just them reminding me because readings aren't for me for me to remember it wasn't my message.
That's amazing.
Maria Verdeschi
Um, I had one last week where I'm like okay your mom is like showing me the birds and I kind of stopped and because she kept pushing me to the backyard and I stopped and I said what's up with this yellow bird. There's something about a yellow bird. Looked at me and right away. Oh my god there was this bright yellow bird yesterday I even had to call my sister about it I knew it was my mom saying hi and you're validating it right now and so it is.
Maria Verdeschi
It's I love that and I'm always you will never see me during a reading or any time go Well yeah because I said so I'm fascinated with it all always and it just.
Maria Verdeschi
It's exciting and fascinating and I love it I Love spirit.
That's incredible. Thank you for sharing those things it it really does help to just fill things out like as we as you hear you know the different experiences even when it's not happening directly to you. You know those kind of validations they work through the collective and and that just help to bump everybody up to deepen their connection. So That's really Beautiful. So I'd love to talk about your book. There is no death only life. Um. So Tell tell us how this book came about and what you're meant I mean obviously your message is right there in the title. Um, but is this a collection of different stories that you have or is it more of ah, an and structural kind of thing for people to get more connected themselves or how.
Maria Verdeschi
And it's um so the book came about so my mom passed in 2009 and during her passing. It was very much she was in denial and her cancer had come back and.
Tell us about it.
Maria Verdeschi
She didn't tell me and it was me talking to 1 of the nurses saying do I need to come there because she kept saying oh no, it didn't come back I'm just now feeling good I'm sick and I'm like but something just felt like it was off but when it. Even when you're medium though if it's your mother you're too connected where you just might not see things clearly or you just might say okay, why would she lie to me. It just must be and when the nurse said well if it was my mom. Yeah I'd come.
Maria Verdeschi
Was like oh something's wrong. So I booked a flight out for the next day to get there and before I even saw I went to the doctor and I said what's up how is she and I got the. From the doctor she has ten days to not even knowing the cancer came back. She had non-hotgkin's lymphoma and I looked at him and I said does she know and he said yeah and I said are you sure and I said does my dad know.
Oh no, oh my gosh.
Maria Verdeschi
Because otherwise they're both in clear denial about this. He said no, they both know my father total denial also and I said oh and I said well what do I do with this do I talk about it. He said no I wouldn't so here. I Am someone that gets messages from spirit and I cannot talk to my mother about this and I have to also be pretending. It's not happening so it was um, a very difficult experience to go through. But.
Oh My goodness. Oh wow.
Maria Verdeschi
I honored that because this was my mother's experience that she was going through and I felt that for me to load on her my beliefs that's selfish the totally selfish especially when someone has ten days left I'm going to honor her and honor that okay I'm not going to talk about this because this is not what she wants to talk about therefore I'm going to do what she wants. So I didn't but I made sure that she had everything that she wanted and she. Clearly did not think that it's like I know some small part of her thought she was not going to make it but this other big part of her was no I'm gonna be fine I'm gonna be fine. So during this time I said. I'm going to write a book I'm going to write a book because there are so many people that are stuck and that are in this fear of death and this needs to be a book so that's how I came up with the.
Maria Verdeschi
This needs to be um and then I had so many clients with their experiences that I thought I want to include some of my client stories in this and of what they went through.
Maria Verdeschi
And I had a lot of them that wanted to share their stories in the book and I shared just um, it's not really a manual or anything like that. It's it's stories and it's. Hopefully something where and I I already knew too when I had the book in mind I thought all right This is going to be a short book with pictures and like if I'm on an airplane I can this will be a nice thing to read exactly where it's.
Split it open. Yeah.
Maria Verdeschi
Something I can read easily and it's done where because I'm one of those readers where if I start a book and it's a longer book I might not finish it. You know when I put it down and because I get busy So I had these things in mind. With the book and really it was trying to take a little bit of this fear out of people's minds. That was my big thing that I wanted to accomplish.
Yeah, well thank you for that because I very much think that fear is really holding humanity back and holding us down and fear of death I mean that is a ah huge one I mean that's like number 1 and you know because there is there is this seemingly finality to it. You know and and there are a lot of people who you know, really either don't don't know what happens after or are pretty sure that nothing happens. So so what. What is your message like how can people relate to that like that there is no death how how do you? I mean I'm with you I feel that as well. But if somebody is very much like well. My mom was here and now she's not. You know how do? how do you say? There's no death. You know, tell us a bit about them.
Maria Verdeschi
And um, I it's gonna be through another client experience. So I had a client where I mean this she lived her life like this spiritually and believer and her husband wasn't. Was just like okay sweetie you just go and you believe what you want and that's cool. That's fine. You know, whatever and um, they have kids they have um, four kids and unfortunately last year she. Called me and sent me a text message and 1 of her sons had passed in a car accident and she called me that day and she wanted to connect with them so I did a reading the same day and I picked up on.
Oh my goodness.
Maria Verdeschi
Scene and where it happened and that it was quick. It was painless and I said but hold on he's bringing up a woman that was there and this woman was right there held his hand she knew he was already gone. But she sat there talking to him and it's really helped and he wants you to go find her. She was so kind and I went into some details with that and it was. He's like I want you to go? Thank her. And this was also for healing for the family and the things that she had said to him I had conveyed and she found the woman and the woman validated everything that I said and.
Um, Wow. Oh My goodness. Wow.
Maria Verdeschi
Her husband then turned into a believer a 500% believer because he knew there was no way I would know those things.
Yeah I mean if they didn't even know that.
Maria Verdeschi
They didn't even know they hadn't even been to the scene yet of where it happens and.
Wow, That's very very powerful. My goodness. Thank you for sharing that. So.
Maria Verdeschi
So it's hard because it's It's not like I'm here also that is not my main job to make non-believers believers. Um my what I always want is.
Right? yeah.
Maria Verdeschi
Or if someone's having a reading my because I also don't control spirit I don't control messages who comes in what's in it is trust me I've had like a mom come in or a dad come in where they're like yeah I don't want to talk to them.
In hand.
Um, yeah.
Maria Verdeschi
I don't have control over that and I don't have control over that and most of the time though it works out well where the message was a healing message and they were able to heal a piece of that and. Where it ended up being a good thing for them even though at first they were a little resistant. It doesn't always work out that way but I have no control over who comes in what the message is gonna be so.
Yeah, yeah.
Maria Verdeschi
My hope always is for a reading that whoever they want to come in is going to or that Overall it's just going to be a healing experience because that's usually what a reading is about it is a healing experience right.
Um, yeah.
Yeah, that's amazing. Beautiful. Do you have any tips for how people can strengthen their own personal connections to the other side.
Maria Verdeschi
You know meditation helps so people always say Maria I try to meditate and then I go off to? Oh yeah I gotta get this and I gotta do that and my advice always is well. Don't fight it because the more you fight it the more that grocery list is going to keep coming in I'm like just think of it as like a cloud a cloud going by and you can just go oh yep. Okay, and you kind of gently push it to the side. It's going to come back in.
Um, yeah.
I mean.
Maria Verdeschi
Because we're human and then acknowledge it again and go oh yeah, okay and like a Cloud just kind of push it over a little bit I said over time you'll notice that it will be less and less and it's really just um.
Maria Verdeschi
And I said or just sit in that quiet space just sit in the quiet space whether it's outside or inside outside is helpful because you're connecting with nature and it makes it a little easier um a meditation class.
See him.
Maria Verdeschi
You know, helps you know or a something with connecting with loved ones you know, kind of a class helps. But I believe that everybody has that gift that they can connect with their loved ones right.
All hands.
Yeah, beautiful. Yeah I mean I I'm all about meditation. This is the meditation conversation. So. It's a beautiful tool to use for sure. Um, so I have seen. That you've been doing some like small group events where everybody can hear from spirit which is super cool and do you want to tell us about any events coming up. It's probably going to be about 6 to eight weeks so I don't know if you if you know that far out. But. Are you going to continue to do things like that and help.
Maria Verdeschi
And I definitely will be so it's just gonna be checking on my website because I will always have group events on Zoom so and I I always try to do at least one a month and they do fill up which is nice. Because I keep the group smaller so that everybody gets a message I like doing that. Um and I've got a group of 15 coming to the house today. So yeah and I I like it I just feel like um, i.
Um, oh wow.
Maria Verdeschi
Feel like it's a little pick me up for people is what I want to say a little boost of energy for them where it's a oh my gosh. My loved one is with me and it's it's helpful. It is a helpful thing to connect with your loved ones.
Um, yeah.
Maria Verdeschi
And it is a helpful tool to know how to meditate and to get that energy of connection. It is helpful. But yes my website It's gonna be just checking on my website get on my mailing list. Um, because I send out.
Um I was beautiful. So.
Maria Verdeschi
Things on my mailing list of upcoming events and.
And so people since it's on zoom they don't have to be local. You can anybody can join where where are you? Oh okay, I'm in Indiana so we're pretty close.
Maria Verdeschi
I yes, yes because I'll have I'm in Huntington Woods Michigan oh yeah yeah
Okay, wonderful. So I will put your your website in in the show notes. So that people can get that pretty easily I've seen you on Instagram as well. Some of these things promoted on Instagram so.
Maria Verdeschi
Thank you. I I am oh and I'm gonna say too I keep getting Instagram the I love instagram I just do not like how they monitor it because I keep getting people that are um.
Oh yeah, and then reaching out to people and saying like I think you want to have a reading? yeah.
Maria Verdeschi
Duplicating my account and.
Maria Verdeschi
Yes, so everybody knows I never ever ever would message you I never would send you a personal message saying hi would you like a reading I would never.
Um, yeah.
Maria Verdeschi
Do that All my readings are booked on my website. All of my events are booked on my website I would never ever reach out to you nor would any other reputable medium. They would never.
Yes, what I was gonna say yeah.
Maria Verdeschi
Reach out to you in a messenger asking you for a reading and then sending you a Paypal or Venmo or however else that would never happen and I want to be real clear about that. It is so frustrating to me right now because.
Um, yeah.
Maria Verdeschi
I Really have built a very good reputation for myself and it makes me so sad that people are taking advantage of people by doing this and.
Yeah, thank you for that message because this is rampant along Instagram so lot of duplication and you know I get a lot of stuff coming into my inbox too. That's like hey oh it's somebody yesterday. It was like this I think a shaman in Africa who you know. My ancestors were coming through very strongly for them and my ancestors wanted me to receive messages from this you know person that I have no idea who it was so yeah, we all need to use our discernment and and notice when this stuff is happening and. And be aware that more than likely a reputable medium or other people you know in that similar sort of realm would not be soliciting you on you know Facebook mess or Instagram messenger.
Maria Verdeschi
I yeah because Instagram is not taking care of the problem. They are not.
Yeah I've reported a bunch of different times. It's happened to me because you can just easily go in and block and report and I don't know that anything really ever happens I don't know I don't hear anything about it and it just seems to be. Similar you know things with similar accounts. So I don't know. Yeah yeah, I appreciate that. Thank you? Well anything else does anything else. Come to mind that you want to share with everybody as we wrap up here. Maria.
Maria Verdeschi
Just know your loved ones are around you and everybody gets those little gut feelings of you know the signs and you know it's a sign when you sit. There and you just have that knowing of of going Oh My gosh I Know that's from my mom or I know that's from my dad or Grandma it is that strong head to toe knowing of that that's from that person I Just want to say trust in that and believe in that. Because they do send us signs and they do have conversations with us and that goes back to the how do you know? It's a conversation or how do you know? It's spirit know when it keeps going off like that broken record. That's them having a conversation with you. They are with you. They want to help you they want to make life easier for you and that's a big thing that spirit and your loved 1 want to do they want to make things easier for you. We make things harder. They want to make things easier.
Ah, what a beautiful message. Thank you so much, that's so comforting. Yeah, thank you so much Maria it's been such a pleasure to connect with you today.
Maria Verdeschi
Thank you.
Maria Verdeschi
Thank you so much for having me on your show I have loved it. Thank you.
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