194 & 195 ET Encounters - Barbara Lamb

How have ET encounters assisted humans in their healing?
How can you connect with benevolent ET beings to receive their messages?
How can you begin to see auras?
This 2 part conversation with Barbara Lamb that was simply amazing. Barbara has been a pioneer in hypnotic regression with alien experiencers, with a career that spans decades in the field of UFOlogy. She is a crop circle researcher, past life regressionist, psychotherapist, author, and above all of these credentials she is just an amazing, warm soul with a big mission on this planet!
We dive into many fascinating topics in this episode, including:
- What are common ways that ET beings try to have as little disturbance as possible during visitations.
- Barbara shares intel that has been shared through the thousands of regressions she has done, and leads us through an example flow of what the regressions are like.
- Barbara’s personal experience of having an ET encounter, related to crop circles in England.
- What are some clues that tip people off that they may have had an unremembered ET encounter?
- The phenomenon of missing time or suddenly driving in the opposite direction as where you were headed.
- How can hypnotic regression help you to know why you are here on Earth in this life (you soul's purpose)?
- Tips for seeing auras.
Barbara’s books:
Crop Circles Revealed: https://smile.amazon.com/Crop-Circles-Revealed-Language-Symbols/dp/1891824325/ref=sr_1_5?crid=206I5QNMVWZ4S&keywords=barbara+lamb&qid=1660497831&sprefix=barbara+lamb%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-5
Hello and welcome to the meditation conversation.I'm your host Kara Goodwin. And today I am delighted and honored to be joined by Barbara Lamb. Barbara is a UFO researcher and she's worked with with thousands of experiences of et encounters as a psychotherapist hypnotherapist and regression therapist. She's also an author and has authored or co-authored books such as meet the hybrids alien experiences and crop circles revealed. So it really is such an honor.Thank you so much for being here Barbara.
I'm delighted to be with you. And very quickly I would like to add in that uh there's a fourth book and that's a book for children about children's extraterrestrial experiences. I think it's the only book in the world of its kind and it it's wonderful. It's full of illustrations and about different kinds of things that children whom I have worked with find in their extraterrestrial encounters.
We had about 21 different kinds of encounters and different kinds of beings all illustrated fully by an artist from descriptions from these children. So that book I like to have people know about because if if there's any idea that maybe of an adult's child is talking about being visited at night by unusual beings or you know giving lots of hints that these sorts of encounters are happening. And the adult usually doesn't know anything about this. So they tend to wave it off and say oh you have a wonderful imagination. That must be your imaginary friend. So anyway if the adult sits down with the child and they look at and read this book there's not much written text it's mostly captions under the pictures. We let the pictures tell the story tell about these different beings and different kinds of encounters. So if the adult is sharing that with the child that can really open up conversations between the adult and the child. Some children have had no experiences with this sort of thing at all. And that just starts a very interesting discussion between the child and the parent or grandparent or babysitter or whomever might be looking at the book with a child. And sometimes the children who have had et encounters the child will say oh look at that. That's the kind that used to come into my room at night or is still visiting them. That one comes in. And that one too. I know that somehow I know that one. So that really opens up the child's awareness and gets some validation for the child. I think that's extremely important. Because usually nobody believes the child. If the child chooses to speak about this and then it opens up a whole line of communication between the child and the adult.
That’s beautiful.
So anyway we we think it's it's a real service that there is this book. So the name of the book and it's available easily on Amazon, a hard cover version and a soft cover version and a Kindle version. So it's kind of a long title but it's kids adventures with ET friends in space. Kids adventures with et friends in space. So if anybody wanted to just sort of look it up um on Amazon you could just type in et friends.
So that's Super cool. Yeah. Thank you for leading us to that. I mean what a what a beautiful tool that can be because that's one of the things where you know and we'll talk about this with your work because it's so much of it is working with the subconscious because we can't we don't hold the memories in our conscious mind or we've been potentially tried to share it and it's been you know oh that must have been a dream. And so it's like oh okay. I guess it's not possible.
Anything but reality.
So it's taken probably all of us adults teenager children has taken us quite a while to get used to the fact that there is this sort of thing happening for many many people. Not for everybody for sure but but many people are having extra terrestrial encounters and have had extraterrestrial counters. So it seems to be a lifelong association shall we say between a person and the beings. And they take the person away for various experiences. And you know it's been so planned destined in the sense I don't mean that in a a negative way really but the beings have all of them it seems have made real attempts to have the person not disturbed by the beings coming and removing them for an hour or two which is typical of this sort of thing.
And so they they do whatever they can to have the person not be aware or anybody with the person not be aware. And it's so amazing to me the effects that they can render. So when they come to a person who's in close proximity even in the same bed as somebody else that other person is what we call switched off and basically are just made to they're perfectly okay. But they're just made to be out of conscious awareness. Again they're not harmed in any way but uh they they just have no conscious awareness of what's going on in the room. And so the person seems to be very deeply asleep and unable to be awakened. And then of course the person being visited very often is made to be totally not aware of it. But with many many people they have just a few moments of awareness that there were other beings in the room and aware that they cannot move and they cannot call out. But even if they could the person in the room with them or even in the bed with them would not respond because they're just so deeply out of conscious awareness during that time. And then when the person is returned again which might be an hour hour and a half or two hours that person usually is aware oh I'm back. I've been gone somewhere and I'm back in bed. And then the other person in the bed might kind of turn over or wake up. And I mean of course it's usually the middle of the night so they don't have much of a conversation.
So there are many children whom I have regressed or they've been adults when I've regressed them back to a childhood experience. And very often there's a brother or sister sleeping somewhere in the room maybe in another bed. That one is completely unaware that anything has happened but the one who experiences it might be aware for just several moments maybe at the longest a full minute. And so some people wake up and they have often a sense of presence in the room and then they'll open their eyes further and really look around and then they will see beings might be one or two or three beings. And then if they’re still conscious to some extent they're aware that they cannot move and that's kind of frightening for people. And it turns out to not be bad and there's a purpose for it but it can be frightening for a person. And then very typically they feel themselves rising up in the air. In other words they're being levitated floated up over the bed. And then if they're still consciously aware they'll be aware that then they're floated across the room and right through a wall or the ceiling or a closed window.
And how the beings can do that, I don't know. I don't know if anybody knows but but they have ways of doing this. So they too go through the wall or the ceiling or the windows and then the person might be aware still enough to realize that they're moving through the air. And so usually that's about as far as they get in their conscious awareness of these experiences but in regression when somebody wants to know what happened at age six or age 49 or whatever little clues that they remember that make them wonder. And when we do a regression to one of those experiences then every single detail of that experience from the very first moment of waking up and being aware of right through the entire experience all of that comes up.
So when I do a regression with a person I suggest to the person that he or she is back there in time at that experience that they had been wondering about they might have a few clues of that. Something mysterious happened that I wonder what that was. So we'll go back to that time as if they are there now as if they are the six year old child or the 49 year old adult or whatever. So it's like they're reliving it here and now rather than looking back on it. And I have found that that is very important because if you have the sense that you're reliving it moment by moment and you don't know what's ahead. You don't know what the next moments will be. It seems much more authentic and we get much more detail than if we're looking back and talking about something that happened in the past. So I always use that method and remind them you are there right now you are six years old or 49 years old or whatever age of the experience we've gone back to. So we go right through the first moment of awareness of something occurred.
And I feel that my function is to accompany them in a way. And very often I feel like I am there in that experience and it's happening now.
And Do they feel like you're there too? Do they ever make comments about that?
Yes. Yeah. Or they'll make comments later like oh thank goodness you were there with me. I really felt you there with me. And I'd say well I felt that too.
Which I was certainly feeling like I was there and depending of course on their description of everything, so my function largely is to guide them, to keep the experience going and primarily to ask questions of them like what's happening now or what do you see now. Is there anybody else in the room with you. Tell me what you're feeling, tell me what you're thinking. And so we get a lot of detail if the person finds himself on a like a cold hard table which often happens on what seems to be a round walled room with a curved wall. I have them describe the room that they find themselves in when they've been taken onto the ship. And they'll usually say oh it's very very light. It's very very bright. And I'd say well notice where the light is coming from. And they'll say well I don't see where it's coming from. It's just very very bright. And I'll say well what does the room seem like I mean does it seem a small room medium large room and they'll describe whatever they find themselves to be in. And I'll say what about the shape of the room. And they'll say well that's weird. I hadn't noticed that before but there are no corners no edge where the wall meets the ceiling. It just seems to be sort of curved. Every everything is curved. And then I'll say is there anybody in this room with you. And they'll say oh yes they're are two beings over to my the left side of me on the bed. And there were three on the right side. And I say oh okay well would you describe those I mean because at that point I don't know whether they're people or extraterrestrials or whatever. They always turn out to be extraterrestrials in these cases. But they'll describe them. There's usually a variety of beings around the table. Some of them seem to be more medically interested in them, will seem to be giving them a medical checkup sort of thing. Now the person might not like being sort of examined poked and prod as they say. But when they realize that it's oh yeah it's just it's kind of like my doctor back at home they see apparently they're checking my body and if the beings are doing something that the person is really wondering about with their body I'll say well you can ask them and they'll say really? And I'll say yes you can ask them out loud, What are you doing? Or you can ask in your mind and they will pick up your thoughts. Usually they ask in their minds and then they get an answer and I tell them okay ask in your mind and then just be receptive to whatever they might tell you. So they give a message back telepathically in the person's mind. And the person will repeat that to me. Like for instance the beings might say we are checking your body to see if there's anything going wrong or they might say oh well we've been checking your liver. And we detect that there's a problem with your liver. And therefore when you go home again we encourage you to go to your own human doctor and ask him to check your liver because we know there's a problem there. And apparently you have not discovered that yet.
Oh wow.
And the person who's experiencing this will usually consciously not remember the details of this experience after the first few moments of the being being in the room with them. However they will subconsciously remember to call their doctor and ask for a checkup. And they say you know I just sort of for the first time I'm aware aware of my liver they don't consciously remember that they were on the ship and the beings told them to have the doctor check their liver. But they're just inspired after they get back to call the doctor and ask to have their liver checked and sure enough in cases that I've worked with when that sort of thing has happened the person finds out indeed, Yes they do have a problem with whatever the liver or whatever the problem was that the extraterrestrials have picked up on. So that happens a lot.
And another thing that I think is even much more wonderful by far is that if the beings find something going wrong in the person's body when they're in one of these medical checkups on board that the UFO they will just go right ahead and heal it right then and there. So well gosh I've worked with oh at least 2000 people and some of them quite a number of times. So it's almost 5,000 regressions now.
Since 1991 that I've done with people who experience these things. So many of them have described different forms of healing. It usually involves some kind of light might be an overall light that is beaming down on them. As they're on a medical table it might be like a rod like almost like a long flashlight with healing light. One woman described it like a rolling pin rolling up over her torso a rolling pin of light. Where emitting light rolling up over her torso and healing her while it went. Once in a while they'll be healing from the hands of the beings as we do our Reiki healers and hands on healers do here on earth. Anyway there are many different methods of being healed by the beings on a ship. So there are some really drastic conditions that some people have been healed of. And even terminal cancer patients have been healed by the beings on the ship. So I think that's very impressive and then all kinds of other things.
Like I can imagine as you're guiding people in these these sessions that you get to that point where you understand oh okay, they’re helping me.
Yeah.S o are they are they scared when they, because you didn't start actually focusing on on ETs in your training. This sort of came about over time and now you've done a lot of them like you said almost 5,000 or around 5,000. And we are a humanity you know we are kind of evolving for those who are interested in learning about ETs. You know a lot of times it starts as a frightening thing. And then you do start to uncover more and more like actually there's a lot of assistance that we're getting. I can imagine as a person being regressed that you know it's not immediately like oh good.
They usually don't feel that it's more, you see a lot of people have had these experiences with the beings before they ever had heard that there was such a thing as these beings, that's very very typical. And so with children it's very interesting because they have very few words for this sort of thing that they'll wake up even as young as when they're in the crib. And then here and there once in a while through childhood. And so after, some children are more okay with waking up in the middle of the night and seeing unusual being there that whom they don't see anywhere else in their lives. They sometimes give them nicknames like oh my Wooki friend came or whatever you know some childhood name for them. And usually when a child is very young it will be a small being that comes to them even short enough to look through the rungs of the crib. The very young child will roll over and look toward the side of the crib and then see through the crib, Oh my little Wooki friend is is here. And sometimes those beings seem to come out of the closet, that happens a lot. And so we don't know why that is but some people have suggested that maybe the closet for some reason is a portal between space or between our dimension and other dimensions because sometimes, many times these beings seem to be other dimensional. And sometimes the beings are so other dimensional that they they seem to be almost a light form in a kind of a body shape but just a being emanating light. Sometimes they seem to be more physical. It's a lot of variety of beings from other dimensions even beyond the physical dimension.
That's interesting that you bring up the the closet because a friend of mine, my friend Lily, was just saying to me a couple weeks ago about closets and corners. And then you've you also talked about there aren't any corners when they're on the exam table and they realize oh wait actually there are no corners.
On the spaceship.
It's almost like a triple corner. And I had an experience once when that was the corner that I was taken through. And I had never heard of that until I had a regression on me by a colleague and realized that's the way I was taken out.
Was that when you were a child?
No no.It was in 1994 when I was fully adult. And I had actually asked for that experience.
Was this with the crop circles?
Well if you wanna share that story that's a remarkable one, I would love to hear that story.
Well 1991 was a really major year for me in my life. And that's when I began working with extraterrestrial experiences and had about four or five of them suddenly in that one year. I was really adjusting to that. And that was also the same year in the summer 1991 that I began going to England to research the crop circle phenomenon to be in as many as I could find and experience them which was wonderful. I did that for 27 years.
In 1994 having been to England for three years at that point or and knowing that I was going again that summer 1994 and probably would continue on and on after that, one of my experiencer clients who had many extraterrestrial experiences since she was a very little girl channeled an extra terrestrial being whom I got to be very conversant with because of many many times that she channeled this wonderful being. And the being knew that I was very interested in crop circles and would be going to England again. So in the winter of 1994 in one of these channeling sessions he said Barbara if you want to you can be taken for the making of a crop circle. We realize how very fascinated you are and dedicated to researching this and letting people know about it. I thought oh wow. My goodness. That’s a really interesting opportunity. But I don't know what that would involve you know and anyway I thought about it for several months.
And about six months later I was getting ready to go to England for visiting crop circles that summer. And the channeling happened again. And I said you know I've been thinking about it all this time. I've gotten through my fear. I just didn't know what to expect. And didn't know if I'd be returned to the right place I'd be staying in. And you know I just wasn't really ready to accept that. But now I feel like it would be okay, how do I help bring this about? And he said well good for you, you have to talk to them out loud. The beings you don't know who they are you won't picture any particular type but just talk as if you are addressing yourself to the ones the beings who actually make the crop circles which validated what I had felt all along was that they were coming from out there somehow from some intelligence. He said you just have to really convince them. You have to talk out loud keep it going for a while not just one little sentence and convince them that you really want to have that experience. And you would be honored if they would take you.
So when I was driving to Los Angeles airport at that time and I was on the freeway for about 45 minutes and was talking to the beings out loud not knowing whom I was talking to but I noticed that as I was talking to them and driving that I was getting more and more energized more and more enthused. And I was praising them for making these beautiful patterns and for the way that they were laying down the wheat or whatever the crop was and in such a perfect way these perfect designs and with special energy in them. And what a gift to the earth, a gift to humanity. And I found that I was going on and on and on way more than I had ever expected to say but it was all very positive and very honoring of them. And then every once in a while I would say so if you would take me for the making of a circle I would be extremely grateful and happy. I would honor that so much.
So anyway then I got to the airport and flew to England and forgot about it completely for about three or almost four weeks. And then suddenly the last night before the last day of going out and visiting crop circles I realized as I was getting into bed that oh my gosh I don't think anything like that has happened. So I asked again and then almost immediately within a minute I could see three short beings coming toward me from the area of the window. They looked like they were the same size the shame shape sort of bigger heads and little necks and little bodies. And they were coming toward me. And then the next thing I knew I was out of consciousness. I thought I had slept through the night and woke.
Did you consciously remember seeing those three or was that through the regression that you could remember that?
No, I consciously remembered seeing them.
Oh wow.
And nothing after that I got into the bed. As they approached the bed I I lifted my head from the pillow to get a better look at them. I could just see see them as silhouettes because there was some nightlight behind them coming in through the window no light in the room. And so when I lifted my head from the pillow they seemed to all three of them just sort of back up a bit. So I put my head back down on the pillow and my eyes pretending to be asleep <laugh> and then they they came, I could see, I just opened one eye a little tiny bit and could see that they were advancing toward me again. So I closed that eye. And then I didn't know anything till the alarm clock went off a few hours later in the morning.
I didn't know that that experience had actually happened. However the next morning I was with a big group of people who were part of a conference where I was a speaker about crop circles. We got in a big double Decker bus and we drove oh 45, 50 minutes to a place we were going to visit that day. I was up on the top deck because I always wanted to look around and while going along see if there were any new crop circles and when we got almost to our destination in the bus I could see that there was a field that we had been by the day day before. I recognized that particular field because it had two of the very tall megalithic stones standing in it and then a wall of brick houses beyond the end of the field.So I recognized that field and and there was a depression in the wheat that was growing there and I thought oh my gosh that might be a new crop circle.
As soon as the bus stopped I ran down, jumped off the bus and went to a friend who was following in a rented car and said guess what I think right back there about a half a mile there there was a new crop circle. She said well get in let's go in her rented car. And two other ladies happened to hear this and they said can we come? Can we come? So we left the whole group and found a way to get into the field on the tractor track. And as we walked along the tramway line into a beautiful fresh new vibrant with energy crop circle.
And it turned out, a long story short, that after I got home and had a colleague regress me to that night of seeing the beings coming toward me that that was the very crop circle that I had been taken for the making of. So that was just wonderful. There's a color picture that crop circle in my book crop circles revealed. So that was a really wonderful experience. And that allowed me to know because I had been learning all the time. I learned new things about these beings. So it's always fresh for me. So always new it's always something a little bit more than what I had realized before from other people's experiences and mine. So I realized that for one thing they are the ones who make at least some of the crop circles which I had thought <laugh> and that was a nice validation and that you know we can really communicate with them if we want to.So if anybody wants to hear from them or talk to them or be with them and many people ask me if I think that's possible. I say yes I do think it's possible because it happened to me. But I think for anybody who wants contact with them or wants to get messages from them without really having contact because there are a lot of people like that, I suggest that they talk to them without being able to necessarily picture who they're talking to or what they look like but talk and be sincere and really mean it. And I think that you have to convince them that you mean it and stay with it for a while because I would guess that they might not tune in while you're doing this.They might not tune in right away. Who knows? You might be half an hour into it and then they click in and they pick it up and they would respond to it.
Well thank you for sharing that about the crop circle experience because that is such a beautiful story on so many levels like what you're talking about where there was the exchange and your request was heard and answered. And then just the phenomenon. I mean crop circles are just so compelling and amazing. But at the end you're bringing up this that I didn't get to let you finish about the fear and the complete experience that that does start with, Okay, I’ve been abducted, or this realization.
Some people are curious, they have various clues that something peculiar like this, something unknown has been happening to them. For instance they'll notice that sometimes there's an unusual marking on their skin. It might be a perfect triangle and that perfect triangle might be looking like it's a series of little pin prick dots forming a perfect triangle and that could be anywhere on their body. It might be what looked like finger tip bruises or it might be a straight line of what looks like pinprick dots or the triangle might sometimes be a bruise like a perfect triangle particularly on the abdomen. And particularly with females. It could be a scoop shaped mark as if there'd been a little scoop shaped tool that took some flesh out of the person but didn't go through all seven layers of the skin to cause bleeding probably stopped just short of that last layer of skin. Or it might be a pure straight line white scar. I know two people who had that. It might be a circle of pinprick marks and then a perfect ring around that circle. So there are things like this and odd bruises here and there but particularly the ones that have a defined shape that we recognize when a person wakes up or is showering and notices that's inciting a lot of curiosity. Well where did this come from? How did I how did I get that? I couldn't have done that in my sleep. So there will be things like that will get people to wonder.
And then there's always the missing time experience that many many experiencers have. So they might be indoors doing something. They might be outdoors. They might be driving in a car and then suddenly it seems a little different. Like if they're driving a car, very frequently they will have a sense that or see that either in front of them up in the sky fairly close there's an unusual looking craft or light shining down at them or it might be they see that through their mirror or the side window. And then the car starts to sort of Peter out and they think oh you know the car is dying. So they'll pull off the road. Then usually that light had come from a craft and the craft has come closer or landed and beings will come. And even if the doors to the car are locked they'll just open the doors. We don't know how they do these things but they do them. And then they take the person out. If the person has a companion the companion is usually what we call switched off which means just they're not harmed in any way but they're just made to be unconsciously aware no conscious awareness at all. Just like how the companion in bed might be switched off. for the duration of the encounter. And the person in the experience will be just taken out of the car and taken onto the ship and the ship leaves.
It usually goes up in the sky where we don't see it and then all kinds of things can happen to the person on the ship. And then suddenly the person realizes they're back in the car again. And it's an hour and a half or two hours later. It turns out that the car is functioning perfectly. Again nothing's been ruined in the motor of the car so that's good.
But those kinds of experiences happen and often experiences will be in any kind of situation even with other people right around them really and suddenly have an hour and a half or two of missing time then or very often somebody will be driving along in a car, very often with their companion in the car and they'll suddenly be at their destination but it's a couple of hours later than they should have arrived. It's a classic missing time experience. And then I've known of a couple of people who were driving along a Southern California freeway going in one direction and then a missing time experience happened, and when they were put back in their car they noticed that the car was going in the opposite direction on <laugh> the freeway.That happened with two different people I know.
You would think you're losing your mind at that point but these are the triggers that people have that make them think like maybe I need a regression.
It can take years and it often does take years before the person will have tried to find out what what happened. It might be decades that a person will wonder about a peculiar experience they've had and then gradually maybe they hear about these kinds of things and put that together in their own. Maybe that's what happened back in 1953 you know <laugh> when I was on this highway going certain place. So they remember those detail because they were so peculiar. And when they come to me they say well I'd like to know what happened that night is back in 1953. I was on my way from Oregon to Idaho and suddenly my car and I were going in the opposite direction or we got to my destination much later, an hour or two later, than I had expected to. And nowadays it's interesting because so many people travel to new places by GPS or cell phones or their other device. And the GPS will tell them how long it's expected to take to get to that destination. So they have that kind of as a a proof shall we say. And then when they get there at a different time especially an hour or two later than the GPS had said and yet they hadn't run into a lot of traffic or an accident or anything. They put that together. They wonder what what could have happened in all that time. So it's really interesting to know that those kinds of missing time experiences, in other words visitations and removals by the beings, can happen.
Even when the person is right there in a group of people, that is fascinating. You wouldn't think that but it does many times. So for instance I worked with a woman who went back in the regression to a college experience. She was in her middle years when she came to me but she'd always wondered about that one particular night when she was in college. And she was in somebody's home in a party with other college students and they had beer and they were smoking cigarettes and they had music on. And during a regular college party and then what they had not realized was that a UFO had landed in the field across the street. And three beings had come in through the front door and taken this one female college student, my client, and switched everybody in the room off. And that meant that anybody who was picking up a glass of beer who was on their way was just frozen there suspended or anybody picking up a cigarette to smoke it or putting a cigarette out or reaching for something or getting up to dance with the music or whatever that right in mid act they were frozen. They were not harmed in any way. And then the college girl was taken for the experience for hour and a half or so. And then the beings brought her back, came in through the front door, seated her back where she had been on the sofa. And as they left everyone kind of came to so the beer glass continued to go up <laugh> to be consumed. The cigarette had already burned out, was just a little stub in the person's hand and so forth. And the person who was on their way to getting up to dance continued to get up. Music had stopped by then. And they they all realized it was much later.
Same thing happened in a big insurance company in New York city with one of those big huge open offices with different people working in different cubicles. One afternoon the elevator doors opened and three beings came into this office room. They took one woman who was working there switched off everybody else in that big room full of cubicles and people.And then after a period of time the woman was brought back to her cubicle put right back in her chair by her desk. And everybody sort of came to and then people were gradually saying how did the afternoon go so fast, or I would've thought it was about three o'clock but it my watch says it's five o’clock, or where did the time fly, My goodness.
Was it the missing time Was that the trigger for them?
I don't remember exactly. This was a few years ago but definitely something, it could have been the missing time or it could have been that she had some new markings on her body or something that definitely brought her attention to it that she'd wondered about for several years.
And then another client was one afternoon on the beach at a beach party with a group of 10 or 12 people.They all had their beach chairs and blankets set out and everything. And then she was inspired to get up and walk away from the people she was with and walked down to the far end of the beach. She didn't know why. I mean she was very happy. They were talking to the people and drinking cold drinks and having a good old time. But she got up and she just felt compelled to walk down toward the other end of the beach. And when she was at quite a distance from her people who stayed where they were she was taken and had a whole experience and was brought back later to the end of the beach and then walked back to rejoin her people wondering why she had left the group. She was really having fun, why she had left the group to walk down to the other end of the beach and didn’t realize what had happened.
So these beings really have from our point of view miraculous abilities. Take people and bring them back and and not harm them. Now I wanna say that as mysterious and often frightening as this is to many people many of them do find in the regression that it turns out to be a very hopeful and useful experience. And they're sometimes very grateful to the beings. So that's wonderful for those people and more and more people are coming with a sense that they are having very loving positive experiences and they have a very strong sense that they're connected somehow with some very loving beings, unconditionally loving beings. And they welcome their contacts with those beings and they wanna know more about them and they wanna know more of what that relationship is and why they are in contact with them. So they have experiences which we could think of as abductions but they they don't even wanna use that word for these experiences. They might say visits. They might say encounters. They might say meetings with my special beings. Often it seems like those experiences with these loving beings are to sort of positively affect them and very often help them to carry out their mission here on earth. So very often these people feel like there's a special connection between them and their beings. Frequently. These people call them star beings. My star beings, which is a much nicer word than aliens. They don't think of them being aliens. They think of them as being really really special beings. My star beings of a wonderful dimension and coming from a very loving realm and they want these experiences and they want to know about experiences with them that they've already had.
So it seems to be that more and more people are waking up to the fact that they have these kinds of experiences. And very frequently those people I'm talking about receive messages in their lives from the beings. Particularly if they're meditators, they sit down and relax and meditate frequently when they're in the meditation they'll receive, sometimes they call it a download. It's not necessarily a back and forth conversation. They they actually are receiving very helpful positive messages from those beings. And more and more people are coming to me to with a sense that they're here on a mission. They're not quite sure what that mission is. It might be teaching, it might be physical healing. It might be channeling of the beings. It could be any number of things and they might already be doing some of that but they want clarity and validation for experience that they're having with the beings. And what that mission is that they have agreed with those very fine beings to be doing here on earth. So many people who are finding me these years and these days are people who really wanna know more about that. It's astonishing to me that in this last year or two I've had so many people when they email me I have not been aware of them but they find me online or they call me or they text me. And they say I've been guided to you.<laugh> to find out more about why I am really here in this life. And we go into that in their regression and very often what I tell them will be their higher self, their higher knowing, their soul knowing. And it involves the other being. So very often in those regressions it's not that we're focusing on what happened but we're focusing on the communications with those higher beings. And it's very meaningful for the person. And sometimes they realize in those sessions that they're actually already doing their mission whether it's physical healing or teaching or disseminating information about the beings or whatever their particular mission is, they get validation from these regressions and being in touch with their star beings that yes this is what they're supposed to be doing. Keep on doing it do it more. That's why they're on earth. So that's that's very reassuring and very helpful for people.
And then there are people who come who do not have a sense that they have anything to do with star beings or any kind of beings. And they just simply wonder why they chose to come into this life and what are they supposed to be doing. Now these people are usually at least in their fifties maybe sixties, seventies, even eighties in a few cases. And it's time to get on with whatever they came to do. And they don't know what that is. So we'll do a regression to that to go back to their soul knowing. There's sort of a reenactment of their being a soul with other souls to guide them and deciding to come into this incarnation. And that's very interesting because they can see why they chose that particular family and that race to be part of and that culture and that part of the world. And then the main point. So that's all very very interesting to them. And primarily they value finding out the main reason why they came into this life.
So it was explained to me years ago the a very wise non-terrestrial being that when we come into a lifetime it's almost like signing up to go to college or university and that there will be a main subject that we will be majoring in. And then there will be all these elective subjects. So that's true if we go on to higher education, it's the same way in life that our soul with the help of other souls discussing these things decide to come in and have a major thing that we're coming in for.And then we have these elective things like we might be learning about communication or learning how to have a good relationship with an animal or a pet or how to make money, how to experience success without developing a lot of ego, or any number of things that that we find ourselves involved with, or it might be include being with a particular person who we have been with in previous lifetimes but in a different role in this lifetime. And that has reasons for it too. It's very very helpful to see these things. Like I need to learn forgiveness. And so I will be with this particular person and something will go very very wrong and I will be very hurt. And then I will have the opportunity to learn to forgive that person. So it it can be very helpful to get that whole perspective. And I find that more and more people are coming for those reasons. And I think they're just really wonderful.
By the way I just wanna say that as we're talking I'm seeing your aura around your head and shoulders and is so bright. It is this beautiful light blue and sometimes takes on sort of a light greenish tent and it's is moving. The aura moves all the time. It's more thick over here and then more pronounced over there and then there'll be a bloop over here and then the evens out. And it's just very very active.
How Fun is that <laugh> yeah.
I hadn't been aware of seeing it but as I was just talking with you I just thought, wow I've gotta comment on this! I mean it is so, so bright, so beautiful. So dazzling right now.
Oh wow, thank you so much.
It helps it helps me when there's a light wall plane wall behind a person, that helps to see them.
So many people if I've commented about their aura they say, oh teach me how to see an aura. It's very easy I think. I learned just by chance, years ago. It will start in my experience with kind of a thin layer of fairly white light. And then it will develop bigger and into colors with the same person. It might be quite a different color as we go on or from time to time, different situations. It’s dynamic.
You're doing well!
<laugh> what a fun surprise!
Beautiful, beautiful appearance too. But you have this beautiful aura. Oh Wow. Right after I said that it got very, very white. In that blue Blue with little slightly yellow edges to it. They're not really edges but the outermost part.
Wow. Thank you.That's amazing.
Oh you're welcome. It's been very interesting, working with couples, I was licensed in 1973 as a psychotherapist and have done many years of of psychotherapy work. And some of that work has been with couples. So I would be sitting opposite, usually the couples would be sitting on my sofa against a a plain sort of very light beige wall. And I would be sitting in a chair opposite them. So it was a perfect setup. And I hadn't planned it that way but it just turned out to be that way. And after a while working with couples I noticed that I was seeing there were auras. Usually if the couple was having a lot of difficulties, which they probably would or they wouldn't have come to me for counseling, one person's aura would be a certain color. And the other person in the couple would be a very different color. So like her’s might move over a little bit closer to his, and his might even retreat out the other side of his head and then it would kind of go back and forth. And the colors of the auras would mingle. They don't necessarily physically move closer but the auras did depending on what they were talking about to each other. That was very interesting.
So there was one couple who came and the young woman, her aura was bright white, just gorgeous. And the husband’s aura was darkish brown gray, the only person I've ever seen a brown grayish aura. As her white aura would move over to his, his brown aura would really move away. Like he didn't really, really want contact with her even in the energy field.
And that would withdraw again. And after moments like that hers would sort of dim down a bit. And then as I was talking further with her it would amplify it and brighten and his would get more brown. Well I I guessed from that that as well as other things that they were saying, that I don't think this couple is really going to stay together for life <laugh>. And they didn’t. And in my opinion it was appropriate because they were on such different energy and consciousness levels.
Yeah. To your point there must have been something there between them that they had for each other for that time that they were together and got married.
I mean there definitely was something. And I think this was many years ago actually that I worked with them but kind of in hindsight I I would guess that her getting together with him had a lot of empathy in it that she hoped that she could sort of lighten and brighten him up and he probably was very drawn to her because she was this being with so much more light and he he wanted that, he needed that, and probably she made him feel better when they were together than when he was by himself. The combination I think was just not going to be one that would last for a lifetime. So that was too bad.
I'm starting to have some experiences like that too. That's not been my strong suit where I can see energy or anything but it's starting to open up more and more. That soft gaze like what you talk about is so imperative. And it also makes me realize, like I've been having these flashes of memories but they're more knowings, they're not even so much memories but like, oh this is how it is as a child. And we sharpen our vision as we get older because if you think about it like you go to the eye doctor and it's like can you see this letter from a distance. And It's like, we're looking for that sharp focus. Well when you're looking with the soft gaze and you're looking at a more complete, you know if you're looking at a tree and you're looking at the tree beyond the definition of the physical tree, you're looking at it with the soft gaze but it's kind of blurry. Because you're not looking at it sharply. And I feel like this is something that I don't remember seeing auras but I just sort of like feel like it was an indoctrination of like, oh this is how you look with physical eyes. This is how you see things, like you sharpen it, you look for the edges and you notice where things end and start and things like that.
Yeah. And I think we're almost taught that as well.
Look at the letters on the Blackboard. Look at the numbers. And that's a very fine, defined, fine-tuned kind of looking.
So One time years ago I was in an a lovely outdoor place on sort of a slope. There were big trees in the distance and and some gently rolling hills over there in the distance. And I was just very relaxed and talking with my friend and and just noticed that I was seeing all these auras of the the trees as I was looking up and that the hills had a beautiful aura over them. And I asked my friend do you see that and he didn’t. But wow. I mean that I can remember that whole afternoon. I was just dazzled by these nature forms and the earth itself just glowing with his aura of energy. It was really nice. If I had tried to see it I probably wouldn't have but I was just very relaxed and talking and having that soft gaze. It was there it was all the time anyway but I just hadn't seen it.
Yes. I feel that way. Like when I look at the sky if I give myself just time just like you're saying in a relaxed state with a soft gaze and you just start to see these like pin pricks of sparkly, like, they’re just very fast you know it's like sparkle-sparkle-sparkle-sparkle-sparkle and just as soon as you can even see it it's gone.
And it's like they're everywhere and they're always there but I just don't always see them. It’s like if I could if I just can like bring my my focus in at the right level then there they are. And it's not like, oh they've arrived. It's like, oh I'm here now.<laugh> <laugh> it's like I arrived.
<laugh> right.When I was a child and my parents used to take me snow skiing up in Canada. And those were the days when we did not have chairlifts but we had a J bar just come down you'd sit on the part of the J bar. So I'd ride up by myself and ride up the mountain. And of course there was snow completely on the ground. And I would notice it was a very relaxed time riding up this ski lift between skiing down. And I noticed very often, this went on for years actually, when skiing, that between me and the snow down there on the ground which was sort of an uphill, that the air was filled with these little, it seemed like transparent circles. Because of the snow I could see it very clearly like all that plain white. And they were always moving around sort of dancing around very, very pretty. And I don't know what those were but it it happened for years going to that ski place and going up the the lift and I figured that if I can see it here it probably means they're everywhere. I don't know if it's energy or what it is but it was always lovely. And again year after year I did that for six years. So I figured you know this must be part of the way it is part of reality if these are here every every year and every ride up the the hill.
I love that. Wow.
I remember when I was very young probably age four or so standing in our dining room and touching the hard window sill and touching the very hard dining table and saying to my mother what else is there, I know there's something more than all this. I don't blame her but she had no idea what I was talking about. I was really talking about reality and other dimensions but I didn't know it. I just knew there was something so much more than the physical world.
And you remember that or she would tell you that later?
I didn't really I think at the time expect an answer, but it certainly was evident to me that I was wondering about reality. And is there something other than this. They were so physical, so dense. I just knew that there was a lot more beyond that but I just didn't know what it was or even how to ask about it.
I think I did sort of wonder where we came from before here. That's a little bit of a sense of it but then again there wasn't anybody to talk to about that.
I remember that too. I remember thinking like where was I before here. And then also time, I thought for so long and I would get stuck. Like what was before time. What was before time. And it was like well God. And I knew God was before time.But it was like but what was before God? Like how did God get there? And I would just like go around and around and around and I just couldn't solve it. I couldn't solve it.<laugh> I'm still working on that.
But I remember sort of wondering, sensing that. I I didn't even think in terms of dimensions but I just knew there was something else. And oh gosh I wasn't too well into my adult life decades into my adult life that I began to really think about and hear about other dimensions of reality and other dimensional beings. I really welcomed that kind of like, ah I knew it. But this very deep recognition and gratefulness that this was being talked about.
Well I feel like in your work, I mean you've been a pioneer in this space of Ufology and experiences and you've been that for so many people, where it's like oh my God, somebody's talking about it. Somebody's revealing it. Somebody's helping us to form this picture where we had all these missing pieces. Like I had like one piece of the puzzle and now oh my God I found Barbara Lamb and she's helping me to put these other pieces so that I can make sense of what's happened. So yes it's really it's fun to hear you talk about how it's like oh my God. Yes! Multi dimensionality! But then it's like yes, how many people have you done that for. It's like countless, because they're your clients but then also through your books and your appearances and conferences and so forth. It's imperative what you've been doing.
Well I would like to say that back in 1983 before I even knew there was such a thing as regression, I was very inspired to go to a workshop run by a woman named Helen Womba. She had us lying on mats on the floor and she would lead us into one previous lifetime. It could be any time period that we chose to find out if we'd had a past life in that time period. And like she would mention a bunch of time periods. There’s the early 20th century. There's the 18 hundreds, 19 hundreds, 1,716 hundreds, 1000 back before Christ, 2000 years before Christ, 3000 year you know so on. And then she'd say just take whichever one you seem to resonate with as I say that and that's the one that you will go to in a regression So she would do the relaxation part the induction and then she'd say okay be in that time period and just notice whatever you notice. And we had pads of paper and a pen right next to us. And she said remember the details. Remember the weather, the climate, the place in the world it seemed to be, whether you were male, whether you were female, more or less what you were doing, what was your home, like if you had a home what was the furniture like. What would the utensils be like. What was the cooking apparatus you had. So you kept asking all these detailed questions and if she would ask them we individually without saying anything out loud without reporting what we were seeing we just kept seeing more and more details and then she'd say go to the most important thing that happened in that lifetime. And boom there would be this scenario that would come up. So she did that with six different lifetimes which was extremely interesting.
Then she said those of you who would like to could do a regression to go back to your soul and your souls deciding to come into this lifetime. So I went back to being a soul considering coming into this lifetime which was a very interesting process of why I chose the race to be female to grow up in the New York city area to grow up with those particular parents and that particular brother and on and on. And what was the point of choosing them to be with and all of it. I mean I got immediate answers to everything. And then she said which was very meaningful. I I still often think of that from 1983. That is so meaningful to me .And um then she said now let yourself see the main reason why you're going to enter that lifetime. And immediately I I knew oh it's to show people how it really is. And by that I meant that there's this huge realm of that now. And then choose to come into lifetimes for particular reasons is like this vast vast realm full millions of souls who would at various times choose to be incarnated. And not only that but behind me I sense there's an even larger realm of souls who were beings who were not human beings but they were in this spirit realm and I couldn't see them. And at that time I did not know about extraterrestrials. So I had no no frame of reference words for it. But there's these other beings that are just as real as the souls who are going to be incarnated at various times. And that's what I'm coming into this lifetime to share was hope. That was 1983 little did I know that I would even be doing regression work which I've done ever since 1984 <laugh> <laugh> training in past life regression therapy. It turns out that for many years now I have been very very involved in that. I still do pass life regressions. Mostly nowadays I'm doing the extraterrestrial regressions or connecting people with their star families. And they want that experience. So it's very wonderful. It's been quite a journey. I consider myself just amazingly blessed to do this.
A very blessed life.
Well thank you.
And you're so welcome. It's been an enormous pleasure for me. I feel privileged. I feel privileged. I always did. As a therapist I felt very privileged that these people would somehow find me and and come to me. And then especially I I feel privileged when somebody comes to me for these explorations. Different beings in different dimensions and the different experiences that they've had.
And I think that part of my openness has been the serendipity of having several out of body experiences myself before that like in the one in 1969 and then several around the end of the 1970s and early eighties. They very spontaneously would happen when I certainly wasn't thinking of doing that sort of thing but always when I was very very relaxed. And I'd suddenly feel myself leaving my body. Sometimes I'd be aware of where I went. Sometimes I wouldn’t. I just know I was not there for a while. And always feel myself reentering my body. And so I think that those kinds of experiences were were very fortuitous because it meant that I was realizing that you know from those experiences that we are much more than our physical bodies. And that wasn't just an idea I had heard. It was a reality that I continue to experience from time to time. That this is true.We are not always here in the physical body. We are much more and that when we're out there we're very very conscious.
And so one of the gifts that there have been many difficulties with that but many gifts too. One of the gifts is that I I realize that the real me is not this body that's hurting a lot, that I am something else. And I'm in this body this physical body that hurts every time I take a step. It’s getting a little bit better as time goes on but still it's there. And so that's been a a a wonderful reminder because I knew that before that I am not my body. I'm just in a body and that's true for all of us. And I am an ongoing continuing consciousness who chose to be in this particular body in this lifetime.
And that I'm hopefully learning lessons. And to this whole life which I'm not eager to leave by any means because I really like and appreciate this life. But I know what will be happening and there'll be many other chapters elsewhere Right After that.
As many people say, people who've had the near death experiences, they often say reporting on that afterwards.They say oh I felt like I was really home. Other dimension, that other realm.
Yes. Well Barbara I don't know where our time went.<laugh> maybe we had some lost time. But it flew It did fly. It flew. It has just been a wonderful wonderful honor to have you. And I've had a blast. This has been so much fun. And we talked about like this much of what I had on my on my list. So you are welcome to come back anytime, the door is wide open for you, it would be such a joy.
Oh I would love that. Wonderful.
Thank you so much for your time, I truly truly have loved every second of this. Thank you so much.
Thank you. You are a very bright light. Beautiful Light. Still bright as ever.
Bless you.Thank you.
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