352. Minerals: The Hidden Spark Plugs That Charge Your Mind and Body - Dr. Leland Stillman Pt 2

Leland pt 2

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Dr. Leland Stillman: Exploring the Mind and Minerals

I am excited to bring you part two of an enlightening discussion with Dr. Leland Stillman, an expert in functional and integrative medicine.

The Intriguing Connection Between the Mind and the Body

In our previous episode, Dr. Stillman and I discussed alternative health, coaching, meditation, and spirituality, emphasizing key watchouts and lessons learned. This episode takes us further into Dr. Stillman’s core expertise, unraveling the fascinating relationship between the mind, our memories, and minerals.

What Defines the Mind?

Dr. Stillman begins by attempting to define the mind, a concept that is complex and often elusive. He shares an intriguing story about a heart transplant patient whose personality dramatically changed post-surgery—suggesting that our memories and emotions might be stored throughout the body, not just in the brain. “Can we really say that our memories are confined to the brain when a heart transplant can alter someone’s preferences and behaviors so profoundly?” This question challenges traditional views and sets the stage for our deeper exploration.

The Role of Minerals

Minerals, often overlooked, play a crucial role in our health and mental well-being. Dr. Stillman refers to them as the "spark plugs of life," essential for our physical and mental functions. He shares examples illustrating how specific minerals like iron and copper influence our personalities and health outcomes. For instance, iron is associated with toughness and resilience but can also lead to brittleness and deteriorative health if unbalanced. On the other hand, copper enhances our thinking but can detach us from reality if not properly regulated.

Personal Insights and Experiences

To back his claims, Dr. Stillman shares a personal anecdote. He recounts the significant positive changes he experienced after adjusting his zinc intake based on hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA). This personalized approach to understanding mineral balance is central to Dr. Stillman’s practice and the results he achieves with his patients.

A Systemic Approach to Health

Dr. Stillman’s philosophy of medicine is holistic, viewing the body and mind as interconnected systems. He stresses that achieving optimal health involves balancing various factors, including minerals, lifestyle, and emotional well-being. This integrative approach, which combines aspects of traditional and alternative medicine, aims to address the root causes of health issues rather than just the symptoms.

Learn More with Dr. Stillman

For those interested in delving deeper into the world of minerals and their impact on health, Dr. Stillman offers a course called HTMA Secrets. Co-created with Clark Engelbert, this course provides comprehensive insights into the importance of mineral balance and how to achieve it.


- **HTMA Secrets Course**: Available at https://stillmanmd.com/

-  **Read Dr. Stillman's book**: Dying to Be Free https://amzn.to/4ewbZPl 

- **Free 10-Minute Meditation**: Find it on https://karagoodwin.simplero.com/page/243582

- **21-Day Online Meditation Program**: https://www.karagoodwin.com/meditation-course1

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