331. Beyond the Veil: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Nature of Reality from a Higher Perspective - Dean Graves

In episode 331 of Meditation Conversation, we uncover the unexpected link between a 6th dimensional entity, spiritual growth, and the Ra material from the 1980s. This conversation unlocks deeply esoteric knowledge about personal growth and the nature of our universe. Enjoy unraveling the mysteries of self-awareness, spiritual evolution, and the enigmatic 6th density creator being entity in this episode, an eye-opening journey that will expand your understanding of consciousness and the evolution of humanity.
Dean Graves is a spiritual teacher and author who has spent the last twelve years as a devoted student of a 6th density creator being entity, demonstrating a profound commitment to personal growth and enlightenment. His forthcoming book is anticipated to offer a pioneering exploration of the universe's nature and the human experience, reflecting his extensive knowledge of esoteric subjects. With a clear and accessible communication style, Dean provides valuable insights into the nature of reality and awareness levels across different dimensions, making him an authoritative source for individuals seeking self-awareness and personal growth.
Dean's spiritual journey began with a profound awakening, initiated by the spiritual connection he shared with his late spouse. Their exploration of the Ra material, a series of channelings from the 1980s, led them on a transformative path of spiritual discovery. Dean's poignant story reveals the enduring bond with his spouse, who continued to guide him as his higher self even after her passing. Through moments of humor and reflection, Dean's narrative offers a poignant insight into the profound impact of spirituality on personal growth and self-awareness. His experiences provide a heartfelt perspective, inviting others to contemplate the depth of spiritual connections and the healing power of love.
Click the clip below to hear Dean's understanding of 4th density children.
In this episode, you will be able to:
Explore Dean Graves' spiritual journey and connection to uncover hidden insights and wisdom.
Discover the Ra material for a deeper understanding of spiritual teachings and practices.
Uncover the significance of archetypes and creator's aspects in shaping your spiritual journey and personal growth.
Embrace the concept of free will as a distortion to expand your spiritual awareness and healing practices.
Cultivate self-awareness and personal growth to unlock your full potential and lead a fulfilling life.
Wanderers and Higher Consciousness
Calling himself a wanderer, Dean introduces us to a whole new spiritual identity. As he explains it, wanderers are higher density beings who have agreed to descend into lower densities, like the third, to assist others in their spiritual journey. These individuals are cognizant of their journey and purpose, and their presence contributes to the collective spiritual evolution. During our conversation, Dean paints an image of his spiritual journey, interlaced with his personal experiences and memories. He recalls resonating with the “Ra material” and his subsequent interactions with the research group. He reminisces about his higher consciousness guide, who was his spouse and his spiritual awakening following her passing away. His anecdotes about dolphins and whales in Mexico and the presence of higher selves were particularly heartwarming. Our conversation not only presents Dean's spiritual philosophy but also evokes feelings of empathy, appreciation, and resonance.
RA's Primer and Egyptian Times
Dean touches on his ideation of the entity Ra, explaining the intention behind the Ra material. He asserts that Ra's work was not meant to be comprehensive but rather a foundational guide, a "primer". With Ra being associated with the ancient Egyptian deity Osiris, Dean eludes to possible shared wisdom and symbolism towards the mysteries of life and consciousness. As the discussion unfolds, Dean reveals that the material provided by Ra leaves room for interpretations and personal inquiries to understand it better. He also talks more about his adventures within the Arcturian teachings, asserting they offer more detailed and useful information. Noting that Ra walked amidst the people during the Egyptian era, Dean hints at undiscovered insights and ancient wisdom waiting to be uncovered. This, in turn, leads to ongoing exploration, constantly evolving understanding, and ever-deepening insights into the enigma of human consciousness's.
The resources mentioned in this episode are:
Visit ddgraves.org to connect with Dean Graves and access his books, including Enlightenment, Plain and Simple, The Identity Model, and The Edifying Children of a Lesser God.
Check out the Chatting with the Arcturians podcast for regular discussions and insights from Dean Graves and the Arcturians.
Explore Moonbird, the personal breathing coach, to improve sleep quality, duration, and daytime functioning. Use the link in the show notes and the code Kara Goodwin for 5% off your order.
Share this episode with someone who would benefit from the conversation and let them know you're thinking about them.
Stay tuned for Dean Graves' upcoming book, The Enigma of Consciousness, for a deeper spiritual exploration of humanity's relationship to creation.
The resources mentioned in this episode are (some affiliate links):
Visit ddeangraves.org to connect with Dean Graves and access his books, including Enlightenment, Plain and Simple, The Identity Model, and The Edifying Children of a Lesser God.
Check out the Chatting with the Arcturians podcast for regular discussions and insights from Dean Graves and the Arcturians.
- Read Dean's books Edifying Children of a Lesser God, Enlightenment Plain and Simple, Enigma of Consciousness
- Read the Ra Material
Explore Moonbird, the personal breathing coach, to improve sleep quality, duration, and daytime functioning. Use this link and the code KaraGoodwin for 5% off your order.
Share this episode with someone who would benefit from the conversation and let them know you're thinking about them.
Stay tuned for Dean Graves' upcoming book, The Enigma of Consciousness, for a deeper spiritual exploration of humanity's relationship to creation.
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