224. Human Design & Intuitive Decision Making - Patricia Lindner

Patricia Lindner, an expert in human design and career alchemy, helps those struggling with the mundane chaos of everyday life to unlock and alchemize their power and passion to find their true potential.
"I believe in this path of joy. So if one ball falls down, maybe it is not the ball that makes you feel so happy - and then so what?" - Patricia Lindner
Patricia Lindner is an expert and human design, helping her clients to alchemize and release their purpose, power, passion, and potential. She is a multipassionate soul and career alchemist, mindset magician and teacher.
I have been curious about the Human Design system and what it could tell me about myself, so I was excited to talk about this with Patricia Lindner, an expert in the field. After some amazing conversation, she explained to me that by giving my zodiac sign, the time and place of my birth, the system combines astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, the Chakra system, and quantum physics to give me a five different type reading. I knew I was a Manifesting Generator, and she explained that I should look at things in an open-minded way, where anything is possible. She also told me that I could look at my chart to learn about my purpose, my path of genius, and my path of prosperity.
In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. What is the mysterious system of Human Design and how can it help people unlock their potential?
2. How can Human Design be used to identify one's superpower and potential challenges?
3. How does a person's Human Design chart change as they evolve and activate dormant gifts?
Hello and welcome to the meditation conversation I'm your host Kara Goodwin and today I'm joined by Patricia Linner Patricia is a multi-passionate soul and career alchemist mindset magician and teacher. Her compass from within approach unleashes the purpose power passion and full potential of her clients. She believes that everyone is able to co-create an aligned prosperous and fulfilled life beyond outer success. So welcome Patricia I'm so happy you're here.
Patricia Lindner
Thank you Carol for the beautiful introduction I'm so happy to be with you. Thank you for having me on your show.
It's my pleasure I've been looking forward to this because you have human design experience and I haven't really explored this yet on the podcast. Um, but just to say like today we we're. We're recording this I'll release it later. You know a few weeks from now actually but um, it's so it's been a weird day for me already. It's only nine a m where I am I know you're joining from Germany but um, my daughter when she went to school today like. It's snowing I mentioned before we started recording it snowing here and when my daughter was leaving this morning I noticed she had birkenstock sandals on with no socks and I was like wait. What are you doing? It's it's snowing outside. You need shoes, you need socks and so she was mad at me when she left the you know when she got went.
Patricia Lindner
Um, oh.
Left for school. She was upset because I was wouldn't let her leave in her summer shoes. Um, and then my son woke up. He's in high school so he wakes up at a different time but and he was mad because he didn't have enough long-sleev shirts and we had we have this has been a constant back and forth where i. Like you have shirts you just there are just certain ones that he'll wear and he has like 5 shirts. He'll wear and that's it so he and I were disagreeing because I'm like look there are shirts right here that are clean and he's like though I can't wear those blah blah blah then he takes a shower.
Patricia Lindner
And the shower rod you know that holds the curtain falls down and we've been in this house for over four years and not had a problem with that so that was weird and then he goes to school and my cat throws up and so I'm like it's not even 9 yet. And it's just been a very eventful day. So I've been all of that to say that I've really been looking forward to our time together and and talking about this topic and meeting you because I'm like I think I got all the gunk out of the way this morning and now we can have like. Ah, really beautiful discussion and connection. So I'm very excited about that.
Patricia Lindner
Um, yeah I just had a thought or maybe an impulse and you just could ask the question. How could things become even better and not look for the answer.
Oh yes, aha.
Patricia Lindner
That's what I recently did so many times and really things improved in an instant just asking. How can it become even better now and yeah, and then not looking for an answer with your thinking mind.
I Love that.
Patricia Lindner
But just let yourself be so surprised? What comes up? welcome.
I love that thank you, it reminds me of something that I was somebody was saying last week which was more related to a business sense and I know that you do work with people in their private life and their careers.
Patricia Lindner
Um, yeah.
But they were like what if you you know because we we so often it's about like the struggle right? and it's it's this like oh everything's so hard and and I and I'm having trouble right now keeping up with everything. It's I'm in a very much in a like.
Patricia Lindner
Um, yeah.
Expand Expansive creation mode which is great but also it's like I have so many balls in the air that I'm feeling like I'm having trouble keeping up with everything but this person was like what if it was easy. You know what? if you just.
Patricia Lindner
Decided that it was Easy. You know and it was just that concept just really kind of like helped something like a line you know where it was like okay I'm going to play with that. You know if this like mindset is so huge I know that you know this Obviously this is. Part of your work. But um, but yeah I Love that word. It's how could things be even better. That's beautiful.
Patricia Lindner
Yeah, yeah, and and I totally believe that it can be easy and I believe in this path of joy. So if one ball falls down. You talked about the juggling of balls just speaking in this picture.
Patricia Lindner
Maybe it is not the ball that makes you feel so happy and then so what.
Yeah, yeah, yes I love it I Love it. Well let's talk about Let's start with human design is that Okay, okay so I mean I think human design is fascinating but it's one I I don't think I've.
Patricia Lindner
Oh right.
Patricia Lindner
Um, you.
Ever really talked about it on this podcast I think once maybe like two years ago um a guest called Amanda Thomas had experience with it. But I don't have a lot of experience I do know that I'm a I'm a manifesting generator are you 2 Oh that's so.
Patricia Lindner
You know you too and just this this makes so much sense because you said you have so many balls up in the air. You must be a manifesting generator Kara But yeah.
Um, oh how interesting so you already thought that before I said that's label it. Yeah oh that's that's so cool.
Patricia Lindner
But I didn't dare. Um, just this but um, you must be a manifesting generator.
Well let's talk like just can you tell us a bit about human design because I know are there 9 different types or many more.
Patricia Lindner
no no yeah, yeah first of all, it is an amazing system I know about systems because I'm a very open- mindded free spirited person and it took me. Quite a long time to fall in love with human design because I thought I don't want to have a system in my toolbox that narrows people down and that naves them down and that doesn't allow them to expon. That's what I thought so i. Always just ah, didn't look at human design but a couple of years ago I really delve into this system which is a combination of astrology of the ijin the kaalla um the chakra system and quantum physics.
Patricia Lindner
And so it is scientific on the one hand it is spiritual on the other ah hand and just by taking your zodiac um sign ah by by the date of birth the time of birth and the place where you were born. Um.
Patricia Lindner
It combines so excuse me it combines the zodiac signs the IGHexagrams and code and d and a combination so it is very deep. That's what fascinated me? um because it is not just.
Patricia Lindner
The zodiac signs it is a combination of so many things and from this information you get 5 different types so there are 5 different types and so there is the generator the manifesting generator. The manifestor the projector and the reflector so these are the 5 types and you can um, really generally say things about the types and then you can go deeper and deeper and deeper.
Patricia Lindner
And I really started loving it the minute I made it to something that is my tool because I love being very intuitive and I don't want to offer anything that is like a 1 ne-size fitsall service. Um, and if someone comes to me and wants to. Know something about their human design chart. Um I always um, tailor it to their needs and we talk about it and I guess we look at it ah in a very open-minded way that things are possible. And what more is possible and there is nothing that defines you per se but there is something that is maybe challenging. There is something that is maybe your superpower but you can develop you can let go of aspects you can pay attention. And you can't get so much validation out of it and so I hope this was a description in a nutshell.
I love that something surprised me you mentioned that it takes into account something about Dna what? what were you saying.
Patricia Lindner
Yes, yes, so this was ah the code on rings in the Dna the human Dna and this is the deepest part and so I just know I don't have it near me. This is the deepest part of the human design which is called incarnation cross. And the human design language if you go into that and that opened up my mind to this much deeper universe of reading people in their charts. This is the gene keys.
Patricia Lindner
And this is literally taken from the genetics of a person on an energetic level and you can learn so many things about your purpose your um, the the thing that is your theme. Um that is. Your path of Genius your path of love and your path of prosperity. Um, yeah, that is that is so I have to admit that I'm not this system and number person.
So that is fascinating. How did they read that data. How do they capture that data. Yes.
Patricia Lindner
So I can break down things that are complicated very easily to make it clear to people. But how did they get those genetic codes out of the human Dna and. Transferred them into the energetics I can't tell you I can't.
Well, but how would so because I'm super curious about this. So if I was like oh okay I want to go because I mentioned I'm a manifesting generator that came from sort of like an internet quiz or something like that. Um, so how would I go about.
Patricia Lindner
Getting to that depth within human design like what information would I give to receive that that result that data or read.
Patricia Lindner
So um I guess you typed in your date of birth your time of birth and the place where you were born and then you received the information you are a manifesting generator.
Patricia Lindner
Then So if you worked with me and I shared about all the information we would divide it up into several sessions if you want to get the full information because it would be so overwhelming to talk about everything.
E. Yeah.
Patricia Lindner
So First of all, you could learn about what is it that the manifesting generator is all about this is a hybrid between the generator and the manifestor and there are certain um themes that are activated in the manifesting generator. For example, there is this theme of being multipassionate and multitasking and maybe reading several books at a time and not finishing each and every ah every book. Um, and you are not supposed to do that because this is.
Patricia Lindner
You have this this immense energy and you need to really? um, do so many things to feel to feel um, aligned and alive and okay so boring. Things are not made for you.
Patricia Lindner
You You have such a lot of power as the manifesting generator so you'd get a lot of general information. Um, you'd learn about what your driver is your motor your inner authority that helps you decide on things that could be.
Patricia Lindner
Sacral So using your gut instinct to make a decision that could be the emotions just really paying attention to feeling a certain emotion and being clear on the emotion that could be um. Self- Center that means really being aware of who you are and getting this teeny tiny little um, like nudge on what to decide So There are many different motors in the chart. Then another thing you'd learn about your profile. So There are those numbers the one 3 or the 2 4 that gives you even more detailed information about who you are what your challenges are.
Oh right? yes.
Patricia Lindner
And always speaking energetically of course and always keeping in mind that nothing is fixed but this is just active in your chart and then we would dive into this Chakra Pis and Chakra body that you see on those.
Patricia Lindner
Um, charts. Um, and I would talk about all the centers that are active all the centers that are open because there is difference whenever a center is open and I don't know if you want me to talk about this in this detailed way.
Um, yeah I think it's really interesting.
Patricia Lindner
So Whenever a center is open like a whitewash that is like you having Antennas and imagine your emotional center was open that means that you are so receptive to all the emotions around you that you can feel what people feel around you. And so human design could help you to Learn. These are not your emotions you should not be a sponge to these emotions but um, ah just mirror those emotions back, let them pause through you. Um.
Um, ah, okay, so so all of the information is it's all coming from your chart from your birth part.
Patricia Lindner
Yeah, just be a screen.
Patricia Lindner
It all coming from the chart and then the last step when this Chakra body um information um is not enough for you because there are those those.
Patricia Lindner
Channels and the gates and dissenters then we could dive deeper into the incarnation cross. Um and the incarnation cross is the gene keys this is just another system. So human design talks about it in the incarnation cross. Um, way and it is gene keys and this is a combination of numbers in the conscious and subconscious sun and earth sign. So 4 numbers a combination of 4 numbers. And it has 4 lines so you get a combination and some information on your path of genius. For example, what is it that you are here for.
Patricia Lindner
How can you thrive? How can you be healthy. What can you learn in this lifetime and what is your purpose so this could be 1 more part of information.
Wow, That's fascinating I'm curious like as a person evolves you know as more things open on their journey you know and and more gifts they they activate.
Patricia Lindner
Um, yeah.
Gifts that may be dormant. You know I think for a lot of people. They're very different now than they were three years ago for example so as those types of things have come online and and activated if you're if.
Patricia Lindner
Um, um.
Human Design system is based on the birth Chart You know that information hasn't changed but would a reading change as a person evolves.
Patricia Lindner
So first of all I feel that human design as well as the Jin Keys are not something that I give as a reading but I give as an impulse that people can contemplate and activate their intuition and I always.
Patricia Lindner
Um, look at where are they right now when I do the reading when I give the reading um and oftentimes when people that are highly spiritual that are on their path. Um that are open to spirituality and that did a lot of. Meditation or did a lot of activation. They tell me oh I know this I changed that like ten years ago I knew um, that something needs to change because I was this? um.
Patricia Lindner
Person where people projected their um ideas on and it always felt bad but I changed it and so I can't talk to them or I talk to them in a very different way than someone who is open to more but hasn't done.
Hasn't done that work so that is fascinating So you're using a lot of your own like intuition your own gifts to be able to speak to.
Patricia Lindner
Such a lot and so is this.
Patricia Lindner
East. Yeah.
Okay, you have like a propensity for this or this is these are things that are going to become that either have been challenges or are challenges or will become challenges based on your profile.
Patricia Lindner
Um, yeah.
And they so that's fascinating. There are things that people may already have dealt with but you and then you can kind of tailor your work with the client based on the work. They've already done and I love that.
Patricia Lindner
Yeah, yeah, and if you if you think of the chart and you remember maybe that there are red and black lines in the chart. The gates and channels.
Patricia Lindner
And everything that is colored in red the the connection lines or gates that means that these gates are subconscious so people might not know about it because human design is not just um or doesn't take take the information from the date of birth and.
Patricia Lindner
Time of birth but they also um, create a chart that is the subconscious part of the chart that is taken and I don't know the exact number right now something like seventy or eighty days before the actual birth day.
Oh interesting. Ah.
Patricia Lindner
And yes, this is the design part that is the subconscious part and yeah, so you see the depth.
Okay, this is so yeah, so fascinating. Thank you that I love it I'm so curious about this. Ah and you've only like you've only made my curiosity stronger because I already was curious about it.
Patricia Lindner
Um, yeah, um.
Ah, now I'm like oh I want to go deeper So that's amazing. Well let's talk about the energy system versus the intellect because I know that you help people loosen the grip of the intellectual mind.
Patricia Lindner
And I know that this has been something. You know you talk about the work that people do as they're you know when they're consciously trying to expand themselves and activate new things within them loosening the grip of the intellect has been a big hurdle for me because you know I mean yeah, you're raising your hand like yes, get it. You know in the west in particular we value I mean you can even in the east and in southeast you know it's like I don't know where people aren't valuing the intellect but but you know particularly in America there is more and more and more emphasis on.
Patricia Lindner
Like the rational linear mind versus the arts and like the you know the creativity and that stuff that helps us to be balancing the masculine and feminine in the right and left hemispheres of the brain and so forth. But I have very much historically been like intellect intellect intellect. Um, and it's been a process to trust the rest of me you know and and to integrate more holistically So How do you help people to loosen that grip and and why what's the importance of it.
Patricia Lindner
Yeah, So let me start with the why because this is I always nodded when you talked about. Ah yeah, this domination of the intellect and the thinking mind and the left brain. And that's where I come from and um that so I just relied on what I could measure see do succeed in and this was very masculine. Um, that was when I was in leadership position. Um.
Patricia Lindner
Um, and my body really was this compass to alignment because I really developed so much pain in my body that I could not get up in the morning one day and so I needed to stop being. In this masculine position in this leadership role always climbing the ladder higher and higher and so I guess my body was the the thing the instrument that showed me that something is out of whack. So that's.
Patricia Lindner
When I started adding things into my life and these are many methodologies that I now use with my clients because I felt so misaligned I felt so unhealthy. I felt so over Over. So I So everything with over so overriding my cycles. Um not listening to the body not listening to not even knowing about the soul. Um. Trusting myself and so this is I want to really help people shorten this path so that they don't have to go this long and winding road of so much pain. So That's the why? Um why I want.
Patricia Lindner
To help people get out of their heads and into their hearts or at least combine the 2 of them that doesn't mean that we don't need the intellect. We need the intellect of course but um, integrating the feminine side. The creative side. The playful sight. Um, and I think the stronger this masculine masculine part is that can hold the feminine the stronger this creative and playful part can be once you allow it.
Patricia Lindner
And so ways I activate this with my clients. This is 1 thing is a creative way doing sole art. Yes, so this is something that fascinated me because I love.
Soul art. Oh tell me about that.
Patricia Lindner
Being creative and I have loved being creative all my life. But I somehow cut it off. Um this is a process where whenever you have an intention something that you desire a question.
Patricia Lindner
You can really set this process in motion by having this intention and then using your body as a frame of a piece of art so you really tune into your body. Getting out of the head maybe with dancing maybe with being in nature. Um, maybe with creative exercises this depends on the person who does it and then using the body as a framework that means that you literally can um. Just trace the body in a certain position that is in alignment with your intention that could be like this like that or you could have different postures or that could be embodying something just by dressing up. And then um by letting go of the outcome. There is a creative process of using paint using natural materials using um, collage material and people create. They just create. They they create and um I help them get out of their head through applying creative portals that open them up to letting go and finally when they feel they are a piece of artwork and you don't have to be an artist and everyone is an artist.
Patricia Lindner
So when the piece of art is finished then there is a conversation with the piece of art. Um, and there is a real dialogue and you get so much information on the question you asked or the intention you set and finally.
Um, yeah.
Patricia Lindner
Um, there is a tangible action in the end that you really set the process in motion that things change. The cool thing is that I don't tell my clients anything about this process. It all comes from within and I think it always has to come from within so this is one one idea on how to get out of the head. Um.
I love that thank you for sharing that it it makes me think of you know again I shared when we were starting just about all my all the the balls being in the air and I have noticed because I I have a dog and 2 cats and.
Patricia Lindner
Um, doesn't he.
I've made a I try to make a point every day to take my dog for a walk and sometimes it's like I have to really pull myself away from the things that I'm doing to be like okay I'm I'm okay, I'm taking a break I'm going for a walk and. The first like three minutes of that walk. It's it's like I can feel things falling out of my energy field you know because I'm allowing so a shift of focus so because just the purpose of going taking my dog which is part of nature. Walking outside which is a more natural environment taking in the fresh air focusing on the sky focusing on the environment around me I can it it almost as tangible of just things falling away from my energy field.
Patricia Lindner
Um, yeah.
Patricia Lindner
Um, yeah.
In the best way you know I mean I can pick things back up when I go back in but it feels very important. You know to have and so of course we have that energetic shift which is also an um, energetic intellectual you know everything are focus shifts. And it helps things to shake out and a similar thing this weekend. Um I spent a lot of time on different initiatives. You know my family was like my kids were busy with other things so I was like well I'm just going to. Blast through some of this stuff that's been on my to-do list for a while and suddenly like late Sunday afternoon. My daughter wanted to make cookies and she just she's been asking for a little while but I didn't even know if we had the ingredients so she's like well let's see if we have the ingredients for cookies. So. I kind of stopped what I was doing and started making cookies with my daughter and I felt the same thing I felt like this shift happened into just a different facet of my life a different a different version of me kind of came into focus and this you know. The other stuff like the technology and and all of that just felt like it was it was just dripping off of me you know and so that just it just when you're talking about that using creativity using natural materials and nature. Um.
That's what that makes me think of that just that ah that shift that I've perceived lately with with those different focusing on different things.
Patricia Lindner
And that is so beautiful that you feel this shift and that you are so aware when you think about so many people that just go on and that um are driven by what they are doing. So There is no playfulness. There is no joy and they think they need to go on because they are defined by their past and I think it is so important to let go of the past and declatter this.
Patricia Lindner
This dusty attic of old stories so that we can really open up to so much more.
Um, yeah.
I love that and you know when you were talking about the tools that you help your clients with it also brought to mind you know you're talking about your your allowing. You know it's it's without purpose. It's without an agenda and then it's like by just making that space. You're there's an allowing that comes in and like 2 decades ago more than two decades ago I was a coder I was like a computer programmer for a pharmaceutical company and I distinctly remember this day like i. I was not I've always been like curious about spirituality but it was like very far in the background of you know I wasn't studying anything and um I hadn't like had an awakening or anything but I I had this problem with the code and I was working on it working on it working on it and i. I had to go to the bathroom and I needed a break but I was like okay I just figure out this last problem and then but my reward will be that I'll go take my break and it took me forever like I couldn't I was just blocked I could not see why this code wasn't working and finally.
Patricia Lindner
My bladder was going to burst I was like I have to so I didn't make my goal. You know how you do those like tiny my miniature micro goals where it's like once I do this. My little reward will be I'll go take a break. Um, but I got to the point where I had to take a break and I hadn't solved it Yet. So I got up and I started walking to the bathroom and all of a sudden in my mind's eye I Just saw the line of code and and I was like oh that and I knew like oh that's exactly where that is I couldn't see it when I was looking at the code on my computer. But as soon as I gave myself a break within a minute it it. It arrived it just like by giving myself that break and just focusing on something else for a moment. It gave that. Solution and opportunity to fall in to my conscious awareness and I was like oh I mean I found that so fascinating because I had no idea about consciousness or anything at that time. So It's and.
Patricia Lindner
Yeah, but isn't that that's magic and I think everyone is magic and we can create magic um by allowing this and by um.
Patricia Lindner
Just asking questions or getting out of this thinking mode being playful being creative being just being you or being us and not. Trying to find the answers I Guess we are not supposed to find the answers but we can ask questions like I said how could it become even Better. So Um I think there is so the exact process you said without knowing it.
Even 1
Patricia Lindner
It is like getting out of this routine and then stopping thinking about it and allowing information to come in without knowing it so being just being open being like a vessel.
Patricia Lindner
Um, where things pour in and I think the information is there but we can't get it with our rational thinking mind and we are not supposed to know the answer but we are supposed to ask questions.
Um, yeah.
Oh yes I Love that Well you are so much fun to talk to I I Just love this. How can people find out more about you patricia.
Patricia Lindner
Think. So people can easily find me on my website which is wwwwww.patricialindner.com and lintner is with two n which is a bit difficult for some people. Um, and there they can find out how to get in touch with me for a free human design reading for example which is just 15 minutes to to get into. Yeah all of this and walk away with quite some value. That is possible within 15 minutes and of course I'm on social media as well and I guess you are going to um, add all those links um to this show? yes.
In the show notes. Absolutely Yes, Yes, Well thank you so Much. This has been so much fun and um. Yeah I've really really enjoyed this and I I highly encourage everybody to check you out for sure. Thank you so much patricia.
Patricia Lindner
Thank you Kara for having me. It was such a wonderful deep conversation that I really enjoyed you. So.
Oh me too. Thank you so much.
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