178. Violence, Grief, and Consciousness - Modern Mysticism with Michael
On the heels of the horrific tragedy of May 24th, where another community is dealing with the trauma of a massive school shooting, Michael Massey joins for an emotional episode exploring the spiritual and societal underpinnings of this type of violence.
- How can we have this ever increasing awakening of consciousness across the planet and also continue to see such evidence of devolution among our people?
- Are the pharmacological band aids we are using to combat deep psychological problems ultimately making things worse?
- How are we collectively involved in these acts of violence?
- How does the work we do to heal our own traumas and evolve our own consciousness lift the rest of the planet?
Hello and welcome to the meditation conversation I'm your host Kara Goodwin and I'm joined today with Michael Massey by Michael Massey I think I did that last time I'm joined by Michael Massey hi Michael hi Kara and also anytime you've been on recently I start by saying it's been a long time since you've been on it. It has been yes, yes, yes, it's like a millennium I know what is up with that I don't know it's just seems like it's that time thing again I know it's like we we used to. Have your blessed presence here frequently and now it's like sprinkles we get like Michael Sprinkles oh okay yeah so but it's a pleasure to be here again? Yes, yes, so nice to have you here. Thank you and so um. 1 of the things that we've been talking about recently see we're recording this on May Twenty seventh so this has been a pretty tragic week here in America well felt all over the world I'm sure. Um. But there was there have been a couple of mass shootings recently and culminating in in quite ah a tragic one in Texas with ah a school shooting as we close out the end of the year here the school year. Um. And I think it's particularly it's it's a very trying time anyway, that's a very trying thing for us to be going through from a humanity perspective. Um. I personally get so disappointed when things like this happen from like the progression of humanity. You know we have this one side if we're working on our spiritual growth and if we're kind of tuned into. Energetics of the planet and this transitionary time this golden age that we're coming into. Um, there's this sense that things like this are going to stop. You know that we're gonna kind of open up into a ah higher version of humanity. So. In 2022 alone. You know we've had the war in the Ukraine that is you know feels like a big setback from a humanity perspective and our our progress in our evolution then we have things like this happening in America. Um.
And it's so it's it's the tragedy and the loss of life and the suffering is is hard enough um to take in and then on top of that it seems kind of defeating. From a collective consciousness from an evolution perspective. So I'm curious to get your thoughts on on things like this from that perspective like are we evolving or are we devolving? Yeah is there hope you know there's always hope. Ah. Yeah, what a terrible tragedy and yeah hearts go out to all those the parents and you know I don't think I don't have kids kids of my own but I really. And losing a loved one I don't think that there's anything probably worse than ah, losing a child and I can't even can't even barely fathom the the grief that. It comes from that and ah so yeah, so heartfel blessings to the whole community of Vivaldi right now and I'm sure it's shaking them to their absolutely you know, kind of to their core. And you know I it's it's astounding I remember last year I think it was last year and was right around the same time and there had been another mass shooting and I remember hearing there had been something like. 50 mass shootings or something and then in the span of about as many days. Oh my gosh and ah this this particular one. That happened on the twenty fourth I think it was which was Tuesday which was the one hundred and forty Fourth day of the year and I think it was the none mass shooting. We've had so far in and 20202022 oh gosh we't even halfway through the year yet I know and here we go. Okay, well you know what's what's going on and it's a it's a.
It's an interesting question for sure. Um, and and ah, um, ah. We have now we've been doing this podcast now for none years or so about that and along the way you know we've talked about how the overall you know the planetary energetics are on the rise and in. And ah, and so there's this constant uptick or amplification of the energy vibrations here which has this amplification. It's gonna amplify everything across the board. So it's it's. Seeing as you say on None hand we have this awakening that's progressing forward and and a great deal more of kind of consciousness is coming into play in terms of you know the. The the choices that we're making in terms of lifestyle in terms of of you know what foods we eat and our sense of duty and responsibility to the planet and to the environment and wonderful things happening. In this regards and then also of course we have you know last year was a big year of of this explosion of racial tensions and and then we have this this growing epidemic of what's. What's going on with all of these mass shootings and a large number of them are are being perpetrated by youth. Really, you know you know young young distrusted. Individuals and so um, you know and we can look at you know there's definitely it's it's it's more than None factor and you know involved. There's definitely a spiritual component and. Then there's a you know there's ah, there's a social cultural element and aspect to it and then you know I also suspect that there's a pharmaceutical basis behind this.
And now you know I'm not a I'm not a research scientist. But and believe it's over over you know, 90% of of all the perpetrators in these mass shootings. Are on some form of psychotropic medications and now that's just alone and and and according to science that just shows correlation. It doesn't show cause causation. But you know it's a it's a well-known site. Side effect many of these things that there's suicidal impulses and there's there's now continuing research going that that there's actually ah you know homicidal impulses that that can happen is that can arise from use of these substances. And ah, you know? And yeah, we're so we're still you know that we get huge portions of the populace that are so still reliant on this. You know this pharmacological model of we're gonna. Have this treatment of this take this pill or this pill this pill and when it comes to the to to mental health we're talking about some some very you know, deep and dark psychological forces. And just attempting to suppress them is you know it's it's easy. Should you try to squeeze it down. It's gonna it's it's still gonna it's gonna pop up. It's it's. You know you just keep we can't be putting as a society. We can't be putting just a band-aid on this because it's it's not addressing. Obviously there's something really fundamental. That's happening underneath the the surface. And we how are we gonna address that I'm reminded of ah a story that that came from. I believe it's ah it's it was a tribe in Africa and and you may have heard this or those who are listening. You may have heard this as well. I think its circulated this story circulated on Facebook or social media. Maybe a few years ago and it's about this. It was this this tribe didn't win a member of their tribe.
Basically goes off the deep end or loses their way or acts out in you know in some kind of criminal way in violence against other members of the community that what they do is they cut. They do a kind of an intervention will they bring that person and into the the center and the tribe gathers around them and then they they share each of them share the beautiful memories that they have of that person and reminding them. Of like who they are and who they were as a child and they shower them with um with praise for their their true true nature in order to help remind them of who they. Really are and um and I think this is in a sense of course. Um you know that. Kind of approach that works there in that tribal environment I think it's a beautiful way to address those that are lost if you will but what can you know? What can we in Western Society. Um. Do time to help remind these you know those that have lost their way of who they really are as opposed to just attempting to. To suppress. Yeah, and I don't know that I have a perfect answer for that. But it certainly seems like that that the the divisions that were so. So apts to jump onto something where we're somehow we as a society where or we're failing our youth. Yeah, and and there's. Something that we need to be able to do about this and I I think that one of the cool things about that. The the story about that tribe is that the that there isn't blame placed just on.
The deviant that they collectively as a tribe assume responsibility and I and I think in our Western Culture. We're still so apt to not want to claim responsibility that we're somehow that's. Somebody else's has a problem. Yeah and is the cause and is right and that that we ourselves are not somehow yeah a contributor to this and which of. Course it doesn't acknowledge this the truth of the collective that we are and so that which is we all share a common. Um. Ah, common vibrational frequency that is the collective of humanity and so this is and it runs through and it's mostly subconscious, but anything that is in another is also in us. But. You know each of us has a choice in terms of how we are able to respond and act upon these these deep psychological forces and some. Are able to you know to act appropriately and some are not and so ah, it's It's really gonna somehow take us. As a whole embracing all all of us in and knowing that we are ultimately we are one tribe and when we can make that kind of a switch. In our own mind that it's not just some other that this is a part of us that one of us is really struggling with then we're actually in a position through. Through our shared consciousness to begin to dissolve and resolve these deep so psychological forces such that that this kind of thing doesn't happen in the future. Yeah, this is the thank you for that because there's a lot.
There's a lot that is there for for all of us to really consider um another piece to that that goes with that is the the division you know because this this type of. Situation it stirs up so much us versus them on both sides. There's so much fear on both sides fear of what has just happened that it will continue to happen if we don't do something because there has been. Such a lack of responsibility happening particularly in the political arena where you know we have so many way way way too many examples of of this happening that we should be able to say hey. We're not using these rights that we're given in an appropriate way. It's not it's not you know benefiting us collectively it's harming us collectively. Well then you have another side that wants the freedom to be able to. You know take responsibility for themselves in whatever way they see fit and they're afraid of the other group saying you can't have what you want, you know you don't have the right to protect yourself. You know and this is all coming from fear. We're all afraid we're freight on different sides. Ultimately, we're afraid of the same bad guy. Bad guy but the response to it's like prevention versus ah, being able to defend ourselves in that moment you know, um, and of course it runs so much deeper than all of that. But. You talk about this collective consciousness and the energetics behind all of this and when we do have something that's so catastrophic like what's happened and in that then we have this division. So we've got the trauma. We've got the heartache. We've got the devastation and that's all None thing and very likely most of both sides are feeling that you know even if you don't you know, even if you're on one side it doesn't mean you're not affected by what has happened. But that division and that hatred of the other and that separation I don't know if you want to talk a little bit just about that collective vibe that we're all living in and then that you know that division and what that the part that that plays and.
How that works into everything and I presume you're referring primarily here to like gun control yeah legislation and and what not and and ah you know aren there's the constitutionally protected right to to bear ours. And incidentally you know if you look back ah to the drafting of the constitution and then then the subsequent bill of rights and now at that time of course America is a new country at that. Newly liberated from again gaining its independence from great Britain and so the importance of bearing arms and one of the primary reasons was was part of a balance of power. And it was. There was a number of protections in the whole the balance of power within the the judicial and legislative and executive branches of the government was was ah a defense against tyranny and the right to bear arms is also. Ah, defense against tyranny such that we wouldn't be subjected to a yeah tyrannical government which has all the weapons and because this has happened throughout history where you know. You know, serfs and farmers and peasants and stuff were not allowed to to bear arms and subsequently then and you know you'd have that easy to overrule them. Yeah, it was the noble class had all the power all the power and that threat of violence the threat of violence. Is ah is ends up being a well if it's 1 ne-sided. It's a destabbilizer if it's uniform then it's a stabilizer so the the very notion of the right to bear arms was to actually stabilize and. Ah, are um, on this their country and our society against tyrannical a tyrannical government noble in its zone right? and at this stage in the game. Um. Yeah, like under that argument of course then then the the people should be able to have tanks and palmers and all of that yeah stuff which is not of course practical technology has has really kind of.
Skewed that overall balance of power balance of power such that it's not that's not a really a practical so much of a practical approach to to yeah to. Stabilizing meaning like if as a citizen you're trying to you're using the right to bear arms as a protection against the the government of the United States it's that's still not a balance of power like having a revolver. Against the usi government right? Yeah, it's not yeah, going to be outnumbered anyway, yeah, yeah, outgunned anyway. So that's ah and ah so ah, you know and. But it's it's become so ingrained you know in you know in our culture that we have this right? and and certainly you know anyone who who lives off the land in any regard you know and. And then you know there's there's certain certain answer is where you know only far it's absolutely you know fine is that what do we do about these as I understand I almost all all these. Shootings the stuff occurred the the shooters actually legally acquired. You know it. That's I there. Yeah I haven't researched that but I thought yeah I don't think there's like a you know this was bought on the black market kind of thing. no yeah no and ah um so so yeah what do we do about this now I mean the game has changed um and there's no real easy solution to it. Only you know real solution to this is you know only it those comes from you know the the ah from a spiritual perspective an elevation of consciousness and. You know these these incidences are are serving just like the all the race racial conflicts they have to serve as catalysts for us to increase our awareness.
And um, and to make different choices each of us at you know at an individual level because I don't see any other way and from an energetic standpoint. Um. You know we've talked on this podcast before I'm sure it's come up about how you know everything is within ultimately and it is Amazing. How real that is because that can sound very metaphorical or like theoretical. But we really do have so much power within us and there is that collective consciousness but the more work that we are doing on ourselves the more we're Affecting. Collective Consciousness. So I don't know if you want to talk a little bit about just that inner. You talked about responsibility but I wonder from like a consciousness perspective if you can take it a little bit in in the direction of energetically like doing your own. Resolving of your Traumas and your shadows and and filling yourself with light and being dedicated to your own responsibility of coming into the fullness of who you are and what that does collectively. Um. Yeah, see and you know speaking of like the energetics. Okay, and so yes, everything is is within us and um and yet we we are also each individual So some. While the same force may be present in me as it is in in you then it's that the whole whole thing about you know the good wolf and the bad wolf and which one wins and it's the one you feed right? So if you're. You know, feeding certain energies. They're going to become really highly dominant in in your experience in terms of how that crafts your view of the world. So We have all of these things within us. But At. In different compositions in terms of there of how prominent certain energies are and so incidentally what kind of happens and as the as the overall energy as a planet are increasing. This is also serving to.
Ah, decalcify the pineal gland and so more and more people are waking up to a bigger reality than they've seen before now this gets a bit tricky because let's. Because there's a few different things that can happen. So as soon as you begin to actually see more into into say the energies or the energetics around then it's the one of them. Oh. Weirdest things is like I remember once I saw this this this guy like shapeshift into a rape reptilian right in front of me I just so saw this is and and. That that really jacked me up mentally for a while because I didn't know whether or not I was I was witnessing an energy that was present in him or if. If he was like um, a mirror and I was and I was projecting that out. So if you say now we some people could we can call them demons. They're called Arons and you can call them negative thought forms you want to keep it. Really generic or something but and we also refer to him early as these dark psychological forces where where we're all. We're talking about this same kind of thing and um and so if. If again, an individual is has basically that's what they've been feeding and so that's the and we we generally when we're around somebody like that. Oh we'll pick we'll pick that up you know if you're if you're already waking to. Sensing energies and you like you just like oh that person just get. You're like wow is is's just darkness around them or they you know they're just the vibes are off or you know you're they kind of make your you just kind of on alert cause there's yeah, right. So with someone like that and begin and then let's say through whatever substances are not or whatnot their bineog gland starts to activate activate then.
They may literally be seen everyone around them may look like demons so in their world. What they're doing is justified and yeah, yeah, okay. And it's fueled Now. What's going to be fueling them is is hatred and contempt and um and vengeance these are those are really so strong things. It takes a really powerful emotional base in order to override the basic circuitry that we have as humans that doesn't let us kill each other. Yeah and so we have to dehumanize and so if you. You know? so for that person then they're looking around and that's what they see around them and so they're enacting violence upon not upon humans but a projection of them themselves god. Right? So in a sense What they're trying to do is slay their own demons by conducting one of these killing sprees. Wow Yeah, right? And certainly we got. It's not like we have bunch of None and None graders that are right just possess. No no right? No so so that's an inner That's all that's an all the projection and so you know ah so that. So that and that individual who would would would this you know I can't and when I think about somebody that's living in that kind of a tortured mental state. It actually. Brings it I feel compassion in my heart for that torment that torment and and good and God knows what kinds of things have happened to that person that so. So kind of displace their soul that they that all these other entities and things have taken up residence there and ah.
And that itself is a great tragedy also and um and then you know I guess in the further that is is the somebody is in that that level of distressed. State Who. Do they turn to yeah and we're not really well equipped. Yeah and to actually deal with someone who's that. Yeah, has been that deeply compromised at a spiritual level right? And that's maybe something that we we need to look at and um. Yeah, yeah, yeah I think that that is its own tragedy. You know it's its own trauma of the whole the whole thing. Um. I think too that it's you know each of us is on our own Journey. We're all in our own. Um, oh my gosh. There's a frog on the window but well, that's super cute. Like climbing up the window. Um, but it's it's our coming coming back to what's within us and how we affect the collective. Think it's important for each of us to remember the power that we have within us and the importance of doing our work so that we keep ourselves sealed up and in check. And on in path and in in the path of light. Um and the more of us who kind of take up arms with the light you know and and are focusing and directing our awareness and our attention and our attention and intention. On being aligned with the light how that internally brings us into alignment with our souls you know so that we are filled with with our highest. Um.
Our highest expression of who we are the ripple out that that has is in my view and in my understanding the most powerful thing that most of us can do. Unless we have you know some of us will be positioned to be able to make more direct change. You know we have politicians. For example, who can make more direct change on this issue in particular. Um. You know I'm not anywhere near the political arena so my my personal ability to change laws and is is limited. So for me the biggest effect that I know that I can have on ah ah, an issue like this. Is to be in my deepest alignment and in my highest alignment because everything is happening at the energetic level um in a much stronger way than in the physical yes and in just. Like I brought up 3 like those potent forces like hate hatred contempt and vengeance. So yeah, so let's say one of the things that we can do like wow. Okay I mean not I may not harbor those. Those emotions to such a degree that it's gonna it's gonna lead me or compel me to to anything violent. Um, but if I can examine myself and go but do i. Do I harb or hatred to an individual. Um do I have secret thoughts of vengeance against you know that None dude who took my job or whatever you know or whatever it might be um. And if I'm able to eradicate those even if they're maybe you know so-called small examples ah within my own life then that that does actually that. Changes my field equation in terms of what I'm broadcasting into the collective because we're all contributing into the collective and so two as we're able to.
To process and eliminate those those feelings those emotions those frequencies then where we're actually helping everyone and then. Then of course and then of course the aforementioned compassion and being able to have compassion for um, not just for the victims but also for. The perpetrators and um and so that itself also helps to clear the deck or clear the stacks within the collective and so that has a. Ah, big benefit as well. Yeah, beautiful. Well thank you so much for your for your wisdom and sharing on this really sensitive issue sensitive topic I'd like to to you know I i. Mention None other thing. Um, you know there's a movie on Netflix that's called wind river wind river wind river and it's ah it's a pretty intense watch and it did it deals with. Um, the you know a violent death of a of a child and so there's their grieving parents in this and and there's um, there's a particular scene or dialogue in there and and. And this movie stars. It's Jeremy Renner Elizabeth Olson and Graham Green and takes place in Wyoming on the res and there's a scene where these these None fathers who both. Lost their daughters and None of them is talking to the other said that he had had gone to ah you know a a grief counseling convention and seminar kind of a thing and he said he says is I know this is. You have to accept that you're never gonna be the same after you know losing and that it's gonna hurt and you're gonna feel that pain and the most important thing is you gotta take it.
Just to face that pain and feel it because if you don't if you try to run from it then it will Rob you of every beautiful memory you have of that beloved. From their none step to their none word to their every birthday party everything it'll all go away if you try to run from that paint and so to any of those out there they're facing or grieving. From from this or any anything that may be in your life. Our hearts are with you don't run from the pain. We know it hurts? Um, but um. You're strong enough and it and as bad as that hurts. It's not as bad as as losing all the beautiful memories that we have of the dearly departed. It's be Thank you so much. Thank you.
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