184. Biofield Healing - Niamh

How does sound help us to heal trauma, stress, and resistance across time?
How can you claim back your vital life force?
Is it important to connect with the “story” of your trauma, in order to release it?
Niamh joins from Ireland in this insightful conversation, where we discuss cacao, biofield tuning, and so much more. Additional threads we pull include:
- What does the body’s electrical and magnetic fields have to do with the aura?
- What is the importance of grounding and connecting with the earth in terms of clearing your energy fields?
- Overcoming the fear that surrounds following your true path.
- The role of cacao in healing and awakening.
IG: @biofieldwithniamh
Hello and welcome to the meditation conversation I am so excited today to have neve joining Neve is a cacao medicine woman and a biofield tuner and she is a world explorer Explorer. And a peace seeker and a shamanic student and so much more so I'm really excited to dive into some of these topics that we haven't explored yet on the podcast. So welcome nive.
Hi Kara hi listeners. Thank you so much for having me on your show today I absolutely love the message that you are spreading about consciousness expansion healing and growth I feel that it is super important and thank you. So much for everyone who is listening. There are an infinite endless possible places that you could be right now and you are choosing to be here with myself and kara to learn and also to teach. So. Thank you so much.
Oh that's so beautiful. Thank you so where are you joining us from today. Nive.
So I am in Ireland at the moment I'm originally from Ireland I have spent many years working in London and following this I went to abudabi so into the Middle East following this then I came back to Ireland just for 1 year and then I moved to Portugal and that led me to to this moment here. So I have been around the world and back again and both I've been back in Ireland now for the past three days
I was gonna say you must not have been in Ireland long because I had seen on Instagram I think that you were in Portugal like not very long ago at all so three days yeah
Yeah, so I decided to relocate to Portugal last October and the winter months in Ireland get very cold and a bit drury and I really enjoy the sun and I really feel that it helps to lift my spurts. So I moved to Portugal and I set up a healing retreat center in portugal for a couple of months traveled around and I really feel for me a lot of my expansion and growth in the past year came from being in Portugal. The. The people of Portugal are very connected to the land. They have a very slow-paced life and they really do work on their spiritual healing. So I really immersed myself in those communities and now I've come back to Ireland for the summer I'll be offering retreats and events here in Ireland bringing back all of the wisdom and knowledge that I have and so been so blessed to learn in Portugal. So here I am in Ireland.
That's so fascinating because Ireland has such a rich history of connection with the land and the earth and the elementals and and all of that and I don't know. Um. I don't know how connected you feel with that being irish I I lived in the Uk for a few years and I made it to um, did I go to Dublin I think I think I went. Yeah yes I was. I went to Dublin like one weekend. Um, so I've spent like a tiny bit of time in Ireland but um, but I think of like traditionally like the celtic culture and so forth as so connected to the land and the planet and I know that. There's been a lot of change you know over the years with um, you know christianity taking over for example, um, but do you feel like. Just within you growing up there. Did you feel more connected to Portugal or do you feel that connection to the elements and things when you're back in Ireland.
So when I was growing up I grew up in a very catholic family and and you know exactly what you've shared a lot of the celtic pre-christianity has been lost in Ireland. But it is starting to come back now again. So growing up I didn't know much about the elements about the earth about nature and and now that I have started my own spiritual path which has only been you know in the last three years I really feel a deep connection and a deep call back to Ireland to reconnect and to remember what what I wasn't taught as a child or what was forgotten through school religion society education. So now that I am back in Ireland I am putting myself out there to connect with irish shamans and with people who are studying irish culture and history and this weekend I'm heading off to a big. Summer festival with all bonfires and bringing all of the communities together. So yes, now that I am back I to Ireland I am aware that people actually are still studying this and they are connected to the rich culture here in Ireland but because I wasn't taught about that as a child I didn't know it exists. So now I'm remembering again which feels really really good.
Yeah,, that's it's fascinating how we sometimes like have look for it So we feel drawn somewhere else to help us to ah to connect deeper and then get called back or find. That um, that there are pieces to the mystery within us that were kind of under our noses and but but there's like a whole journey. You know I mean isn't that so reminiscent of did you ever read The alchemist.
And know what I know Rous should yet.
Yeah, you may want to check that book out because it's very much I won't go into it too much but you know it's it's like this whole journey. That's very like complete you know and it it feels like you know and you're very young like you you've got so much. Ah, you know this is like just 1 step along in your journey that will carry on for a long time I have no doubt but it's really interesting to see like how these things weave and you know get and and sometimes turn back on themselves and.
Yeah, it's so perfect that as the main thing is that you you keep awareness and you keep your consciousness to what's actually happening. You know whats un folding whether you want to label it as good and good or bad as those there to teach us to the next.
It's really beautiful. Yeah.
You know the next step The next door is open and another one closes. Yeah, beautiful.
You know? yeah, That's Amazing. So as I mentioned one. Ah, one of the things that you have studied and that you know a lot about is um, ah you bio Field Tuner. And this is new for me so I would love to to learn about it. What is a biofield tuner.
So biofues tuning is a form of energy medicine. It is a vibrational healing modality and I'll use a tuning fork on a hocky book to make a sound. Um I can do a little demo and I use the tuning fork and the hockey book to to emanate a sound and then I use the sound to locate areas of stuckness in the human. Bio fields so it is it locates times of stress turbulence trauma or resistance in your specific lifetime depending on how old you are so it locates them but it also helps to discharge the time of stress. Or trauma so we work or I work specifically in your timeline from the time you were in your mother's womb all the way up until your current age. So I start at 0 and for example up until age 30 feeling. And listening in every single year four times of stress turbulence or trauma. And for example, if I get stuck at age 15 then we hang out there for a couple of strikes of the fork. Until your bio field also known as the aura or the energy field releases this energy that has been stuck back at age 15 so we discharge the energy at that time and send it back inside your body. Into the main shackross system the main energy system that is inside or around your body so and the human bio field is extends 5 to six feet off either side. Of the human body so we can then locate the the time of birth which is around five feet off the left or right hand side of your body and then walk close to your physical body. Is what's close and current. So what you're currently generating what vibration you're currently giving off and then everything else in between folds like rings and a tree. So this is how we can specifically say at what age we are finding the the stress.
Or the trauma in the energy field. So as we hang out at these sticky spots. We discharge the energy so you don't forget the memory from age 15 but you discharge from the emotional response. The next time you face a stress or trauma you don't have a knee-jerk response to how you reacted at age 15 because you are centered and you are grounded in the person you are today. Not somebody who was hurt fifteen years ago so essentially we go through the timeline through the history feeling and listening for for resistance and then we discharge the perturbations sending the energy some people call it Che Prama Life Force Biop photons whatever works word resonates with you. We collect it like on a magnet sound has magnetic qualities so we collected drop it into your body back into the present moment so you get a reboot of energy you get back your vital life force. That has been shed into the fields around you and you didn't even know so say. For example, you might see somebody who's going through a particularly challenging time. Perhaps the recent breakup they have no light in their face. They have no light in their body and it's because they are shedding what we call bio photons. Or or energy or light into the field around them so they're not grounded in the present moment. They're not grounded in their body they're they're somewhere else so we go back. We take these these energy these biophotos and we bring it back into your body. Can get back. You know this zest for life this excitement this joy. So yeah, it really works on the emotions and the memories. It's really good for grounding really good for physical pain. We we penetrate the human body with with sound. And you know some people may be more familiar with acupuncture where we put needles in the body to release the stress to release the energetic pathways. It's very similar with biofue tuning apart from we are using sound to penetrate the human. Body to clear static to clear stagnation in the body in the tot. But what makes biofue tuning a little bit more different is that it is very specific to the age and to the person's timeline.
And so you know we were're quite often able to say at what age and or finding the resistance but at the same time you know people don't need to know what the memory is. For example, if I get stuck at age 15 and I'm sensing it a sadness or a loss. The the client doesn't need to know what the memory is you know we don't need to go back over the the emotions or the situation. It's because we are there to just release and let go so the client can move forward with their life. And so I don't need to know what the experience was and needed the the clients the most important thing is we're going to hang out at this sticky spot until it is released until the the tuning force then becomes smooth as opposed to being very sticky or it's like it's getting. So essentially the the tuning fork when it's when it's hit against the hockey pock. It should make the same sound each and every time as long as I am hitting it fairly consistently in the same way. However. When I stick the tuning fork in your energy field. Suddenly it goes really high that might signify an anxiety or fear or suddenly it might go really low and that and you know is saying that there might be some sadness or grief or loss. So when when the tuning fork changes in tone or sound then that is a feedback for me as a practitioner but also for the clients that things there's something there that is not coherent. It's not smooth. It's not clear so that's how we know where to hang out so that. Chewing fork will change sound or also there will be a different magnetic pull in the fork and for me, it will be more challenging to move and to move the fork through the field and then also I might get certain kind of intuitive download or. Color or visual or something. So yeah, there's many ways that that there is feedback and so yeah, that's that's essentially it I mean there's so much more to it. Yeah there's so much more to um.
Wow Yeah, that's fascinating.
Just to bring in. You know, a bit of the science. Some people might really enjoy to hear some of the science behind this? Um, So I am a trained physiotherapist and this is what I studied at University and so I worked a lot with the mechanics of the body. And also the chemical side of the body. So You know if the body felt in Pain. We would use the mechanics of the body to try and fix that and also chemically you know with and with pharmaceutical drugs to to help with the pain. But what I really wasn't taught about was how did the body is so. Electric. So Our whole nervous system runs on axons and dendrite and the signals being passed across and the nervous system. So This is all run on electricity and our heart has a heartbeat like this is the beat of Electricity. Our brain carries a signal of a beat. So You know when you go to get a brain Scan it is measuring the electrical activity of your brain and the same when you get a heart Scan It's measuring measuring the electrical activity of the heart. Our bones our peioelectric crispline structures meaning that they emit light and electricity when they are compacted. Our blood is salt in water which carries an electric charge. So if you think about all of these systems like we are electrical beings. Like we really are electrical beings and allow physics state that anything that has an electric current running through it will always create a magnetic field and I'm not sure if anyone is familiar with the.
With the magnet and the iron filing. So if you have a magnet you can create the magnetic field around it using iron filings so around the sun we have the heliosphere around the earth we have the ionuspher. So if the human body is creating. An electrical charge running up through it. It's going to create a magnetic bubble a magnetic field and this is the bio field also known as the aura or the energy field so we get an electrical current from the surface of the. And this is our feminine yin energy. But so often we walk in rubber sole shoes that the magnetic energy from the earth is coming up to the soles of our shoes and then bouncing back off down into the earth. We're not getting a balance of exchange with the earth and then we have a backlog of electricity inside our body which is contributing towards inflammation in any ways. Physical inflammation inside the body but also anxiety feeling dred feeling stuck. Um, yeah, just been really in our own body in our tull so we get one electrical current from the surface of the earth and then also from the sky down we get another electrical current which is our masculine yang energy. Um. So quite often because we spend so much time indoors as especially under artificial light. We are again not getting this balance of exchange with the with the nature energy that's around us. But it's really important for the human body to receive both cma. And and the feminine energies the sky and the earth to flow up and down through the central channel of the of the energy body. So this gives us vitality. It allows for a discharge of energy and it call in fresh energy. So we don't just breathe in. Fresh air. You know it's full of vital to life force. It's full of cheese full larana which is really you know so important for the the human body to cleanse to cleanse and clear and release because we hold so much and we just not have been taught about this aspect. Of being human you know, maybe some people have but I know certainly for myself I was not part at school about being an electric being or being an energetic being that I have that I have Chakras I have energy fields that need curing.
Round leave. Yeah.
I can feel better and I can show up here as a better human being. Um, so yeah, that's some of the signs behind it so we are working with the electric body Also known as the energy body to to clear and to cleanse and we use sound in a very specific way.
That is fascinating and thank you for taking us through all of that science because it's so important that we keep hearing these messages and keep connecting with the the importance I mean what you're talking about with the.
To do that.
Magnetic or the electric fields around us in the earth you know and in the rubber souls shoes. You know there's a lot of of earthing you know that that can help with that I don't know. Do you recommend because if you're. Not able to be barefoot on the land which a lot of people in modern times you know it's hard to get out on the earth with no shoes on all year round you know maybe in the summertime that's more natural but if you live where you have the seasons. Um. It might not be so are there particular um, are there shoes that are good that you know can keep that kind of that conduction happening where you're not sending that back down to the earth and it's actually able to eat more easily come up.
Yeah I mean great question but I would really recommend even if it is very cold outside or if it is wet like try your best to get your bare feet on the ground like have a hot water bottle ready have a towel ready have a hot shower ready. And all these takes like you literally could only take like even just putting your feet on the ground for 1 moment taking a deep breath in and out can supercharge your body and I know and I understand and I respect that this might sound a bit crazy because if somebody said this to me. Three years ago I would have said I'm not going to do that I'm fine. You know, but but now that I have practiced it and I understand it on a very deeper level it really really nourish and discharge. Even if you take a deep breath. It's like ah you know you feel like you've just let the way the world fall out of you if you can do that.
With your bare feet on the ground whether it is water mud snow grass even just concrete is is better than nothing however to answer your question. Yes, and I have shoes called harmony at. 7 8 trees and actually got them imported from America and a ceremony 7 8 trees and they don't have rubble on the soles of the shoes. But also if you wear a leather shoes I think there are leather moccasins. Um, then yes. You know as long as they don't have rubber and even just walking inside your house would I choose is is better because you know you might be walking on wood or you might be walking on concrete or slate or whatever you know is in the home and and even you know it doesn't have to be your bare feet. If you walk outside and put your hands on a tree. That's also super amazing and you might hear about some people talking about tree hogging. It's also a thing and it's yeah, it's any connection with the earth because if you think about it if you are wearing rubber on the soles of your feet.
Um, it published.
And you don't touch the earth at any point during the day then it's a backlog. It's a backlog is the backlog. So just putting your hands down even fitting. You know if you if you do have your clothes on even just sitting on on ah on a a stub of a tree. Whatever it is in nature. Want to allow you to to Discharge with energy. But electricityally yes.
Oh that's beautiful. Thank you so much. So how did you get started on this path. You mentioned like three years ago you wouldn't have been open to some of these ideas and you also mentioned that you're a physiotherapist. Um, so how. Did all of this come together to bring you to where you are today.
So I trained as a physiotherapist in the Uk in London I worked there for around five or six years and then I got offered a job as a physiotherapist in abadabi which is in the middle east so I went. To Abudabi and in my second year working there I found myself at a vegan food market fair that I had saw in the time-out a local magazine I am not vegan but I don't know why I just went and this beautiful lady called Julie. Offered me a session of bio field tuning just for free 20 minutes she was just offering 20 minute 3 sessions and at that time I didn't know anything about energy healing I didn't know anything about Reiki and I said I was like oh no, you know don't worry. Don't waste your time. I'm gonna leave now and she's like no no no and then I'll come and sit down so I did and she was standing around two and a half feet away from me and and my eyes were closed and I was sitting and she said to me she said oh I'm sending a real sadness a grief. I'm a loss and it's related to your mother and at this point I was just crying uncontrollably on my like usually in the past when I close my eyes things were kind of like dark like dark colors. But in this moment it was like super bright. It was like flashing light and. Julie was very on point because at age 12 was when my mom transformed into the spirit world. She passed away she was ill and in this moment with Julie I was having a massive emotional release. Something that I had been carrying at that time for for almost you know 15 years and I didn't realize I was carrying it so I was crying and crying and I thought to myself. Wow I have met somebody who's psychic. This is so cool and then.
Move it.
I would like am I crying because she's mentioned my mom or what's actually happening because this was such a new experience for me because I always held in my tears I always was like no, it's fine I'll get out with this I'm okay, don't worry about me and and this I just couldn't control it. So. You know I can reflect now and say that I was having a massive emotional emotion release. But also I was having a spiritual awakening. So as Julie finished she said okay bye now and I said wow no something has happened to you I don't know what's happened.
So We had it. We had a quick conversation and I went outside on the grass and I didn't know how to describe how I was feeling but um, in that moment. All I could think of was I feel really really healthy, but now on reflection I can say things like. I was grounded for the first time ever I was clear I was lied I was you know, setting myself free. So I looked up online. What is Biophio tuning and 1 of the first things that I read was anybody can learn how to do this, you don't have a. Have to have like you know some spiritual background or anything and in that exact moment I said I'm going to learn how to do this I didn't know how I didn't know when and even know why I would just like I'm learning how to do this.
So I can yeah I actually flew from abadabi to Ireland some of the teachers from America were in Ireland for a couple of days so I did a foundations course and then I ended up quitting my job as a physiotherapist in abadabi and then I trained. For for a longer time in the Uk in Manchester and and yeah, that was my journey. You know when I when I first started to to practice biofieldel tuning I thought oh my god I'm never going to be ah to to know how to do this like it's really challenging and I can't send anything and you know. It sounds the same. The fork isn't changing but over you know the last two and a half to 3 years and because of all of the other work spiritual work. That said that I have been doing I have really opened up to all of these other dimensions that you know that are here all around us in in every moment. But. And more I've come back to myself come back to myself I'm able to to tune in so yes and I you know I was said I left my job as a videotherapist and I went traveling for a while and him back to Ireland and I was going to set up as ah as a physiotherapist in Ireland but I just everything just kept. Getting blocked and I just didn't have the drive to to do it so in that moment you know I had to face myself and and those around me in terms of oh you know, kind of society status about being a physio in contrast to be an energy healer. Financial security like holiday pay ah benefits state benefits and I just said I have to follow my heart in this moment and I don't care if I don't earn as much money or people think I'm woo-woo like something is just telling me to do this. So yeah I just continue to do wildfield tuing and it's led me to this exact moment and I am so blessed and I'm so grateful that I continue to follow my heart.
That's so important and so many people will resonate with that because as we do become more and more open. It's kind of that. It's hard to start. It's hard to deny. Desire to align you know and it's like and to have like this wholeness within us where it's like ah every expression of what we're doing is that expression of what we're discovering of ourselves you know so including like okay I've got the option here. I'm at a crossroads do I take like the more comfortable path of Physiotherapy that I know is going to support me in in in a certain way in this plane and or do I honor that kind of deeper expression. That's like more. Um, more aligned and more comforting in that way because it's a ah truer expression of something deeper within me but in this material world. It doesn't have the same sort of security as the other you know these are like. Very real and difficult choice points that we have and so it's really amazing to be able to to answer the call and to and to try that path that is more of the unknown. Um, and and let that and and see how that helps to complete us as a whole being. You know it's really beautiful.
Yeah, definitely and you know if anybody listening is at this crossroads I would recommend I'd just like to share if you don't try. You won't know.
Um, yeah.
So if you are thinking a different path but you know there's these questions and finances and drawbacks and it's just fear. It's just fear and fear wants to keep you comfortable and nothing will grow in the comfort zone like you have to step outside the box like what I've learned in the past three years is more than I've learned in the past twenty six years
Um, um, yeah, yeah.
Um, So if you don't Try. You're not going to Know. So if you try and things don't work out. Let's say as planned or you're not as happy as you were previously then you're going to take a different route but this is all learning you know and it's not about fear. Ah, Failure. It's it's about learning what can I learn here. How can I become a better human being for myself and for those around me and it's always going to lead you to the next door and it's always going to be perfect. Whatever way it unfolds. So yeah, get out there make those changes step outside comfort zone. And you're not going to regret it like you're really not even if it is really Challenging. You're going to see your own strength behind all of that.
Yeah, that's beautiful. So let's switch gears a little bit because I'd like to talk about Cacao you're a cacao medicine woman and I don't have any experience with it. So let's just start with what what it is.
The beautiful of this. Ah, this cacao is ah is a plant medicine. Um, so we have ah what we know about? let's take cacao in modern day is for you guys with Herhi for us. It's cabare.
You don't mind.
Um, and this is what what we know as chocolate. However, when we when we take a deeper look of actually what cacao is and where it has originally come from so cacao as a medicine is a 100% ceremonial grade cacao and it comes from central and South America mainly from Guatemala and Peru and it has been dated back for its use for 4000 years but and you know we could have suspicions that it is been used far before that as well. So the original original chocolate tree. Let's say was grown in South America grown in. Let's say Guatemala Peru Venezuela. And then over time it began to come into West Africa so nowadays we get a lot of our hershies or let's say cabarre chocolate lived from West West africa so this isn't a an original chocolate. Tree and with things like Hershey's chocolate there is a very very small amount of 100 % cacao in that it is mixed with toxins e numbers chemicaloss preserv preservs and milk sugar and. Unfortunately is a lot of slave trade in these countries so there is There's not a lot of reverence and respect for the people for the people who have you know helped get the the chocolate to you in that moment and also for the nature and for the earth. This is the chocolate that we know you know very chemically infused so bringing it back now to Guatemala or Peru so cacao comes originally from a tree called the fieldroma tree. So the roots of this tree are so deep within the earth in South America that it has the capability to take off very important rich compounds which I would speak about so cacao comes from the. Seroma tree and it grows in a big pod which almost looks like a papaya and when the indigenous farmers by hand. Ah.
Harvest these big pods they open them by hand and there is usually around 20 or 40 cacao beans inside each pod. The cacao beans look like coffee beans but they're not coffee. They are cacao beans. Indigenous farmers. They take out each bean one by 1 and then they ferment them and roast them and grind them and peel them down into a powder and then they mix it with water which makes a very hard. Paste like it like a hard block of buther and then it is sent to let's say for example orreland is center around the world. So just to recap that this catao is straight from the tree. And only mixed with water to make into a hard block. There is nothing else added and very importantly, there is nothing taken away. It does not enter a factory. There is nothing stripped back. It is pure 100 % cacao from the earth. In Guatemala and the indigenous farmers they sing and send prayers and intentions to the cacao tree to the land to the nature and to the during the fermentation for. Grounding process. You know they're sending love they're sending love into this medicine and then they're sending it across the world. So the main component in taco is t o bro mind and Th O Broine is a long acting. Cardiovascular stimulants and what that means is it works on our cardiovascular system. So when we drink a lot of steel bro mind it allows these smooth muscles of our heart to relax so it gives us this real physical. Sensation of our hearts opening and expanding so along with our heart feeling relaxed and smooth and calm our blood vessels and our veins open and widen so our blood pressure drops our cholesterol drops and we feel super calm. But along with this It's bringing a lot of oxygen to our brain. So we feel focused. We feel more clarity more concentration. So although the body feels relaxed and safe. Our brains feel stimulated. We feel in the present moment.
The T of line works on our cardiovascular system and this is in contrast to coffee which works on the nervous System. So Coffee will give that caffeine quick fix. But then it's quick acting and there's often a crash After. Whereas Cacao is long acting and it works them in completely different system. So This is where sometimes people feel a bit confused around cacao and coffee so along with the teo bro Mine Cacao is naturally so rich in a. And naturally occurring chemical called an undermine which the body naturally produces and this is what we call the Bliss chemical along with this. It is full of Feny litylamine which is a love of chemical that our body naturally produces. When we drink loads of an under mine load of Fanny little I mean we feel so much. Love we feel so much joy we feel so much connection peace connection to ourselves but also a very beautiful community connection around us. Our body naturally produces these compounds but because we live in such a fast-paced society as stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol override these beautiful compounds.. It's like when you first fall in love maybe on your honeymoon Face. You're producing loads of Mennand mine loads of any Li living So you feel so much. Love so much Joy you know your Immune system feels really strong. So You're really just in the present moment with this person that's in front of you so along with this in Cacao. It is the it is very rich in Magnesium. It is the most naturally occurring food source that gives us magnesium and we all know that magnesium again is really good for brain focus Clarity Memory concentration. Really good.
Couple men. Yeah.
For for muscle thorness in the body cacao is full of Chromium which is really good for stabilizing your blood sugars aren't suphur manganes really good for your bone health formation teeth Hair Skinness. So. As we consecrate as we drink a cow we are drinking low to seo bro wine and undermine Fanny Liie Lema Magnesium and all of the other benefits and and so it brings the body into beautiful vibration of Love Joy Peace Calmness stillness. And as we drink the cacao We are also drinking the spirit of that tree. So. It's really important for anything that we do in life that we set an intention like why am I doing this? What is the purpose of this. Why am I doing this so when we drink the cacao The cacao plants will will always bring. Happiness force and strength but you can also set your own intention like ah, please help me with clarity around decision making moving forward or please help me let all of the anger and as you drink the cacao each and every time you're drinking it. You're drinking the prayers and the intention of the indigenous farmers. And of the spirit of the of the medicine and then you're also dropping deeper and deeper into your own consciousness into into yourself because all of the mental clutter has been put to the side and you're focused and you're grounded. So. It's really good for allowing you to to move forward to find answers not to find answers but yet to to listen to actually listen to your soul to listen to your spirit and and see what perhaps you have been avoiding.
Yeah, that's amazing. So is it taken always ceremoniously or do you take it every day or or how how is how do you partake.
So yeah, it is this really deeply healing plant.
Yeah, thank you so much for asking that question because when I first went to a cacao ceremony and I received this cacao medicine I felt that I had to go somewhere like I had to be guided or I had to be in the ceremony and actually.
And with cacao.
Over my own research because I was so interested in it I read online. You know that anybody can do this at home and this is what I really want to share a message about as well is that you can do this at home. You don't need to be with somebody who's trained or has knowledge or background in it and. The most important thing is that you are buying 100 % ceremonial grade cacao from from south or central America from Guatemala Peru Venezuela. Um, that when you go into your local health food store. It is usually unlikely that they are selling 100 % ceremonial grade cacao likely they will be selling it in a powder form but this would highlight to me that it has been processed or tampered in some way to make it into a powder. Potentially and most likely it was produced in a factory. So. It's really losing this indigenous really sacredness of the plant so to answer your question. Yes, anybody can absolutely do this at home. Um. People that are pregnant or breastfeeding or some high blood pressure just needs or on medication for antidepressants just need to be a bit more curious about it. But you'll find so much information online and just to remember that this is a plant from the earth like this is literally a plant from the earth. It is so much more. Let's say less invasive or anything than drinking like a can of Coca-cola like the chemicals that we put into our body sometimes you know we don't think about that but when it comes to plant medicine. And it comes to plants from the earth people start to get a bit like oh I don't know how to use it I don't know what to do um like the earth will always will always support you so there is so much information online and and if anybody wants again in touch at me I love maybe you can hear it in my voice sharing this message and.
Um, and yeah.
And I can guide people I can really guide people on how much to take you know this ceremonial dose is definitely higher than a daily dose I do have cacao every day every morning I wake up and I have cacao It really helps to allow me to feel focused. Bringing me into the present moment and it also just really opens up my heart Chakra so I feel super engaged with those around me and with myself and a daily dose is usually less than a ceremonial dose.
And you know every day is different. It's not just like oh let's have thirty grams 9 thirty grams is a recommended daily dough but you know some days for me, you know it could be 10 grams and I don't weigh it out I don't wait out I just allow my job to be guided with all what's needed in that moment. But I do understand and respect that some people like. Guided they they like numbers they like figures to to know that they're doing it right? Even though there is no right or wrong and both yes so I'm more than happy to help people with that. So again just to make sure that you are buying ceremonial greg cal it should look like a really hard block.
Um, yeah.
And they usually comb in around five hundred grams and on the I yeah.
Okay, that's wonderful info. Thank you so much is it if you're gonna do it in ceremony is it similar to like a mushroom type of experience meaning you start to tap into different dimensions you you start to open up and. You're you're experiencing reality or you could be experiencing reality in a different way or is it more grounding than that or I'm not sure.
Great question again. Thank you so much? Yes, because when people hear the word plant medicine They think mushrooms they think psilocybin they think Ayahuasca it is a plant medicine because it is a medicine for the body and it comes from the Earth they could draw a plant. However, it is not a psychedelic. It will not take you into an altered state of Consciousness. It will keep you in your body. It will bring you more into your body.. It's super grounding So There's nothing to be afraid of if people are thinking Oh My God It's a plant medicine that I have for that. It is not a psychedelic at All. It will bring you into your body it connects you to your soul. It is so soft. It is so Gentle. It's so kind. Um, yeah, so it allows you to to check in with yourself. Yeah.
Um, okay, okay, that's wonderful information. Thank you so much? Um, so as we wrap up here. Can you please tell us how people can find out more about you.
Super thank you Kara so the best the best place to find me is Instagram and you'll find me there at bio field with me and that's b I o f I e l d with. And then knee is spellelt n I a mh so the m and the h in the irish language when they come together. They pronounce a v so bio views with me that's Instagram and then also that's to say for Facebook. And I also have a website which is biofield http://whitney.com. So if you you type in something like this similar, you'll find me there for sure if yeah and if anyone has any questions I am more than happy to to dive deeper.
With people to share more about bio food tuning about cacao about my journey I just get in touch.
Beautiful. Thank you so much and I'll have those links in the show notes as well to make it easy for people to find you so this has been really informative and illuminating. Um, I really really appreciate you being here and all of the service work that you're doing um, it's really really powerful and beautiful. So thanks so much for being here today. Neve.
Thank you so much Kara and everyone listening.
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