333. Achieving Inner Peace In Times Of Outer Chaos: A Framework From A Modern Mystic - Michael Massey

Michael Massey

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I was so happy to welcome back a dear friend of the show in episode 333, Michael Massey. Michael has been our resident modern mystic, consistently sharing wisdom that resonates deeply with listeners. In this episode, we discuss the remarkable surge in human consciousness that's unfolding before our eyes.

Humanity's Accelerated Awakening

Michael describes this accelerating shift in consciousness as something truly extraordinary. According to him, there are certain aspects of our human experience that used to take considerable time to manifest—what once took a year, now takes just a month. Similarly, what used to take a month can now happen in a week or even a day.

This rapid acceleration is palpable and exciting, shaping a new paradigm of existence. Michael shares that friends and acquaintances are having similar experiences, reporting intense spiritual dreams and apocalyptic-type visions, which he believes symbolize a collective transition into a new era.

The Wonders of Synchronicity

Michael eloquently ties these shifts to the principle of synchronicity, explaining that while personal effort is always essential, aligning with the universe can amplify our manifestations significantly. When we align with our true selves, the Universe seems to roll out the red carpet for us, making things happen with remarkable speed and ease. I, too, have noticed this quickening in my own life. For example, during our recording I was leading a course on sacred geometry, and the experiences participants were having to the geometries were overwhelmingly swift. They were reporting vivid experiences and breakthroughs within days, something that traditionally took much longer to achieve.

YT - Michael Massey

The Evolution Out of Duality

One of the most profound insights Michael shares is the transition from duality to a Trinity-based operating system. This new way of being encourages viewing the world through non-dualistic lenses, fostering a sense of oneness and interconnectedness that has been elusive for many. This operating system has been slowly integrating since 2022, fully embedding itself by 2023, and is now thriving in 2024. It's a substantial upgrade from the previous dualistic framework, leading to a more harmonious and enlightened way of living.

Dreams and the Death Portal

Our discussion also steered towards dreams, another area where notable changes are happening. Michael mentions that his dreams have become more vivid, with clearer backgrounds as if shifting from portrait mode to landscape. This enhanced dreamscape quality signals deeper spiritual developments and heightened awareness. We also talked about the concept of the death portal. While it may sound daunting, Michael clarifies that it's not about physical death but rather an ego death—a profound transformation where we transcend our old self-limiting identities. It's about recognizing the observer within, allowing the ego to dissolve and our true selves to emerge.

Planting Seeds for the Future

As our conversation unfolds, it becomes clear that these seeds of consciousness we are planting today will soon bloom in extraordinary ways. We are on the brink of a collective awakening, where humanity is poised to transition into a new, enlightened era. This will be a time marked by enhanced senses, deeper connections, and a renewed joy for life.

Michael's Upcoming Projects

Michael shares an exciting update about his new project. Over the last 12 years, he has compiled his experiences and insights into a framework for achieving true peace of mind. This journey will soon be shared in book form, offering valuable tools for navigating the complexities of human consciousness. His work aims to help individuals find peace and contribute their unique energy to the collective awakening.

Experience the Magic

In closing, Michael leaves us with a powerful reminder: the veils between the realms are thinning, and magic is all around us. Stay alert and be aware of the wondrous transformations happening within and around you.


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