198. The Root Cause of Your Illness - Magic Barclay

How did Magic Barclay go from a Stage 4, terminal cancer diagnosis to helping others heal through a holistic approach to health?
Could a trauma from decades ago be causing health symptoms you are experiencing today?
Magic Barclay joins from Australia in episode 198 to discuss her journey to healing and how she is helping others to their own healing with a wholistic view. Magic is the author of 4 books, and is an expert in many areas related to toxicity and immune function.
- What is wholeism?
- How does your body’s attempts to keep you safe play into chronic health conditions?
- What role does environmental connection have in physical health?
- The ecosystem of healthcare and how we give away our power through it.
- What is Psycho Neuro Endo Immunology of Trauma?
Hello and welcome to the meditation conversation I'm your host Kara Goodwin and today I am joined by Magic Barkley magic is the author of 4 books and is an expert in many areas related to toxicity and immune function. So welcome magic. Thanks so much for being here. So let's start by talking about your journey and how you've been led to help so many come into holistic wellness.
Magic Barclay
Thanks Kara thanks for having me.
Magic Barclay
Yeah, look. You know we all as practitioners and healers are healing from something and you know that's what brings us the nuggets of wisdom and that's really by learning through doing and unfortunately my life. Took a few turns with my health where you know I was in quite ah a desperate situation. But I'm not None to take things lying down and you know given the word terminal that just wasn't in my vocab. Yeah.
Um, what it oh my goodness when was that.
Magic Barclay
That was oh my goodness that was 2014 so a while ago now terminal cancer. Yeah yeah, if I didn't do something so I was only well not only but I was at stage 4
No moving so like terminal cancer or oh my goodness. Wow.
Um, oh my goodness. Ah you're kidding me.
Magic Barclay
And they said look if you don't do something this is gonna get worse and you're seeing the end of your life in front of you so you know I don't take that lying down so I threw myself into study and learning about the body I was already working from a fitness space and. Clinical nutrition but that wasn't enough that was just so mainstream that I was missing a lot that was out there so you know I threw myself into all things alternative medicine and holistic medicine and functional medicine and that's where I am today.
Home now.
Magic Barclay
And you know I just love it like just today I got a lady with a leukemia diagnosis come to me and say can you help me at all. It's really important to know that when we have a really serious diagnosis like that. You know you have to be very careful giving folks hope and so I certainly don't do that I want your listeners to know that. But what I do is I treat root cause what happened none what happened maybe in your childhood. Maybe it's a trauma response you know, depending on what your diagnosis is.
Um, me.
Magic Barclay
Which is a label What triggered that and that's what I treat so you know all um, love and light to people who say heal but you really have to know what you're healing from.
Um, the.
Wow. So so you've you've um, left a lot of mystery there like how did they did You are you still um, working with cancer are you So I mean are you still healing from cancer yourself or have you gone from stage.
Magic Barclay
Magic Barclay
I'm in remission I'm really happy to say? Yeah, yeah, it is well I I did have surgery sorry I did have surgery.
Hiable how from stage 4 that is phenomenal. Wow. And so yeah I wow what.
Magic Barclay
Ah, but I didn't do chemo irradiation because I really did want to treat what got me to that point and you know I'm not a stick my head in a sand kind of person I do get my cancer markers checked regularly. But yeah, at this point I'm in remission and loving life.
Wow, That's Incredible. So what? what did that look like for you getting to the root cause and and healing in that way. I mean I know you said you have the surgery but that's not going to just be like okay we did it. It's Gone. You know. Um, what were the steps that worked for you.
Magic Barclay
Yeah, so for me, it was addressing my immune response so I had multiple autoimmunes I still do and addressing why that happened was really looking for me at the trauma base behind things and. You know I used to joke I was a stress junkie but that wasn't far from the truth because my cortisol is still quite high and looking now at the functional health side of things you know that's got a lot to do with where I found myself. So you know everyone's root cause is very different I know what mine was but it took me quite a few years to find out.
Wow, That's really really something. So So let's talk about how the different types of healing because you have you know we can see if you're watching on the video or you know this will be. Released later. But um, you do functional and integrative Medicine. You've got a lot of different um ah expertise in different immunity um types of ah you know advanced Immune practitioner. Advanced practitioner in innate immunity and then there's the mold toxicity as Well. So How can we? There are a lot of different different um ways that we can look at our healing and facets that we can look at our healing. Um. How can we use you know the the different facets that are out there that are are part of us and our in our health those facets that make up our health to be able to come into wholeness.
Magic Barclay
Well, you know you mentioned the word wholeness. That's how we do it So many practitioners out there. Be it Western Medicine Be it Netropathy you know, even some integrative doctors treat using reductionism.
Magic Barclay
And that's taking something in isolation treating that talking about that trying to find a healing solution to None thing whether it be None condition None symptom one system of the body and that's not how the body works so t Colin Campbell wrote a book. Quite a while ago now called hole and he talks about holism this is what my practitioners and I do which is holism so we look at every symptom as a whisper. What is that symptom telling us not that we're going to treat that symptom or that collection of symptoms but they are. Pointing to something that is not whole. We treat all the body systems as a whole they all interact. You know they all work together. None of my gorgeous mentors Dr Perry Nicholston from stop chasing pain always says the body. Has absolutely no obligation to make any sense to you whatsoever. He also says no system works alone and he's right for both of those because the body will do None thing and that is keep you from danger it tries to keep you safe and when we're looking at holism it does. Through all the body systems working together. So you know being a holistic practitioner is really working with holism looking at everything that happens and when clients come to us. We do ah a free call called a root cause analysis. And that's a holism report basically because we go through a lot of the systems of the body and we get a full historical snapshot of you know what came none? What happened what triggered something else which may have triggered something else. We kind of unravel the onion on paper.
Um, Wow Well what about um, using the connection to self and nature in in healing How does that play into everything.
Magic Barclay
And that's really important because the body as a whole.
Magic Barclay
Wow. I love that I actually talk about environmental connection and you know you can look on one side of a coin and it will be ego and that is that we as humans see ourselves so evolved and so separate from everything else. That we live in our ego state and on the other side of the coin is eco and that is that we are None species sharing the earth with all the other millions of species of plants and animals and you know pathogens everything is there and we are just one of those. Beings 1 of those things so environmental connection is knowing that it's eco you are part of a system just as no body system works alone neither does a species and we really need to be quite mindful of that so in treating. With holism and holistically we need to look at things like grounding from the earth we need to look at coming of the mind and listening to what both our brains tell us our cerebral brain and also our gut because that's our second brain we need to look at. What does the earth give us gives us food and it gives us opportunity for grounding and taking in minerals through our feet and our hands and you know the whole list goes on. We are part of the water table. We are part of the atmosphere and so being connected to environment. Is very very special. We as humans can understand that connection if we allow it to happen so we talk about that a lot and you know that's really important for sustainable and ethical health that we are part of. Ah, a much larger ecosystem.
Thank you for that I love that I love how you're bringing the ecology into the physical health and it's so important and I feel like because one of the things that you said that? Um, that caught my attention. In the beginning of that was that we have um this this ego and we but there's an we we think that we are evolved beings and that we are self-sustaining and that that's like a higher form of our evolution. Whereas is as we evolve in our own development as as a soul you know as we begin to see ourselves more and more beyond the physical. We start to understand that actually that's a devolution when we see ourselves as separate. From our our neighbors separate from you know other people our other brothers and sisters within humanity if we see ourselves as separate that's actually a devolution from our natural state and we can broaden that to say well we see ourselves as separate from our environment we see like. The natural world as something that happens outside of us and that also is a reflection of devolution as we evolve in our consciousness and we expand our consciousness. We understand that it is None thing that's happening. We're connected to it all and. Something hit me like a ton of bricks like relatively recently within the last couple of months or a few weeks I'd say but it was around this. Um, how particularly I don't know. Maybe it's different I'm sure it's different in different places but where I live it's like. You know money is king money above everything to the extent that um, you know I overheard ah a couple of old white men talking in the coffee shop um about how you know maybe what we need is a good war you know because of the state of the economy. And you know we just weren't at things weren't as you know, ah robust in the economy. So maybe we just need a good war to get things going again and that's such an old mentality. It's such a I mean it is like a there's a a. Ah, not not a theology but you know that is like ah a theory within Economy. You know that that wars help to spur the the economics but but it's not like an evolved set. It's a lower level thought thought and and theory and um.
And but it is this like money is King and what can help our economy that is what is That's what rains that is the most important thing. And until we can change that within each of us to say there are things that we hold higher than the economy and maybe those things if we're if we are evolved enough and creative enough. Those don't have to be separate things where it's like we can have a robust economy. And let it nurture humanity and let it nurture and focus on our economics and our environment not our economics Our our um environment The ecosystem is what I was trying to say. But it's this like we are part of it and right now for a lot of us. There's a wedge where it's like yeah, but None money you know money above everything The ecosystem That's a nice to have. Healthy humanity and and you know peace and everything That's a nice to have but above everything money and so it's this is just kind of as you were talking. It was like yes how the the ecosystem helps. Our own physical health. It's another way that our environment is you know that we need that we can expand into what we think about Health What we think of our ecosystem. What we think of you know everything? That's happening here. It's just an opportunity to expand. Um, our existence and our understanding and our experience. So.
Magic Barclay
And there's a really important distinction to make here. So when I'm talking Eco as part of an ecosystem. We as a species we need to be part of everything we seem to have misguided ourselves as as humans and.
Magic Barclay
So what we do is we give away our power and I'm not going to get to tinfoil hat here for your listeners but I do need to explore this a little bit just to make you think so you give your power to a doctor fix me prescribe me something now the doctor makes money off everything that.
Um, never.
Magic Barclay
They do with you which is okay making money is not a bad thing but who are you giving your power to who's making the medicines is it the same companies making the medicines that are telling you what you should be thinking about on the Tv or on the radio are those same companies.
Magic Barclay
Led by Power Brokers who have their hands in politics around the world are they are those same power brokers connected to companies that make synthetic fake foods that make you sick to go back to the doctor. That is a whole separate ecosystem that you are not really part of now would you prefer to be part of that chasing money and by the way you're not the one making the money all those other people are they're making money from you. So Do you want to be in that money chasing Cycle. Or would you rather get together with your neighbors all grow food and share things. Someone might be great at growing tomatoes and you know you look at the tomato plant that just falls over but you know you're great at growing potatoes or you know someone else is great at growing herbs and you meet at. Ah, local park or you meet at a local hall and you will swap stories and have a cup of tea or have a cup of coffee and swap food. That's more ecosystem locally and it's healthier for you because you're going to be eating fresh food, not synthetic. Packet food and who's making the gains you are so you know something we need to look at how we address Eco Ecosystem What is the ecosystem you want to be part of for your health for your your autonomy your rights.
Magic Barclay
And for your happiness because if you're giving your rights away consistently. You can't be happy just a food for thought there.
Yeah, yeah, Thank you for that. That's that's wonderful I Love that? Um, So I am very curious about this P in EI. So You are an advanced practitioner for Psycho Neuro Endo immunology of Trauma So This is new for Me. Can you please explain what this is.
Magic Barclay
Yeah, look I actually teach other practitioners about it now too. So I actually first learned about it when I read the body says no by Dr Gab or mate and you know he spoke about.
Magic Barclay
Ongoing effect remember I said no system works alone. So just to give you a really silly example, but it makes it easy to understand imagine you're going to give a talk to someone public speaking and you know that's your biggest fear of.
Um, and.
Magic Barclay
Speaking to None people in the stadium. Okay, you have a thought that it's scary. So that's the p now while you're having that kind of thought cortisols raising your adrenaline's pumping and you're having all this fight flight freeze fade mode. Kind of symptomology going on because of the thought. Okay, so that's the p the psycho now if you ignore that fear long enough remember I said earlier the body needs to keep you safe if you ignore that fear long enough. It sends you to the end. So the nervous system the Neuro and so you might start getting like a really bad headache almost like someone's hitting you with an axe and you're like every time I go public speaking this happens I get a pain something happens I'm jittery I'm nervous. You ignore that long enough and and when I say ignore it long enough. This could even be seconds that you're ignoring it? Okay, so the peas happened the ends happened it brings the e in the endocrine you start feeling flushed maybe a bit dizzy sweating. You're clammy and you're just like.
Magic Barclay
You know your heart's racing because your hormones are going all over the place to keep you safe now that happens long enough and again could just be seconds could be minutes could be hours could be days could be weeks months years so you've had the p you've had the n you've had the e. The eye jumps in so the immune system is the big dog on the block and that's going to say. Do you know what? I'm seeing these thoughts which are toxic of I don't want to speak in public I'm scared someone might hurt me whatever it is that you're thinking. Okay. Then the end so the nervous system sends impulses through the body which actually creates toxins because every reaction in the body can create toxins if it's not the body feeling safe. Right? So we've got that and then we've got the e. Well what happens when our hormones are disrupted can be toxic so the eye says the immune system says you are not safe so you're coming up towards the public speaking gig and all of a sudden. Got a sore throat. You've got the sniffles your eyes are running. You know your ears might be blocked. You're getting a bit phlegmyre like ah see now I can't do the talk I'm getting sick because I immune is keeping you safe so that's an example of the p and ei.
Magic Barclay
When we look at things like childhood trauma work stress ah social stress any stress. That's not useress which is the good stress but any distress we're looking at Pain. We're looking at fear we're looking at being ill. Anything like that happens that can actually be applied to the P and Nei system because your immune system in the end will keep you safe. So It's a brief description of it.
Okay, and so then is that a root cause is it just about finding the root cause is it about um, working with that so that those triggers don't are disrupted or. How does that work in terms of um, helping with with ah an individual's health.
Magic Barclay
Well we always address root cause at holistic natural health Australia that's what we do. But yes it can help with an individual's health. We do need to reroute where.
Um, who.
Magic Barclay
That information on the P and Ei pathway is coming from. So for me, it was stemming right back to my childhood. There was a whole lot of adverse childhood experiences and adverse childhood relationship experiences that were starting this. So for me I had to go back.
Um, and.
Magic Barclay
And reframe all of those experiences using a number of techniques that I teach the teach the practitioners and you know it could be as simple as I have something right here an essential oil. You know for me something that.
Um, and.
Magic Barclay
Makes me think of great things is the smell of dill oil because it reminds me of being with my Nana cooking in the kitchen. She taught me how to make dill pickled cucumbers. So for me going through my Pe and I work it was dissociating the fear and the memory and the triggers.
Magic Barclay
From what was happening and trying to tie it to the smell of dill because that was good and that was uplifting and that was loving and that was nurturing. So no, that's just one tiny technique that I share with people because it's reframing the situation of stress and taking the positives. We often block out. You know if if anyone had asked me before I learned about all of this what was going on. You know when you were None or 6 I would have been able to rattle off all the bad things. But I would have really struggled to say but you know what on a Sunday morning I would be making dill cucumbers with my nana.
Magic Barclay
So it's really finding things and reframing it. So you're not living in that distress state all the time.
That's Beautiful. So It's okay and now I'm seeing it. It is dealing with past Traumas and it's it's helping you. So it's It's kind of a it's a therapeutic. Way to do that. But you're so you're dealing with ultimately a ah memory but it's that what it has done to the physical body and the physical response and how that is affecting your health now I Love that it's.
Magic Barclay
Yeah, totally. But it can. It can be a current trauma or a current ah form of distress so it doesn't even have to be from the past mine was. But yeah I had a lady come to me just the other day who was being bullied in her workplace and it was new.
Yeah, yeah.
Um, and.
Magic Barclay
This whole peony I think it swung in straight away and she was you know, being told by her doctor she had autoimmune but she was healthy till two years ago so you know it was for her quite a current thing.
And. Right? That's fascinating I love it. So how can people find out more about you and the holistic natural health center and and be in touch with you. You're in Australia.
Magic Barclay
We are in Australia but we work remotely now we have actually closed our physical clinics to really broaden our services to everyone so we work remotely either by phone or by Zoom so we can work with anyone around the world and.
None of all, but you.
Magic Barclay
The best place to find us is on our website. So It's W Ww W Dot Holisticnaturalhealth dot Com dot a and holistic has a w in front of it because we use holism and there you can find our blogs you can find all of our Services. You can find our own podcast. And more importantly, you can actually book a root cause analysis call which is complementary so you'll get our fabulous long intake form at ah, a lady joke little while ago that it was like filling out a thesis so you know we need this information for root cause.
Yeah, ah. Right.
Magic Barclay
And then we book a call either by phone or by Zoom and we go through our findings now at that point everything is complementary. You get a whole lot of information that you've probably not heard before and from there we go on and we may offer your package to work with us. We may not. We may part ways. Just with a whole lot of information and some well wishes really depends on the person. How the analysis goes and you know whether we feel that we're a good fit because we do not want to cause distress.
Wonderful. It's beautiful. Well this has been wonderful. Thank you so much. Thank you for your time I know it's late there in Australia so I really appreciate. Um. Being here today and thank you for all the work that you're doing to educate people and to help people come into that whole that whole self. Um, which is just vital right now. It's really beautiful.
Magic Barclay
Thank you and and you mentioned a fantastic word just to leave your listeners with a parting thought self and that is if you do not put yourself None No one else is going to so chasing symptoms.
Um, and.
Magic Barclay
Chasing pain chasing thoughts isn't going to help because they're outside of the self.
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you So much magic.
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