355. Is Reality a Holographic Illusion? - Viviane Chauvet

Viviane Chauvet

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Embracing Galactic Wisdom with Viviane Chauvet 

It’s not every day that you get to sit down with an interstellar emissary, human-Arcturian hybrid, and this episode of the Meditation Conversation podcast was a unique opportunity to do just that. This special episode was a livestream for the Conscious Awakening Network, featuring the truly extraordinary Viviane Chauvet. Viviane is not your everyday spiritual guide; she's an Arcturian ET being in human form. Her presence is a blend of ancient wisdom and advanced intergalactic knowledge, projected in a holographic form right here on Earth. With such a distinctive guest, this episode promises a deep dive into the realms of spiritual awakening and galactic consciousness. I highly recommend watching the episode and seeing how you feel in her presence. You just might notice a shift in your consciousness!

A Journey into Higher Dimensions

Recording live from Mount Shasta, Viviane shares the vibrant energy of her surroundings, explaining how being in earthly places impacts her traditional Arcturian light language. She carried us to cosmic heights with her stories and experiences. Whether it was her encounter at the Lemurian retreat or the Monshassa Summer Conference, Viviane made sure to ground every high-frequency conversation in practical reality. One of the standout moments for me was sharing a personal tale of encountering an eagle and experiencing an electronics failure while listening to one of Viviane's interviews. It's a striking example of the profound and unexpected ways these energies can manifest in our everyday lives.

A Healing Holographic Presence

Viviane’s bio clearly states she’s an Arcturian emissary and a conduit for enlightened civilizations. But what does that truly mean? Viviane explains that her presence not only embodies ancient Arcturian wisdom but also brings healing frequencies that can sometimes overwhelm our earthly electronics. Viviane shared that her husband constantly upgrades their home electronics to keep up with her energy! During her early education, she often felt out of place due to her high-frequency presence. Yet, she perceives her mission as a joyous journey, helping humans realize their own multidimensional nature.

Real-life Compassion: Lessons from Mount Shasta

In a touching segment, Viviane recounts her compassionate interaction with a homeless person behind Black Bear Diner. Demonstrating a beautiful blend of spiritual and physical nurturing, she supplied him not only with food but a new pair of socks, symbolically blessing his journey. She also shared how the words she communicated with this man were deliberate to work with him on an energetic level. This story encapsulates the essence of her mission: to recognize and uplift the inherent dignity within every individual, regardless of their current circumstances.

Experiencing the Holographic Reality

Viviane dives into the concept of holographic reality, simplifying a potentially mind-bending idea with ease. She explains that we are all, in essence, multidimensional beings. Our physical form, although dense and seemingly limiting, is but a small fractal of our true selves. Our interactions, even our bodies, are composed of intricate, holographic projections resonating at different levels of frequency. For those looking to deepen their spiritual journey, Viviane offered practical advice. She recommended tuning into our Earth Star Chakra to elevate our vibrational state, making it easier to align with and receive high-frequency energies from galactic sources. This shift can help alleviate the common issue of feeling heavy or dizzy after spiritual practices.

Becoming a Global Community

We also discussed the concept of Emissaries—light beings from various star systems who incarnate on Earth to assist in the planet's ascension. Viviane reveals that there are thousands of such emissaries, each contributing to the collective goal of raising Earth's vibration and bringing humanity back into harmony with its cosmic origins. To remain connected with the expanding collective, Viviane encourages joining communities focused on these spiritual practices. In fact, her Universal Arcturian Community is designed to offer guidance, activations, meditations, interviews, and monthly holographic group healing sessions. Viviane is also actively traveling to share her wisdom and healing energies. Upcoming events include a Contact at Sea Cruise to Alaska in September, a workshop in the Blue Mountains of Australia in late September, and a spiritual journey to Uluru in October. Additionally, she will be part of a Galactic Origins Cruise departing from Orlando, Florida, in December, leading a transformative journey to the ancient Mayan sites in Mexico, Belize, and Cozumel.

Connecting with Viviane Chauvet

To learn more about Viviane and join her on these extraordinary adventures, visit her website: https://www.infinitehealingfromthestars.com/

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