228. Managing Cancer with Meditation - Juni Bucher

Juni Bucher, a breast cancer survivor, uses meditation to manage the anxiety of survivorship and the side effects of treatment. In episode 228, she talks about how she used meditation daily in her cancer treatment regimine.
"Meditation has infinite ways of supporting us when we're in this constant state of panic, fight, or flight, because we are literally in fear of dying. It helps us hack the nervous system and signal, I am okay."
Juni is a breast cancer survivor and certified meditation teacher. She works as a wellness professional to help others navigate their cancer and wellness journeys to optimal health, happiness and fulfillment.
This is Juni Bucher's story...
Juni Bucher is a breast cancer survivor who was diagnosed at a younger age than most. She used meditation as a key tool to help manage the fear and anxiety that came with her cancer journey. After beating cancer, she went on to get certified as a meditation teacher to help others navigate their own journey to optimal health and happiness.
In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. How meditation can help those going through the cancer experience, including hacks to signal to the body that one is safe and okay.
2. The importance of mindfulness in managing the side effects of cancer treatment and survivorship.
3. How the cancer journey can be an opportunity for people to take different pathways and nourish themselves in new ways.
Hello and welcome to the meditation conversation I'm your host Kara Goodwin and today I'm joined by Juni boucher juni is a breast cancer survivor. She survived breast cancer at a younger age than most. And that changed her life to live in greater alignment with her joy and purpose meditation was a key element in taking the huge leap of faith to leave her well-paying job relationship and even move to a whole new city. She now works with. She now works as a wellness professional and certified meditation teacher to help others navigate their journey to optimal health happiness and fulfillment. So welcome Juni I'm so happy you're here today.
Juni Bucher
Thank you so much for having me Kara I'm really happy to be here.
Yeah, I'm excited to connect and and talk about your cancer journey and how meditation has played a role and all of the changes that you've undergone. What can you share with us. Maybe let's start with. Ah, meditation and the role that it played in your cancer journey.
Juni Bucher
Yeah, absolutely so I had been meditating prior to my diagnosis but I was what my teacher refers to as a crisis meditator so it was really more. It was really more.
The crisis The that's really won.
Juni Bucher
You know when something really stressful was going on I would get into a meditation routine but I wasn't a daily meditator when I was diagnosed with cancer I think honestly no matter what your family history is like or your genetic. Predisposition. Nobody's ever prepared. For those words you have cancer no matter what and I knew at that time luckily that I could lean into my meditation practice and that's really when I started meditating on a daily basis and I felt like it was one of the.
Juni Bucher
Really one of the best tools that I had just to manage that incredible amount of fear and overwhelm and I really feel like my life became a meditation because there were just so many moments where I felt like I was just living from breath to breath so meditation has been studied. In terms of how it can benefit those who are going through the cancer experience and it just has infinite ways of supporting us and also signaling to the body when we're in this constant state of you know panic fight or flight. Because you are literally in fear of dying. Ah, how do you sort of hack your nervous system and just signal I am ok and sometimes it's really just in that moment you have to say right now literally this second I am ok. And it was such a great comfort to me and that's why I went and got a certification because well honestly after I beat cancer. Ah it was literally a couple months later that that the pandemic started knows.
Oh you're kidding see go from the what is that expression go from the frying pan to the fire or out of the fire into the frying pan or which whichever way round it is but you know.
Juni Bucher
Ah, pretty much. Yeah, so it was kind of nice that I was already in a routine but the anxiety about me being sick and how it was affecting my loved ones going to oh my goodness. All my loved ones could possibly get sick that that was just it. It was again this overwhelming experience and I'm so grateful to meditation and you know as we are coming out of this season of sickness I Guess you could Say. Um, and trying to return back to some semblance of Normalcy I've seen how much of a toll This is taken on people and that's why in my wellness business I've I went back to get a certification because I just felt like we need this tool. You know it's It's free. So powerful and it's really been a transformative experience for me even going from someone who had dabbled in meditation for about a decade to someone who now is a twice a day meditator and that's just been. That's really taken things to another level.
Yeah, thank you for taking us through that can you talk a little bit about that hacking of the nervous system like no matter how many times I hear this or talk about it I mean I know it very well. But I find that we need to remember It's so helpful to get.
Juni Bucher
Those reminders about what is happening and it helps us to dial into that ability and and just the awareness of it can help us to um, stay in a more harmonic state in the nervous system.
Juni Bucher
Yeah I mean when we are in a state of fear or the fight or flight or the sympathetic. Ah nervous when the sympathetic nervous system is activated which is when our brain is not knowing how to distinguish. Between whether someone cut us off in traffic or we're being chased by a saber toothed Tiger. Um, so that is and I I always get these confused but I've started to remember it by saying sympathetic nervous system is I feel sorry for that nervous system I feel sympathetic towards that nervous.
Um, oh yeah.
Juni Bucher
So that's when you're really feeling that that um, discomfort and disease and so when you use techniques like I mean for me honestly the easiest way to hack in is through the breath because if you are unsafe or you're running away from a life threatening predator.
Juni Bucher
You're not going to be able to breathe deeply you're going to be breathing quickly. So you know that's why techniques like box breathing you know where you're taking in I don't know 4 to 6 counts in holding for 4 exhaling for 4 and holding again for 4 That's a way of just basically signaling.
Like to.
Juni Bucher
To the system that you are safe that you are okay and it does just start to switch you over into that parasympathetic nervous system. So There's a lot of little things like that that we can do that allow us to. And just become more aware of our surroundings and let the body know you are safe. You are okay and it literally will lower your blood pressure take you know your heart rate down your. Adrenaline and all those stress hormones will just start to to calm down a little bit but the breath to me is is the easiest way in.
Yeah, and then it's all cumulative right? So it's that's what is important to remember as well is that these are there are Hacks like what you're saying with the breath I mean the breath is an incredible tool that we have.
Juni Bucher
Um, a.
Juni Bucher
Um, to be able to keep our our nervous system balanced and in that parasympathetic where we can get that rest and restoration to ourselves like at the cellular level. That's where that regeneration is able to happen because.
Juni Bucher
You're not in survival mode when we're in Survival Mode. We are like it's all hands on Deck just to stay alive. So The nutrients are coming out of the the you know it's not.. It's not time to like Nourish and and um cycle the the cells you know it's like that's kind of like. If. We've got extra resources then we're going to focus on that you know if everything's okay, then we'll do that kind of the long running maintenance. But if it's all hands on Deck It's like Nope let's take the resources out to be able to survive so.
Juni Bucher
When we practice meditation then we're able to have that cumulative effect where it's just like more and more time is being spent in that regenerative state which which just keeps building the more we do it. The law you know the the bigger the effects.
Juni Bucher
Yeah, that's a great way of communicating it for sure I Love that.
Yeah,, it's so important. Um, yeah I Love that So How long was your cancer journey and until you were kind of in remission and and able to get out of that survival mode with that particular and into Covid. Mode Covid Survival mode.
Juni Bucher
Yeah, you know to be to be honest with you I was very lucky because I did catch my cancer in quite an early stage. So I you know from start to finish I think it was about only about five months five very long months.
Juni Bucher
And a lot of those months were spent waiting and I think that's one of the most difficult parts of the cancer journey for a lot of people is um, there there are these periods of time when you're just not sure you don't have all the answers so sitting in this uncertainty can be. So uncomfortable for us humans and that is another way that meditation really helped me because you have to be in Acceptance. You have to accept that you are not.. You're not necessarily in control that you don't have all the information that you'd like to have and how do you? So How do you accept.
That is come for so.
Juni Bucher
That discomfort and so again it was a lot of just being in that moment saying right now I am safe. You know, right now I can accept that I don't know and in the next moment as I know more I will accept again practice acceptance again. And so a lot of I think a lot of my meditation during that time was really more about um, really just present moment awareness and for a lot of cancer patients. That's what that's a technique that is is used because you don't want to get too far Ahead. You don't want to.
Juni Bucher
You know you don't want to start thinking. Um you know getting into your mortality or future casting can be really scary so just being in that present moment can be very um, powerful and for some people you know using meditation as a tool to manage pain and physical discomfort.
Movement for something.
Juni Bucher
Can be really powerful during the cancer journey and one thing I've discovered almost accidentally is that after the cancer journey because survivorship is a whole nother animal that doesn't get talked about a lot. Um, and there's a lot of anxiety around that because you know for.
I Hope right stop.
Juni Bucher
Ah, breast cancer patient. For instance when you're going and doing your annual or semi-annual monitoring. A lot of people talk about something called Scan anxiety. Ah you know. So yeah, that's a.
Juni Bucher
A term that's bounced around in the breast cancer Community a lot when you go into the doctor you kind of have a little bit of ptsd sometimes you know and then you're afraid what's going to come up on the Scan so present moment awareness there. Also there are lingering side effects and sometimes with.
Oh yeah.
Juni Bucher
Long term treatments that you may have a lot of women who have the type of cancer that I have undergo hormone suppression treatment and that can have a lot of sexual side effects that can really be.
That looks like.
Juni Bucher
Managed through Mindfulness Whether it's you know, being being in your body um getting out of your head to stop spectatoring because there are a lot of physical changes that often occur with a breast cancer journey. Whether it's losing a breast losing your hair losing your eyelashes. Um, you know physiological changes in your body due to a decline in your hormones. A lot of women have pain during sex because of estrogen levels being Suppressed. So How do you manage that that's been a big thing that um. That I've become pretty passionate about talking about in the community and Mindfulness has been a very powerful tool for a lot of women in that realm as well. Yeah, yeah.
Oh Interesting. So the survivorship you you touch on this. You just talked a little bit about that. But you were saying It's a whole other animal and there's the anxiety around it so you help people to use meditation to manage through that. As well and is that most is a lot of that again that present moment like not trying to um, project into the unknown future too much or is there is there more to that survivor I've never heard that before about I mean it makes total sense that survivorship.
Juni Bucher
Um, yeah, yeah, exactly.
Kind of anxiety that in the ptsd so because you kind of think like oh you overcame it. You know you're a survivor. It's behind you but it totally makes sense. It's been such a huge thing to go through.
Juni Bucher
Yeah I think that's ah, a common misconception for a lot of people who haven't gone through the journey and it makes a lot of sense. Yeah, sure it's like who you beat it. That's so great. But what ends up happening for so many people and why I started doing what I'm doing now.
Juni Bucher
Is because you have this whole team of people I mean cancer and beating cancer literally becomes your full time job for a lot of people and then all of a sudden Once you've completed your active treatment. It's like okay see you later. Don't get cancer again. You know and and you a lot of people go through this. Deep depression after they've quote unquote beat cancer because they're sort of unsure where to go They? Um, they don't have this superstructured environment and there is a lot of conflicting information out there regarding how to. Lower the risk of Recurrence. So and it can be very different for everybody. So I you know I decided Wow I think women are not I mean not only women, get breast cancer. But.
Juni Bucher
Um I think people need support around this. They they need to know how to fuel their bodies to continue to recover because you know if you've gone through chemotherapy and radiation and a surgery your body takes time to bounce back.
Juni Bucher
And how do you fuel like I mean all the nutrients that were depleted not just from the stress but from literally rebuilding tissue and fighting off all of these toxic treatments. So You know you? there's a lot that goes into that. Um,, there's a lot of contradictory information. How do you tune into yourself So present moment. Awareness obviously can help when you're in moments of acute anxiety or or you're just getting a little bit too far ahead or too far in stuck in the past that can be helpful but I also think so many excuse me. Techniques I mean you know body scans are wonderful for people to just really create a stronger connection between the mind and the body. What do I need right now like what what is in alignment with my my body's needs with my heart. Um, how do I start saying no to things that really just don't serve me a lot of people go through this big transformation and ah with with breast cancer or really any cancer experience I Really feel like it's a.
Juni Bucher
Big mirror that's being held up to your life and breasts can sometimes have the theme of Nourishment. So I like to to kind of help people meditate a little bit on what is how are you nourishing yourself physically mentally and spiritually and you know it's an opportunity for people to. Take different pathways. So I Love going into a holistic approach. Um for myself and with my clients of you know,? let's look at food. Let's look at Exercise. Let's look at um your stress levels. Managing that through meditation through mindful movement mindful activities. But also let's look at um, these areas of your life where maybe you have unresolved trauma. How do you sit with some of these uncomfortable feelings. That's a big.
Juni Bucher
A big tool that I'm using meditation for in my life. Um, you know we're so humans are so uncomfortable with being uncomfortable and so we push a lot of things down and sometimes that can really throw your body off a lot of breast cancer patients.
Juni Bucher
And pretty much every one of my clients which um, there's been studies on this a lot of times these women have had some kind of a big heartbreak whether it's the loss of a child the loss of a marriage some type of betrayal a career major career shift that just was like heartbreaking to them. Um, if you think of the breasts as kind of like these these almost like Bells Bell shaped organs that like where your heartbreak is resonating through like you know? yeah like that there is.
Oh Wow yeah.
Juni Bucher
It's It's very interesting. How yeah this this relationship between trauma and um, the development of breast cancer. So how do we sit with with some of those things you know I'm not I'm not a therapist So I'm not like technically walking people through that I I definitely encourage therapy for that. But.
Juni Bucher
If you want to start exploring those things. How do you? How do you endure them and so with meditation sometimes when we are in the body an isolating sensation maybe labeling the the feeling.
You can do and so.
Juni Bucher
And then I love a guided visualization or sort of self-compassion techniques to to just you know maybe re parent or I talk to myself a lot now you know I when I'm going through a really painful.
Juni Bucher
Emotion or I feel very activated getting centered in a meditative state. Um, being with the physical sensation naming the emotion and then just kind of asking myself what you know?? What's what's at the bottom of this and then sometimes it's.. It's you know, providing that loving voice or rebuttal of of what do I need to hear in this moment or how do I need to connect to something greater than myself to know that I am loved and enough and um and. You know, perfect just the way that I am in my humanity.
Yeah I love that I mean it's so important that the linking that we can do between our emotional state or our previous Traumas or whatever it might be to current issues that show up in the physical because of course.
Juni Bucher
You know we are all connected. We're you know it's not just like we have a physical body and then we have our emotions and they don't have anything to do with each other and I was just actually talking to some of my own clients this week about this.
Juni Bucher
Evolution when we develop a meditation practice and as we kind of go through and you know you're not going to meditate the same way in the beginning when you're just learning as you do over time. You know it's going to evolve new things are going to come in that resonate things will fall away that.
Juni Bucher
You know we're good when you're a beginner and you don't need them so much as you move on or I mean I find personally like it's just helpful to bring in new techniques sometimes because it gets me paying attention in a new way rather than like okay now it's time for my box breathing if I've been box breathing for six months
Juni Bucher
Um, okay.
Juni Bucher
Every day twice a day it might lose its potency because I'm kind of doing it in the background and it's hard for me to focus because it's old hat by now you know so but that things can start to show up in our meditations where.
Juni Bucher
New memories can start to float up and they can be benign like sometimes I just find myself back in like my fourth grade classroom watering the class plants you know and it's like it feels so fresh like like I've just done it and yet I haven't thought about that.
Juni Bucher
For years, you know and it's like it's just a memory that floats up. It's it's neutral. It's not triggering or anything but sometimes things can float up that are hard that we don't want. You know it's like wait I put that behind me.
Juni Bucher
Um, no.
A while ago because I don't like how I acted or I don't like what was done to me or whatever and through meditation through that mindfulness. It can be that those things just start to bubble up because.
Juni Bucher
Um, is a.
They're ready to be released and through that release they become they come to our conscious awareness and so it can be this uncomfortable thing. But it's so closely tied to our healing at the physical level or the mental level or whatever you know it's like this constraint. It's been even though we haven't been thinking about it or letting ourselves look at it. It's energetically there as a mass.
Juni Bucher
Um, is me.
Juni Bucher
Um, if a.
That can physicalize if it's not you know so these things even though it may seem like they're just thoughts or just memories you know and it can be a total protection thing to be like not ready to deal with that. So We don't have to push ourselves like we don't necessarily you know I don't I don't see the need to be like Nope you got to unearth all of it right now you know it's kind of like it might serve us to be gentle with it. Um, but. There's an energetic component that can physicalize and so like you're saying with that radiation or that um you talked about the bells you know and that it can be that like there's some kind of heartbreak that becomes like a mass an energetic mass.
Juni Bucher
Um, ah oh who.
Juni Bucher
That's then reverberating I Love that um that analogy of like okay it's it's continuing to kind of reverberate through us. Even though we've tried to move on without fully reconciling or fully looking at it or fully accepting it.
Juni Bucher
Um, yes.
You You know it's so it's so important and like you say I mean that you've got that with breast cancer. You've got it with with any kind of um, physical ailment that you know it it all starts energetically? so.
Juni Bucher
Yeah, yeah, it's it's such. It's It's such a powerful um thing to explore and you know I've been I'm a very analytical person and I've been really practicing with the non-judgment of the feelings.
Juni Bucher
Because yeah, like what you said with trauma I mean there's really no timeline and you also have no control over what things are traumatic to you something that may seem really insignificant could have imprinted your entire self view throughout your life. You know something.
Juni Bucher
That maybe to another person wouldn't do anything and and we can't judge that and we can't um, quantify that we are just we are I don't know we are free flowing and so being for me a powerful thing lately has just been. Um, allowing and not needing to understand some of these feelings that come up and it can be so frustrating too If you are someone that looks at your tries to look at your trauma tries to evolve ah constantly. To to let go or to to understand that just because you think you dealt with something doesn't mean that a new layer isn't going to come up for you later and you know it's just out of our control like healing is never really over and that's.
Yeah I love them.
Juni Bucher
Yeah I mean we that's been a powerful lesson for me of late of just yeah, it's never it's It's all we're on a journey and it it never ends so we have to you know, be in acceptance and find compassion for this moment and you know that's just a signal. I Mean we are all walking wounds of some kind. Um you know and and it's yeah I have a lot of compassion for people. Um as I I don't know if I'm just noticing it right now or maybe because we're entering into winter. But um.
So yeah, really.
Juni Bucher
I Know a lot of people who are struggling right now and in various ways and I myself am feeling like I'm going through a little bit of a just ah, a little bit of a rocky time but it's just all part of the human experience and where do we find the gifts. Um and you know just. Honor some of these dark moments in our life where where things are just a little bit. Um, yeah, they're just a little tumultuous. So ah, yeah, it's all it's It's neither good nor bad.
Yeah, isn't it interesting I mean what you're saying is so true as far as the subjectiveness of trauma because it can be like something can be really traumatic for us. That's a walk in the park.
Juni Bucher
Somebody else and we can look at somebody else and be like how in the world are they so casual about something that happened that would be really hard for us to go through you know where it's like oh my God That's my worst nightmare and they're like didn't they didn't miss a beat. You know.
Juni Bucher
So it's so it is so subjective and when we're holding that neutrality that you talk about in the acceptance where it's like okay rather than like trying to evaluate everything is this good for me or is it bad. Um. Where it's like it. It just is. It's something that I'm going through right now and there is medicine in there for me in some way. Um, being careful with the bypassing that can come with that. Sometimes you know it's like that's one of the things that. That I'm more and more conscientious about is like yeah we can look at things from like a spiritual perspective or a higher perspective to say well there is medicine there that this can be like a healing thing even though it's really hard right now. It's like yes and. You know we don't necessarily want to just go well then I'm not going to feel I deny any sort of negative feelings that any sadness or any anger or anything because I'm spirit and it doesn't matter and dadda die you know it's like is energetically. What's happening there like if if that's true like if you really are embodying that and it's like okay that's just moving through you. That's 1 thing but if it's like nope I'm too spiritual and I reject my anger right now I am not angry you know and it's like well what is that doing.
Juni Bucher
The valley.
Juni Bucher
Energetically when we're just like denying. It's it but we still feel it. You know we're just afraid to acknowledge it. So it's.
Juni Bucher
Yeah I wanted to just say one last thing because I'm you know, ah listening to some of your other episodes and being somebody who um, I'm Also you know I love like law of attraction stuff and I think it's It's important to note that. That can get. You know that can tip over into a place that's like not acknowledging your human experience sometimes because we're like oh this is a low vibration emotion you know and and so like there is an interesting dance to explore of you know how do you feel? How do you allow.
Exactly 1
Juni Bucher
Um, your own. You know this own radical self-acceptance yet. Not um, you know not feel not judge yourself or try to force yourself out of what you consider to be a lower vibration. Um, you know and push to get past like that's that's an interesting. Thing too for for people to explore and I know that I've gotten scared before like oh I'm going to start attracting all these other things but it's like well you have to feel too. You have to um, you have to process. So um, you know for me really leaning into self-care.
Um, right? yeah.
Juni Bucher
During those times is how I feel like I'm maintaining the balance of the vibration and continuing to move towards and you know visualizing where I want to go but also sometimes just letting go and just allowing the the emotion that that I'm experiencing in the moment.
Yeah I love that thank you so Juni how can people find out more about you.
Juni Bucher
Yeah I am on social media most active on Instagram so I'm at juny be well um, also on Facebook I'm juy boucher and tp and I'm on Linkedin as well I'm on Tiktok but I'm not very active on there just because social media gets so overwhelming.
Um, yes.
Juni Bucher
Um, but they can also reach out to me on my website. Um I do offer free consultations with my nutritional therapy practice and that's junibewell.com and I also have a podcast that's focused on the breast cancer like healing. Um, from ah after breast cancer and that's called Tata cancer which is on all the major podcast platforms.
Oh I Love that beautiful, Wonderful!? Well thank you so much for sharing about your journey. This is such an important topic and it's a real. It's ah it's a beautiful way to help empower people. When they're going through something where they feel so Vulnerable. You know there's such I Loved how you talked about it becomes your full time job like your full time job is dealing with the cancer is dealing with the healing. Um, and.
Juni Bucher
Um, here.
And it's so true. My dad actually right at right now as we are recording this. He's in the hospital for ah heart surgery that he had two days ago and just watching that process. It's like yeah, he's everything has stopped. You know it's just now that's all we're doing is.
Juni Bucher
Oh wow.
Juni Bucher
You know, getting getting him you know through this process and and every little milestone of like okay now he's breathing on his own now you know it's time to get these drainage tubes out and he's walking and all this stuff but it's like these.
Juni Bucher
Milestones you know that just are coming and so it it is and and his is a shorter duration. You know next week will be radically different from this week but you know cancer's ah ah, oftentimes a much longer journey.
Juni Bucher
And then what you're talking about too is that like once you've hit that survival time then you're like your world changes Again, you know so it's so important for people to have these tools to be able to marry the emotional part with what's happening physically.
Juni Bucher
And mentally the fear that you've talked about and and trying not to get carried away with that and you know it's It's really just such. Ah, tumultuous territory and it's really beautiful. The the work that you're doing in that space.
Juni Bucher
Oh thank you? Yeah I Well I wish your your dad a swift recovery. It's yeah, it's It's very and it's not just hard on on the patient. You know it's it affects everybody. That's just like any health crisis. It's.
Oh thank you.
Juni Bucher
Um, but I like to tell people you know you don't have to wait for a health crisis to start taking care of yourself. But also um, you know sometimes a health crisis is just like it's that just kind of like the pandemic or lockdown for a lot of people. It's like you you got to stop you got to stop and and so you can.
Um, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
Juni Bucher
Choose to address that. However, you want, but it is it can be an opportunity to to evaluate your life and oh I wanted to mention real quick just because your audience is probably on insight timer I do have a teacher profile on insight timer with a lot of free guided meditations and that's just under Juni boucher. Yeah.
Awesome! Thank you? Well thank you so much Juni I have loved this discussion. Um I wish you all the best. Thank you.
Juni Bucher
Thank you so much for having me Kara was great talking to you I wish you the best too.
Thank you.
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